
The most direct way not to worry about tomorrow is to live in the
present. Only the present is real.



Better than a gift given with a joyous heart
Are sweet words spoken with a cheerful smile.


 Bun si frumos

What is beautiful is not always good, but what is good is always beautiful.
The Power of Inspiration Newsletter
Giving Thanks: The Gifts of Gratitude

By MJ Ryan

Gratitude connects us to others and feeling gratitude allows us to be
our best selves--in good times and in hard times. When we are truly
grateful, we can count on living the life we want.

Excerpted from Giving Thanks

Do you know that happiness, the sheer joy in being alive, is within
your reach? All you need is an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude
creates happiness because it makes us feel full, complete; it's the
recognition that we have all we need, at least in this moment.

Recent scientific research has begun to indicate that positive
emotions, such as gratitude and love, strengthen and enhance the
immune system, enabling the body to resist disease and recover more
quickly from illness, through the release of endorphins into the
bloodstream. Endorphins are the body's natural painkillers. Among
other effects, they stimulate dilation of the blood vessels, which
leads to a relaxed heart.

That this means is that the more we experience a sense of gratitude,
we literally bathe ourselves in good hormones and feel happier and
more content with our lives. Like most great spiritual truths,
gratitude is stunningly simple. This is not to say it's necessarily
easy to practice. All kinds of distractions, obfuscation, and negative
attitudes from our upbringings may get in the way. But all you really
have to do to receive gratitude's gifts is make a commitment to be
thankful on a daily basis, and the world will be suddenly transformed
into a beautiful wonderland in which you are invited to play.

If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never truly be fulfilled.
If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself.
Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.
~ Lao Tzu
Eric Harvey is president and founder of, a company
that specializes in how-to handbooks, video training programs,
inspirational movies and gift books, and more! For over 30 years Walk
The Talk has been helping individuals and organizations, worldwide,
achieve success through Ethical Leadership and Values-Based Practices.
Walk The Talk's mission is both simple and straightforward: to provide
you and your organization with high-impact resources for your personal
and professional success.



Divine Resonance

In many cultures and civilizations, chanting, a form of vocal
meditation, has endured through the ages. Practiced by many people
around the world seeking greater health, a sense of well-being,
enlightenment, and a connection to the divine, chanting unites the
mind, body, emotions, and breath through vocal sounding. This
unification can open and nurture your creativity, lower stress levels,
and teach you to become fully alert and in the moment.

Some people are naturally drawn to chant while others feel awkward
using their voices in such a way. Singing along with recorded chants
before chanting on your own can help dispel any nervousness. However,
the chanting that will resonate most deeply and beneficially for you
is the chanting you do for yourself. There are many different chants.
They can be composed of names, words, sounds, syllables, or even
sections of text. What you chant is less important than your
willingness to focus fully on the act of chanting itself. To begin,
sit comfortably with a straight back and take a series of long, deep
breaths to open and flex your lungs. Then, take another breath, and
with resonant tones direct your breath outward in the form of sound.
Simple syllables like 'oh,' 'ee,' or 'mm' are easy to remember.

Chanting lets you raise the level of your own vibration to a higher
spiritual state. You can chant as an invocation or to set intention.
Reciting even the simplest chant can bolster a flagging spirit, hone
the mind, and produce natural painkillers within the brain. While
chanting, you may feel energy surging through your physical body or
joy entering your heart. Chanting can liberate and ground you
simultaneously because it allows your soul to soar freely while
compelling you to focus on the here and now.





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