Economie britanica

In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."
                                          --The Beatles
Fa ce trebuie(Kant)
The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

                                          -Walter Bagehot






"It's not what happens to you in life that counts; it's how you take
it, and what you make of it."

                                          -- Denis Waitley


"An optimist is the human personification of spring."

                                           -- Susan J. Bissonette


"A character is a completely fashioned will."

                                              -- Novalis


"Take your job seriously, BUT don't take their complaints personally.
If you take it personally you'll get upset and lose your edge. If you
take it too personally, you'll lose your edge and your job. If you
take it seriously--it's you with them. If you take it personally, it's
you against them. What steps can you take to ensure keeping your

                                               -- Jeffrey Gitomer






It is better to be frightened now than killed hereafter."
                                        --Winston Churchill
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him
absolutely no good.

                                           -Samuel Johnson




When your life is good or on an uphill swing, the angels will be there
to share in your laughter and to maximize your success, too. They will
teach you how to enjoy the good times, just as they help you with the
difficult times.
                                          -Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold
Staying Afloat Amidst the Spin
Taking Things Personally

Every time you interact with others, you have the choice to listen to,
acknowledge, and let go of their words, or you can take what they are
saying personally. Taking things personally is often the result of
perceiving a person's actions or words as an affront or slight. In
order to take something personally, you must read negative intent in
an individual's words or actions. But what people do and say has no
bearing upon you and is usually based on their own experiences,
emotions, and perceptions. If you attempt to take what they do or say
personally, you may end up feeling hurt without reason.

If you are tempted to take a comment or action personally, creating
some distance between yourself and the other person can help you. Try
to determine what is at the root of your feelings. Ask yourself if the
other person's words or actions are just reinforcing some insecurity
within you or if you can really be sure that an offense was intended.
You may even want to ask them what they meant. Finally, put yourself
in the other person's shoes. Instead of taking their words as the
truth, or as a personal affront, remember that whatever was said or
done is based on their opinion and is more reflective of what is going
on inside of them, rather than having anything to do with you. You may
have been an easy target for someone having a bad day, and their
comments may have been offered with no ill intentions.

When you recognize that what anyone says or does doesn't necessarily
have anything to do with you, you will no longer feel hurt or
attacked. While it's easy to take things personally, you should never
let anyone's perceptions or actions affect how you see yourself or
your worth. Your life is personal to you, and it is up to you to
influence your own value and sense of well-being.






To find your shadow energy, you have to be dedicated to a journey of
descent. Think of this journey as going back to retrieve parts of your
life that have been abandoned because you felt so ashamed or guilty
about them. The anger that erupts from the shadow is attached to past
events that were never resolved. Now those events are over and gone,
but their emotional residue isn't.

Shame, guilt, and fear cannot be accessed by thinking. The shadow
isn't a region of thoughts and words. Even when you have a flash of
memory and recall such emotions, you are using a part of the higher
brain–the cortex–that cannot touch the shadow. The journey of descent
begins only when you find the doorway to the lower brain, where
experience is sorted out not according to reason but according to
intense feelings.

No matter how free you feel from shadow energies, they exist inside
you. If they didn't, you would be in a state of total freedom, joy,
and unboundedness. You would be in unity, the state of innocence
regained when the hidden energy of the shadow has been purified.

Shadow energies make themselves known whenever a controlled situation
turns unexpectedly anxious or causes unexpected anger or dread. If you
feel guilty or ashamed of yourself after you experience these, then
you have touched, however briefly, on the shadow.

An eruption of irrational feeling isn't he same as releasing them.
Venting is not purification. So don't mistake an outburst for
catharsis. When a shadow energy truly leaves, there is no resistance
anymore, and you see something you didn't see before.




"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground."
                                         - Theodore Roosevelt
 Materialism sau Dumnezeu?
The lens of materialism gives us the least accurate view of the world,
because through it we see consciousness as merely an accidental
by-product of brain chemistry, and the powers of the mind as a myth.
To equate the deepest reality with inert atoms colliding with each
other in the dead cold of outer space denies all that sustains life
and makes it worth living: Beauty, truth, art, love, morality,
community, discovery, curiosity, inner growth, and higher

What do all these qualities have in common? They depend on intuition.
There is no objective proof that love is beautiful, or that truth can
set you free. Rather, you must come to these realizations through your
own inner experience.

Is God a mere add-on to physical existence, or at the very root of
existence? This isn't an easy choice to make, because the evidence is
seriously out of balance. Most of us have extensive personal knowledge
of the material world, but scant personal knowledge of God. God has a
lot of proving to do. He must prove that he's present and dependable,
the same way a rock or a tree is. If we want to claim that God
sustains life, he must sustain it as viably as air, water, and food

To realize God is no small thing. It may take a lifetime–if you're lucky.






Lessons of Discovery
Instruction Manuals for Living

Depending on what stage we are in our lives, we can sometimes feel
like we ought to know more about who we are or how to live. We may
even berate ourselves for making the same mistakes, or for just not
"getting it," whatever "it" may be. We wonder how our lives would be
now, if only we had "known better." During moments like these, it is
important to remember that none of us are born with instruction
manuals and that learning lessons is a lifelong journey.

Inherent to our being born is that we are here to observe, learn, and
grow. Accompanying this is a built-in guarantee that there will be
mistakes and misadventures along the way. And while it is only natural
that we may sometimes become overwhelmed, especially when the lessons
keep coming, it is important to remember that learning to understand
yourself and your world is an ongoing and active process where the
journey is more important than the destination. Every lesson is
intended so you can become more of who you are. And as you grow
through this self-discovery, you begin to create your own instruction
manual. The "how's" and "why's" are yours to discover, and part of the
beauty of being alive is that these rules are always changing.

If you feel that you would like to explore what your personal
instruction manual may already say, then try writing down in order
some of the significant events that have happened to you. It's also
important to take note of what you learned from each one. When you are
done, you may be surprised to discover how much you are always
growing, and that every lesson learned always informs the next. That
being said, there is never any need to be hard on yourself or think
that you should have it all figured out. We always know as much as
we're meant to know at that moment, and growing into our fullness is a
process that unfolds in divine timing. You and your life are beautiful
works in progress. Discover yourself and embrace your life's lessons,
and your instruction manual will create itself.



Maturitate si responsabilitate


"Adulthood is defined by the willingness to accept full responsibility
for where you are at in life; no longer blaming others or

                                              -- Joe Westbrook


"If you're proactive, you don't have to wait for circumstances or
other people to create perspective expanding experiences. You can
consciously create your own."

                                               -- Stephen R. Covey


"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living; the world owes
you nothing; it was here first."

                                                -- Mark Twain


"99% of the failures come from people who have the habit of making

                                                 -- George Washington Carver





Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."
                                                    --Robert Louis Stevenson
Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.
                                                    -- William Plomer
Retour a la nature(Rousseau)
In the Open Air
Spending Time in Nature

In this modern age, we spend so much time indoors, focused on the
busyness of our lives and disconnected from the earth. But much of
what we truly need can only be found under the naked sky, alongside
tall trees, on open plains, or in the sound of running water. Spending
time in nature allows us to commune with other living beings and to
find comfort in the nurturing embrace of Mother Earth. You can't help
but experience a different sense of self while walking in a wood or
traversing a mountainside. Being in nature connects us to the earth,
grounding us as we walk, unhindered by concrete, upon her. Surrounded
by other living beings, both bigger and smaller than we are, we
remember that human beings are simply one form of life in this vast

Because we instinctively know that nature is good for us on many
levels, it's not unusual to feel powerfully drawn to it. Even if you
live in a city or find it difficult to travel to a forest or the
countryside, there are a myriad ways to reconnect with nature. When
you step out of your door each morning, pause for a minute and close
your eyes long enough to let your senses absorb your surroundings.
Listen and breathe deeply, until you hear the wind rustling through
branches, smell rain on damp grass, and see the reflection of leaves
brushing up against windowpanes. If you have time, crouch down and
closely examine any nearby grass and soil. The sights, sounds, smells,
and sensations we experience that are part of nature can remind us of
all the gifts Mother Earth grants us each day.

Spending time connecting with nature nourishes the soul, reminds you
that you are never truly alone, and renews you by attuning you to the
earth's natural rhythms. Taking a walk under the stars or feeling the
wind on your face may be all it takes for you to reconnect with
nature. Remember, you are as much a part of nature as are the leaves
on a tree or water bubbling in a brook.




Datorie genetica?

A karmic debt is, basically, any cause that hasn't yet found its effect.

According to the rishis, punishment in the afterlife is the result of
unpaid karmic debts. If I commit a crime and don't pay for it here on
Earth, I will pay by suffering later. Hell is the condition of karmic
suffering. It is worth remembering that hellish experiences don't
depend upon dying. People have seen Satan in dreams, visions,
imagination, and even in the flesh. Our minds put us in hell, and they
can take us out again.

Whether suffering is created here on earth through physical pain or in
the afterlife through psychological torment, the causes remain the
same, since they can be tracked back to the working of Karma.

By saying that bad karma will one day catch up with wrongdoers, are we
guilty of wish fulfillment? Skeptics would certainly say yes, because
if a karmic debt is paid outside the material world, it isn't being
paid at all.

The matter can't be easily settled, but in spiritual terms we can
observe the difference between someone who is mature–and by
implication has paid off some debts–and someone who is immature,
loaded down with unpaid debts. The spiritually mature person pursues a
meaningful life through self-worth, love, truth, appreciation and
gratitude, reverence, and non-violence.




"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."

                                                -Steve Bartkowsk




Nu te infumura

Always hold your head up, but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level.

                                                    -Max L. Forman




Reactia la proectie

Reversed Perceptions
Being Projected Upon

We all have issues, as well as undesirable qualities or traits that we
don't like about ourselves. Most of us realize that we are not perfect
and that it is natural to have unpleasant thoughts, motivations,
desires, or feelings. However, when a person does not acknowledge
these, they may ascribe those characteristics to someone else, deeming
other people instead as angry, jealous, or insecure. In psychological
terms, such blaming and fault finding is called projection.

When we are the target of projections, it can be confusing and
frustrating, not to mention maddening, particularly when we know that
we are not the cause of another person's distress. Even people who are
well aware of their issues may find that sensitive subjects can bring
up unexpected projections. They may feel insecure about a lack of
funds and thus view a friend as extravagant. Or, if they really want
to get in shape, they may preach the benefits of exercise to anyone
and everyone.

While we can try to avoid people we know who engage in projecting
their "stuff" onto others, we can't always steer clear of such
encounters. We can, however, deflect some projections through
mindfulness and meditation. A useful visualization tool is to imagine
wrapping ourselves in a protective light everyday. At other times, we
may have to put up a protective shield when we feel a projection
coming our way, reminding ourselves that someone else's issues are not
ours. Although it's difficult not to react when we are the recipient
of a projection, it is a good idea to try to remain calm and let the
other person know if they are being unreasonable and disrespectful. We
all know that it's not fun to be dumped on. Likewise, we should be
mindful that we don't take our own frustrations out on others. When we
take ownership of our thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings, we
are less likely to project our issues or disowned qualities onto




Animus si anima

In men this merging of male and female within oneself means the advent
of tenderness, nurturing, and trust. Having a woman supply these
qualities is not enough. Male attributes of force and violence have
become grotesquely exaggerated in this world because men leave the
feminine energies to women. Aggression and violence will become
unnecessary as the shadow energies they disguise–fear and
impotence–come to the surface to be recognized and healed.

Being vulnerable will then be seen as a human quality, not a weakness
that makes a man only half a man. Competition based on raging (and
insecure) ego will diminish with healing, and the ability to cooperate
will increase.

The worth of women in men's eyes will rise as men stop defining
themselves as the opposite of female. Spiritually, male is the
complement of female. Once this is accepted the awakening of male
spirituality can come about, since it takes an infusion of female
energy before our bodies and minds can totally merge with the silent
field of pure awareness.

For women, the journey to wholeness is different, because it first
entails raising female qualities to full dignity with male. A woman
must build up her energies, so long forced into submission by society,
whereas a man typically has to diminish the dominance of his.

In both instances what is being achieved is balance.






"When plans are laid in advance, it is surprising how often the
circumstances fit in with them."

                                         -- Sir William Osler


"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into
someone else's plan. And guess what they may have planned for you? Not

                                        -- Jim Rohn


"Don't just do something, sit there! Sit there long enough each
morning to decide what is really important during the day ahead."

                                         --Richard Eyre


"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."

                                          -- William Wadsworth




Asta e !

The only thing that separates successful people from the ones who
aren't is the willingness to work very, very hard.
                                         -- Helen Gurley Brown






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