Evolutia e antientropica

The world is a dangerous place for life to survive in, and if we look
beyond the localized dangers of our planet, a cosmic force stands ever
ready to destroy life. It is called entropy, the universal tendency
for order to break down into disorder.

Entropy came into existence at the instant of the Big Bang; starting
with the creation of the universe, heat, light, and all other forms of
energy have dissipating, spreading out over time as the universe
expands. This tendency to spread out, moving energy to less
concentrated areas, is entropy. Entropy is a one-way arrow. An aged
body doesn't automatically turn young again.

Whenever matter and energy collect into orderly patterns, entropy is
defined, The breakdown of orderliness is inherent in the physical
makeup of the universe, and it is at the core of the reason why our
bodies deteriorate and age over time. If we want to defeat aging, we
must first learn how to defeat entropy.

In purely material terms, physics doesn't describe a force working
against entropy. Yet it is obvious that the universe hasn't just
expanded after the Big Bang; it has evolved. Evolution, or growth,
creates more complex structures from less complex ones. The growth of
one cell into two, two into four, four into eight, and so forth, is
evolution in action. There is nothing random about it.

Yet, the human body exists in utter defiance of entropy, since it is
incredibly orderly and capable of adding to its order with even more
complexity. Why, then, are we alive to begin with? What force works
against chaos to assert higher and higher complexities of order?






Traire in adancime

Going Deep
Self-Examination at Depth

There are times when life urges us to seek more. Small changes to our
comfort zone may fail to alleviate any sense of stagnancy or
frustration, and we may need to examine our lives and ourselves more
deeply to find the right place to start. Everything we need for
success and joy lies within. But so often, life's debris accumulates,
building layers around our core that makes it difficult to access the
truth that resides within. To reach the depth we wish to access, we
must dive below these layers to the deepest parts of ourselves.

The first layer can be found in our minds. Our to-do lists and busy
work are usually less important than we think, so we must look past
them to examine the thoughts that matter most to us. The next layer
can be found in our hearts, where past hurts and disappointments can
sometimes cover up our vulnerabilities, as well as the truth of who
and what really stirs the love within us. We can choose to go even
deeper – to our center. If we can go beyond anything has affected us
to the point that it blocks us at the gut level, we can reconnect with
our power, our raw instincts, our organic yeses. Here, at the core,
lies our truth. Our core is our foundation that supports us and what
we'd like to build our authentic life upon.

When we examine ourselves to these depths, we are able to find what we
wish to bring to the surface and what we wish to let go. When we
remember what lies beneath our layers, we can look at what was
floating on the surface, causing blocks and pains, and understand the
purpose that they served. Oftentimes, it is the built up debris that
causes us to go deeper, so we can search for the truth. Go deep, live
life from your truth within, and watch your innate beauty manifest






* metabolism

God has said, "Spend;" so earn something,
since there can be no expenditure without income.
Although He used the word, Spend absolutely,
read it, "Earn, then spend.







"If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll
probably never do much of anything."

                                                -- Win Borden



"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for."

                                            -- William Shedd




"Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for
those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself.
Face the truth."

                                             -- Katherine Mansfield




"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose
sight of the shore." -- Andre Gide








Poti primi mai mult decat dai

Giving people a little more than they expect is a good way to get back
a lot more than you'd expect.
                                             -- Robert Half




Iertarea e terpeutica

Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.
                                              -- Paul Boese




Sinele lumii

"Controlling the flow of life is impossible."






Sometimes active opposition to evil is necessary, but this doesn't
mean one has to support the forces of destruction.





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