
Vast and Potent

All sounds, from a whisper to a classical symphony, arise out of
silence and disappear into silence. But silence is always there
beneath sound and is the space where sound can exist. We tend to think
of silence as the absence of sound, but silence has its own weight and
quality. When you listen to silence,
you can perceive its intense depth and power. Taking the time to
experience silence calms the mind and rejuvenates the body. Silence is
the void where we can hear the many sounds that we often ignore – the
voice of our intuition telling us the truth, the sound of the breeze
blowing, the hum of the radiator, and the noises we make just because
we are alive.

One way to experience silence is to wake up before the rest of the
world has come alive. Try not to move into activity, and leave off the
lights, radio, and television. Sit still and simply listen. You may
hear your heartbeat or your breath, but keep your attention tuned to
the silence that surrounds you. Stay this way for as long as you can,
and allow the sound of silence to penetrate your body until it moves
into your core. Feel the gentle, pulsing waves of silence and allow it
to cleanse you. Five minutes of communing with silence can leave you
feeling vibrant and connected to the universe.

At night, choose a moment after everyone around you has retired and
tune in to silence. You can also experience silence throughout the
day. Even in the midst of activity, moments of silence are always
present. Usually we ignore or feel nervous around silence and try to
fill these moments with sound. Yet silence is always there – vast,
potent, and available for us to step into any time we choose.



* conditiile

Conditions are never just right. People who delay action until all
factors are favorable are the kind who do nothing.

                                                   -William Feathe



Archetypes are vital to understanding and defining who we are,
individual expressions of a collective consciousness.




* Vanzari


"For every sale you miss because you're too enthusiastic, you will
miss a hundred because you're not enthusiastic enough."

                                                    –- Zig Ziglar


"Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman - not the
attitude of the prospect."

                                                  -- W. Clement Stone


"Life is a series of sales situations, and the answer is NO if you
don't ask."

                                                  -- Patricia Fripp


"Use testimonial letters from satisfied customers at every

                                                   -- Brian Tracy




* Atentia

Absolutely unmixed attention is prayer.
                                -Simone Weil



* Cat poti duce
Physical strength is measured by what we can carry; spiritual by what
we can bear. 
                                -- Author unknown



* Vreau mare

Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.
                              -- Martin Luther King, Jr

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