
We can learn from our leaders of the past. Thomas Edison's great optimism
gives us a quintessential example of welcoming disaster. On a December night
in 1914, fire broke out in the film room of Thomas Edison's laboratory. As
his assets were going up in smoke, it would seem that this
sixty-seven-year-old man's spirit would certainly be crushed.

Instead he saw the fire and shouted to his son, "Where's Mom? Go get her!
Tell her to get her friends! They'll never see a fire like this again!"
Later, he said,

"You can always make capital out of disaster.
We've just cleared out a bunch of old rubbish.
We'll build bigger and better on the ruins."

Thomas Edison could not control the circumstances. Rather than being
heartbroken to see his life's work go up in flames, he chose to welcome the
opportunity to start over. Edison, known for his overwhelming optimism, is
an inspiration for us today.

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