21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time

Be Prepared To Be Inspired


One of the best ways for you to overcome procrastination and get more things done faster is to have everything you need at hand before you begin. When you are fully prepared, you are like a cocked gun or an archer with an arrow pulled back taut in the bow. You will be amazed at what you achieve in the months and years ahead. You just need one small mental push to get started on your highest value tasks.

This is like getting everything ready to prepare a complete meal. You set all the ingredients out on the counter in front of you and then begin putting the meal together, one step at a time.

Begin by clearing off your desk or workspace so that you have only one task in front of you. If necessary, put everything on the floor or on a table behind you. Gather all the information, reports, details, papers and work materials that you will require to complete the job. Have them at hand so you can reach them without getting up or moving much. Be sure that you have all the writing materials, computer disks, access codes, e-mail addresses and everything else you need to start working, and continue working until the job is done.

One of the great techniques for overcoming procrastination is for you to get everything that you need to work completely ready, in advance. When everything is laid out neatly and in sequence, you will feel much more like getting on with the job.

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