Mental Illness: Fact or Myth

This video of the classic debate between Dr. Albert Ellis and Dr. Thomas Szasz, "Mental Illness:  Fact or Myth?", is an excellent teaching aid.
Dr. Albert Ellis, who was one of the most influential psychotherapists of our time and the author of over 65 books, takes the position that mental illness is a FACT.
 Dr. Thomas Szasz, author of numerous provocative books regarding social policy and mental illness, defends the position put forth in his classic work, The Myth of Mental Illness, that mental illness is a MYTH.

Approximately 85 minutes in length, this entertaining and informative videotape is a great way to stimulate discussion in a mental health forum, or in psychology, sociology and social work courses at all levels.  Information and excerpts, as well as reviewer comments and ordering information, is available at .

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