Happiness is a perfume
you cannot pour on others
without getting a few drops on yourself.

                  - Ralph Waldo Emerson





cel mai valoros

The highest person is he who is of most use to humankind.

* caracter si reputatie


"Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is
what we think of it; the tree is the real thing."

                                            -- Abraham Lincoln



"The Bible gives us a list of human stories on both sides of the
ledger. One list of human stories is used as examples – do what these
people did. Another list of human stories is used as warnings – don't
do what these people did. So if your story ever gets in one of these
books, make sure they use it as an example, not a warning."

                                              -- Jim Rohn


* gindeste, sustinerile vin

Think BIG. There are unseen forces ready to support your dreams.
                                      -Cheryl Richardson

Un exemplu

If you yourself are at peace, then there is at least some peace in the world.
                                      --Thomas Merton


Life's most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?

                                      -Martin Luther King Jr.





*asa ca...

Only you can make you happy.
                                       -- Marty Martinson

* natura adica dumnezeu-Spinoza

The Music of This World
Natural Sounds Meditation

The tool most commonly used to focus our minds in meditation is the
breath. When we sit down to meditate, drawing our attention inward
counteracts our habitual tendency to be scattered. Meditation on the
breath helps us gather our energy into our bodies, centering and
grounding us in the present moment. Almost as readily available as our
breath are the sounds of the natural world. From rain to wind to the
ocean and birds, meditating on these aural manifestations brings us
not only a sense of peace, but also an experience of connection to the
physical world.

It is easy to get stuck inside our own heads and our individual lives.
We get caught up in our goals and plans and almost forget that we live
in a world that is always there, humming away in the background. There
is an internal shift that occurs when we tune into that background and
really give it our attention. It's as if we are discovering a more
expansive world, because we are. We are also experiencing ourselves in
relation to something larger. This discovery makes us feel rejuvenated
and more expansive.

The vast and ceaselessly churning ocean is an ideal place for
meditating on the sounds of nature. Sit quietly and surrender to the
sounds of the thundering, crashing waves. Let go of your ambitions and
listen. Rivers and lakes also sing their own songs. Even if you live
in the middle of a city, the wind howls and whistles and the rain taps
out a variety of sounds depending on where it falls—on the sidewalk, a
tin roof, a car window, or a muddy slope. Tune into these sounds next
time you hear them instead of letting them fade into the background.
Stop and listen as if you are hearing a sublime piece of music. Let
the music of this world take you on a journey of natural sounds.








meditati la sensul craciunului

"Love came down at Christmas; love all lovely, love divine; love was
born at Christmas, stars and angels gave the sign."
                                 -- Christina G. Rossetti
"Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every
time we give, it's Christmas."
                                  -- Dale Evans Rogers
"It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you… yes,
it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him
your hand."
                                            -- Mother Teresa
"Remember, if Christ isn't found in your heart, you won't find it
under the tree."
                                    -- Charlotte Carpenter 

* mother Theresa

What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.
                                     --Mother Teresa

* unic ca toata lumea

You are unique. Just like everyone else.

* supranormalitatea e fireasca

"The possibility of stepping into a higher plane is quite real for
everyone. It requires no force or effort or sacrifice. It involves
little more than changing our ideas about what is normal."

*relatia personala

Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all
advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.
                                      -- Ben Stein

* dinamica sentimentelor

The Great Transformer
Loving What You Hate

Hatred can be irrational, and it has a greater impact on the
individual who hates than the person or object being hated. Yet
overcoming hatred is difficult because hatred reinforces itself and
causes greater enmity to come into being. The most powerful tool one
can use to combat hatred is love. Deciding to love what you hate,
whether this is a person, situation, or a part of yourself, can create
a profound change in your feelings and your experience. There is
little room for anger, dislike, bitterness, or resentment when you are
busy loving what you hate. The practice of loving what you hate can
transform and shift your emotions from hatred to love, because there
is no room for hatred in a space occupied by love.

Granted, it is difficult to forgo judging someone, love your enemy,
and seek the good in situations that seem orchestrated to cause you
pain or anger. But in deciding to love what you hate, you become one
less person adding negativity to the universe. On a simple level,
loving what you hate can help you enjoy your life more. On a more
complex level, loving what you hate sets you free because you
disengage yourself from the hatred that can weigh down the soul.
Responding with love to people radiating hatred transmutes their
negative energy. You also empower yourself by not letting their
negativity enter your personal space. Rather than lowering yourself to
the level of their hatred, you give the other person an opportunity to
rise above their feelings and meet you on the field of love.

Gandhi once said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Loving
what you hate sends a positive, beautiful energy to people while
spreading peace and harmony throughout the planet. Instead of
reinforcing hatred, you become an advocate for love. Hatred responds
to hate by causing anguish. But hatred responds to love by
transforming into blissful peace.





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