Comunicare cu dificultati

Think that communication is only for communication departments? Think again. Everyone communicates. Whether you are a team leader, team member, educator, machine operator, supervisor, executive, customer service rep, or accountant, you need to communicate with other people to be successful in your job.

Think your communication is always bias-free? Think that you are equally respectful and effective with a "diverse" range of people – people who are similar to you and people who are different? These are tougher questions and the true answers may surprise you. Chances are very high your communication has some degree of bias in it. Occasionally, you may send messages that some people are valued and some are not. And, there's a good chance you sometimes exclude or stereotype people, even though you don't intend to.

Biased, stereotypical, or otherwise demeaning communication also undermines morale, teamwork, and productivity in your organization. It can drive customers away. It can cause a public relations fiasco. And, it could be interpreted as an indicator of a hostile workplace – exposing you to the nightmare of legal action. Even if you never have a lawsuit, bias and stereotyping certainly do not contribute to an environment where employees can do their best work.

The great news is that each of us can choose to communicate more effectively. We can identify our own biases, explore ways to reduce them, and work to communicate in more inclusive, bias-free ways

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