Science and technology - Ianuarie 2009

* Interesant articol referitor la materia neagra din Univers,....

Cititi articolul de mai jos (click pe adresa de web ingrosata):

    *-  At last, light is shed on secrets of dark matter
It is one of the biggest mysteries in science which has baffled scholars for more than 75 years, but now a team of cosmologists believes it has found a way of discovering what the universe is made of. About 85 per cent is neither stars nor planets but some form of mysterious matter. It cannot be seen or detected by conventional scientific instruments, which is why the precise nature of this "dark matter" has eluded the finest minds in science.








Interesant articol:

* - Planetele vazute din afara Sistemului Solar(click pe adresa de web ingrosata):

Planets are seen outside the Solar System








*Protejati-va Inima,...cititi articolul de mai jos,

(dati click pe adresa de web ingrosata):

* - Know your blood pressure and protect your heart
High blood pressure is truly a silent killer. In fact, a heart attack or stroke may be the first sign that you even have a problem. That's why it's so important to get your blood pressure checked every time you go to the doctor -- especially if you're a woman.








Primul automobil cu energie solara care a terminat turul lumii,

Interesant articol mai jos(click pe adresa de web ingrosata)

5 - Solar car completes 1st round-the-world trip

The first solar-powered car to travel around the world ended its journey at the UN climate talks Thursday, arriving with the message that clean technologies are available now to stop global warming.








Mouse de la Computer celebreaza 40 de ani de existenta,...incepe era

`Touch- screen technology`,

Interesant articol(click pe adresa de web ingrosata):

* -  Computer mouse celebrates 40 years

Forty years after the computer mouse scrolled its way into our lives, new touch-screen technology could be about to consign it to history.








Primul `inventar` video lac fauna si flora de la Poli facut de oamenii de stiinta din Anglia si Germania,

Interesant articol( click pe adresa de web ingrosata):

* -   First inventory of life at poles with video
The first comprehensive inventory of the sea and land animals living in a polar region has been carried out by British and German scientists.








Acceleratorul de particule de granita Franco-Elvetiana reincepe in vara 2009,

Interesant articl(click pe adresa de web ingrosata): 

*- Particle collider to restart in summer of 2009
The world's biggest particle collider will resume operation in the summer of 2009 with a new warning system to prevent further breakdowns.








Masina viitorului va zbura!

Interesant articol(click pe adresa de web ingrosata):

*-The car of the future: It flies
Get ready, Detroit - this small firm is keeping up with the Jetsons.














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