Future Table of Contents: Jan 1, 2009; 


Perspectives- Editorial


Graham J. Emslie
Understanding Placebo Response in Pediatric Depression Trials
Daniel S. Pine and Robert Freedman
Child Psychiatry Growin’ Up
H. Richard Lamb
Reversing Criminalization
Michael B. First, Harold Alan Pincus, and Michael Schoenbaum
Issues for DSM-V: Adding Problem Codes to Facilitate Assessment of Quality of Care
Images in Neuroscience
Paul L. Greer, Janine Zieg, and Michael E. Greenberg
Activity-Dependent Transcription and Disorders of Human Cognition
Rachel E. Dew
Why Psychiatry Is the Hardest Specialty
Treatment in Psychiatry
Gabrielle A. Carlson
Treating the Childhood Bipolar Controversy: A Tale of Two Children
Clinical Case Conference
Todd Young, William Apfeldorf, Jordan Knepper, and Joel Yager
Severe Eating Disorder in a 28-Year-Old Man With William’s Syndrome
Images in Psychiatry
Robert Freedman, Michael Roy,and John Guardiano
Jason Glance
Reviews and Overviews
Carol S. North, Alina M. Suris, Miriam Davis, and Rebecca P. Smith
Toward Validation of the Diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Jeffrey A. Bridge, Boris Birmaher, Satish Ivengar, Rémy P. Barbe, and David A. Brent
Placebo Response in Randomized Controlled Trials of Antidepressants for Pediatric Major Depressive Disorder
Karestan C. Koenen, Terrie E. Moffitt, Andrea L. Roberts, Laurie T. Martin, Laura Kubzansky, HonaLee Harrington, Richie Poulton, and Avshalom Caspi
Childhood IQ and Adult Mental Disorders: A Test of the Cognitive Reserve Hypothesis
Philip Shaw, Wendy S. Sharp, Meaghan Morrison, Kristen Eckstrand, Deanna K. Greenstein, Liv S. Clasen, Alan C. Evans, and Judith L. Rapoport
Psychostimulant Treatment and the Developing Cortex in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Erika E. Forbes, Ahmad R. Hariri, Samantha L. Martin, Jennifer S. Silk, Donna L. Moyles, Patrick M. Fisher, Sarah M. Brown, Neal D. Ryan, Boris Birmaher, David A. Axelson, and Ronald E. Dahl
Altered Striatal Activation Predicting Real-World Positive Affect in Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder
Anqi Qiu, Deana Crocetti, Marcy Adler, E. Mark Mahone, Martha B. Denckla, Michael I. Miller, and Stewart H. Mostofsky
Basal Ganglia Volume and Shape in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Katya Rubia, Anna B. Smith, Rozmin Halari, Fumie Matsukura, Majeed Mohammed, Eric Taylor, and Michael J. Brammer
Disorder-Specific Dissociation of Orbitofrontal Dysfunction in Boys With Pure Conduct Disorder During Reward and Ventrolateral Prefrontal Dysfunction in Boys With Pure ADHD During Sustained Attention
Alice P. Jones, Kristin R. Laurens, Catherine M. Herba, Gareth J. Barker, and Essi Viding
Amygdala Hypoactivity to Fearful Faces in Boys With Conduct Problems and Callous-Unemotional Traits
Jacques Baillargeon, Ingrid A. Binswanger, Joseph V. Penn, Brie A. Williams, and Owen J. Murray
Psychiatric Disorders and Repeat Incarcerations: The Revolving Prison Door
Communications and Updates- Letters to the Editor

Antipsychotic Properties of Muscarinic Drugs

Reduction in Muscarinic M1-Mediated Hypercholinergic State and Beneficial Cognitive Effects of Muscarinic Agonists in Schizophrenia

Risperidone-Associated Increase in Triglyceride Levels

Extreme Elevation of Creatinine Phosphokinase Levels in Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Associated With Atypical Antipsychotics

An Early Report on the Role of Nitrates in Erectile Dysfunction
Book Forum

Reading Our Lives: The Poetics of Growing Old

Adolescent Substance Abuse: Psychiatric Comorbidity and High-Risk Behaviors

Dimensional Approaches in Diagnostic Classification: Refining the Research Agenda for DSM-V

Empirical Ethics in Psychiatry


Effect size recalculated

December CME question incorrect

Books Received

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