Rezultatul depinde de depasirea prealabila a obiectiilor

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first
be overcome.
                            -- Samuel Johnson



Atentie la aventura
It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep for all your life.
                            -- Elizabeth Kenny

Lauda ignorantei relative

Knowing Too Much
Ignorance Can Be Bliss

These days, we can know too much. And while it sometimes can be a great benefit to know the tiniest details of events, both bitter and sweet, there are also times when knowing less about the future, our situations, and the world can be beneficial. Being blissfully ignorant does not mean ignoring vital information or shutting out the world's tragedies. Rather, it is a way to step away from knowledge that may only needlessly have a negative impact on your life experience. It's not always necessary to expose yourself to information that will overwhelm you, hold you back, or cause you pain. Sometimes, ignorance can be truly blissful.

While having all the information you need can help you make an informed decision, sometimes knowing all the information can be excess. Especially when you are trying to pursue a goal, the knowledge of all the ways in which you might fail can keep you from even trying. Blissful ignorance can sometimes propel you forward because you never even knew that the possibility of failure existed. Ignorance can also be bliss when you are facing hardships. If circumstances force you to take on a job you dislike, you may enter your new situation with unpleasant and preconceived notions that can likely create the very scenarios you are dreading. Experiencing a situation with no expectations and no advanced notions can allow you to experience it as new, because your blissful ignorance prevented you from having any preset ideas.

There is nothing wrong with avoiding "too much information," particularly when the knowledge isn't going to serve you. When information is emotionally draining, impedes your progress, causes distress, or isn't necessary to your experience, consider letting it pass you by. Remember the bliss of ignorance can sometimes be a gift.




"If it were not for hopes, the heart would break."

                                       --Thomas Fuller




 Si coincidenta poate fi interpretata

Putting your attention on coincidences attracts more coincidences, and applying intention reveals their meaning. In this way coincidences become clues to the will of the universe, providing a way for us to see its synchronicity and take advantage of life's boundless opportunities.

But with billions of different pieces of information coming at us at any given time, how do we know what to put our attention on? How do you keep from looking for meaning in every cup of tea, or every television commercial, or every glance from a stranger on the street? And conversely, how do we keep from missing valuable opportunities? Those questions cannot be answered simply. Part of learning to live synchrodestiny is learning to become a sensitive instrument in your surroundings.

For a moment now, close your eyes. Try to sense everything in your environment. What sounds do you hear? What do you smell, feel, or taste at this very moment? Put your attention for a moment on each sense individually and be fully aware.

The most powerful and unusual stimuli will naturally draw your attention. Those are the things in your environment you need to look at most closely. And the more unlikely the coincidence, the more potent the clue.

When a coincidence arises, don't ignore it. Ask yourself, What is the message here? What is the significance of this? You don't need to go digging for the answers. Ask the question, and the answers will emerge.

Constiinta de sine

Ultimately, it's up to each of us to choose how we will live our lives, hold ourselves to high standards, and continually evaluate what's inside the image we see in the mirror.
                                                                                                                                       -- Eric Harvey
Face your dark energies as honestly as you can. Respect your
boundaries and those of everyone around you.

Increderea in sine

Finding Encouragement
Your True Inner Voice

Within each of us, there are numerous voices often that compete for
our attention. It can be difficult to decide which one to listen to,
particularly when their messages are all quite different, sometimes
conflicting, and even alluring. One voice, however, is the speaker of
truth. Among all your inner voices, your true inner voice is the one
which encourages you, gives you hope, and pushes you to trust and
believe in yourself. Conflict within oneself is often caused by
dueling voices inside of each one of us. As we move through life, we
get mixed messages from the various aspects of ourselves. Some of our
voices, such as the naysayer or saboteur, can speak so loudly that
they drown out the voice of truth. Listening to your true inner voice
– often the voice of understanding, support, and self-assurance - can
help lessen and even resolve internal conflict.

If you're looking toward the future but your faith in your ability to
succeed in life is wavering, you will benefit from finding and
listening to your true inner voice. You can connect with it by
remaining relaxed and alert, while listening carefully. If you have
trouble distinguishing your true voice from the others, meditation may
be helpful. You may hear many voices as you meditate, but the one you
should pay attention to is the one that speaks to you with love,
understanding, and compassion. It will bolster your spirits and urge
you to go after your dreams. And it will never cause confusion, remind
you of past mistakes, or cause you to doubt yourself.

The more you listen to and believe in what your true inner voice is
telling you about your value and your potential, the stronger that
voice will become. And the more you disregard the voices that can
interfere with your resolve to succeed, the quieter those voices will
become. Saying no to the voices that are judgmental and make you feel
ashamed will help you stop being critical of your failures and afraid
of success. By finding and strengthening your true inner voice, you
will be able to ignore internal conflict and pick out the one that
speaks the truth.






"No one limits your growth but you. If you want to earn more, learn
more. That means you'll work harder for a while; that means you'll
work longer for a while. But you'll be paid for your extra effort with
enhanced earnings down the road."    

                                                       -- Tom Hopkins 


"Make education a continuing, never-ending process."  

                                                           -- Nido Qubein 


"It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal

                                                            -- Jim Rohn


"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by
people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at

                                                             -- Dale Carnegie


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