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Articol recent din Washington Post, despre pericolul agresivitatii la unii conducatori auto din USA, cu automobile `personalizate`, etichete, embleme cu lozinci,etc,....* *un studiu realizat de cercetattori de la Univ. Colorado, are 2 pagini ( colt dreapta jos `next`),* * Puteti citi in adresa de mai jos; * http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/06/15/AR2008061501963.html?hpid=topnews Fwd: Conduite du bilan neuropsychologique chez l'enfant http://srv-img.masson.fr/mb/200806/mazeau/index.html Carti noi Fwd: Psychopathologie du sujet âgé http://srv-img.masson.fr/mb/200806/ferrey/index.html util Fwd: prezentare stres -!Download!!! ASC :Ramos-Estebaneza C et al. - Vascular cognitive impairment remains an underdiagnosed, yet treatable entity. A brief neuropsychological examination and informant interviews should become standard practice in elderly populations with vascular risk factors. Small-vessel disease is a prevalent condition with a distinct natural history. lucruri confirmate de practica curenta Conclusions This descriptive study of treatment patterns for acute bipolar illness in elderly adults demonstrates primary treatment with mood stabilizers and antipsychotic agents, followed by moderate use of concomitant antidepressants. Valproate is the preferred pharmacologic option, followed closely by lithium. Combination therapy, rather than monotherapy, is the most common modality, though combination choices may vary considerably. We did not find results of treatment selection for older adults to be significantly different from that of younger adults. Nor did we find that use of antipsychotics in elderly bipolar subjects appeared to be at a lesser rate than for younger patients, despite black box warnings for use in elderly, demented patients. Finally, we found treatment response rates similar to that expected in younger adults, but that treatment to remission may take a year or more. These results can be used to understand the current clinical standard of care in older adults, as well as guide future research in quality improvement and prescription guidelines.

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