MDLinx-Articole recente

Weiss EM et al. - Healthy subjects and patients with MCI, early and moderate AD differed significantly in the recognition of all emotions and neutral faces combined. When separated by emotion, the authors found significant differences in emotion recognition between the diagnostic groups for happy, sad, fearful, and neutral faces. Compared with comparison subjects, amnestic MCI patients single domain did not differ significantly in their emotion recognition abilities, but amnestic MCI multiple domain patients were already impaired in the recognition of overall emotions, sad, fearful, and neutral faces and the deficits increased with the severity of AD.
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Clinical Interventions in Aging, 12/04/08
Madhusoodanan S et al. - Only a few studies have evaluated prospectively the effects of aripiprazole in psychosis associated with AD. These studies show improvement in the symptoms of psychosis associated with AD with aripiprazole. The safety and tolerability profile of aripiprazole suggests a low potential for negative impact on dementia and overall patient health. Further studies comparing the efficacy and tolerability of aripiprazole vs other atypical antipsychotics in dementia are needed.
Frank E et al. - In this study, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy, with its emphasis on amelioration of interpersonal and role functioning, improved occupational functioning significantly more rapidly than did a psychoeducational and supportive approach with no such emphasis on functional capacities.


Factors Predicting Reduced Antidepressant Response: Experience with the SNRI Duloxetine in Patients with Major Depression
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 12/05/08

Howland RH et al. - The authors' results highlight the clinical relevance of more severe and/or persistent levels of depression, psychiatric and medical comorbidity, and symptoms characteristic of atypical depression (leaden paralysis and fatigue) and confirm findings from other studies that such patients may respond less well or take longer to respond to pharmacotherapy. Consistent with previous SNRI studies, authors found no significant association between age, gender, and race/ethnicity and treatment outcome.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression
Current Psychiatry, 12/08/08

Dowd SM et al. - Only 28% to 33% of patients with major depression experience remission after their first antidepressant treatment, according to results of the Sequenced Treatment Alternative to Relieve Depression trial. Therapeutic options include switching to an alternate antidepressant, augmentation with a second antidepressant, psychotherapy, mood stabilizers, or second-generation antipsychotics.


Effects of client and therapist ethnicity and ethnic matching: A prospective naturalistic study of outpatient mental health treatment in Northern Norway
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 12/10/08

Mollersen S et al. - The results indicated that therapist ethnicity was associated with the amount and type of service provided but improvement was not. Both the delivery of treatment and improvement did not differ significantly by client ethnicity. Ethnic matching was associated with greater symptomatic improvement in treatments of moderate duration.


IQ in early adulthood and later risk of death by homicide: cohort study of 1 million men
British Journal of Psychiatry, 12/09/08

Batty GD et al. - High IQ test scores in early adulthood were associated.

Effects of Telephone Counseling on Antipsychotic Adherence and Emergency Department Utilization
The American Journal of Managed Care, 12/12/08

Cook PF et al. - Cognitive-behavioral and motivational- interviewing techniques can improve antipsychotic medication adherence. Telehealth may be a useful strategy for disseminating these evidence-based techniques. Lessons learned included the importance of real-time referral data, a need to address polypharmacy, and a need to overcome contact difficulties resulting from disease processes and “unknown caller” IDs. Despite these difficulties, using a disease management model, the program was feasible, and the reduced number of ED visits indicated potential cost-effectiveness.

Assessing the need for an online decision-support tool to promote evidence-based practices of psychosocial counseling in HIV care

Kukafka R et al. - The resulting coding schemes revealed knowledge and practice gaps among the interviewees, as well as barriers and challenges of counseling. Education and training background of the counseling staff varied widely.

Response: Most people who think that they are likely to enter psychotherapy also think it is plausible that they could have forgotten their own memories of childhood sexual abuse
Applied Cognitive Psychology, 12/17/08

Rubin DC et al. - These data point to a substantial danger of implanting false memories of childhood sexual abuse during therapy in many people and in most people who are likely to go into therapy.

Electroconvulsive Therapy: When Stigma Delays Use of an Effective Treatment
Clinical Geriatrics, 12/18/08

Lantz M - Mrs. P is a 72-year-old widowed African-American woman who is admitted to the medical service of a hospital due to dehydration, weight loss, and lethargy.

Journal of Attention Disorders, 12/19/08

Leonard MA et al. - Results are discussed in terms of implications for enhancing the quality and frequency of parent—child storytelling among children with ADHD.

The Depression Scale (DEPS) as a case finder for depression in various subgroups of primary care patients

Poutanen O et al. - The DEPS is a valid case finder for primary care patients in the age group 18–64 years, and especially suitable for more highly educated patients.

The Diagnosis of Tourette's Syndrome: Communication and Impact

Rivera-Navarro J et al. - The communication of the diagnosis to relatives of children with TS was not adequate because of poor understanding and interpretation of the clinical terminology. The most important conclusion was that the current method for communicating the diagnosis of TS to patients and relatives should be improved to facilitate better understanding and interpretation.


Emotional expression and regulation in a school-based drama workshop for immigrant adolescents with behavioral and learning difficulties

Moneta I et al. - The drama process seemed to help emotional expression and awareness and to foster a transformation of emotive processes in the sense of a "collective ER."



A cross-sectional evaluation of adiponectin plasma levels in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder

Hanssens L et al. - Adiponectin levels in schizophrenic patients mirror what is observed in the general population, with the lowest levels in the most metabolically comprised subjects. However, antipsychotic medication may also influence adiponectin regulation independently.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Sertraline, or a Combination in Childhood Anxiety

Walkup JT et al. - Both cognitive behavioral therapy and sertraline reduced the severity of anxiety in children with anxiety disorders; a combination of the two therapies had a superior response rate.



Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Children and Parents

Cohen JA et al. - Psychoeducation, Parenting skills, Relaxation skills, Affective modulation skills, Cognitive coping skills, Trauma narrative and cognitive processing of the traumatic event(s), In vivo mastery of trauma reminders, Conjoint child-parent sessions, and Enhancing safety and future developmental trajectory. Currently this model of TF-CBT is being adapted and implemented both within the USA and internationally.

On the Role of the Implicit Self-Concept in Adult Attachment

Dewitte M et al. - Results showed that both the relational self-esteem and relational anxiety IAT were meaningfully related to individual differences in attachment style and predicted cognitive and affective reactions to attachment-related distress in addition to and beyond self-report measures of attachment.

Cognitive deficits and biases for food and body in bulimia: Investigation using an affective shifting task

Mobbs O et al. - These results suggest that bulimics present cognitive deficits and are more impulsive, especially with food-related stimuli. These cognitive deficits and biases may be at least partially responsible for the development and maintenance of bulimia.

Endicott J et al. - Quetiapine monotherapy is effective in improving impairment in important aspects of life that accompany improvements in depressive symptoms in patients with acute bipolar depression.



Changing Profile of Abused Substances by Older Persons Entering Treatment

Lofwall MR et al. - Criminal justice referrals for drug abuse admissions have increased over time and daily substance use remains high. Efforts to determine best practices for prevention, identification, and treatment of illicit drug abuse in older persons are indicated.


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