Puterea Rugaciunii

Prayers indeed heal diseases, scientists say

People indeed can recover in temples when they touch holy
relics or sanctuaries. St. Petersburg scientists have proved it and
discovered the "material" mechanism of divine phenomena.

A prayer is a powerful remedy, said Valery Slezin, Head of the
laboratory of neuropsychophysiology of St Petersburg Research and
development Psychoneurological Institute n.a. Bekhterev. "It does not
only regulate all the processes in the human organism, but it also
restores the damaged structure of consciousness."

Professor Slezin did something unbelievable – he measured the power of
prayer. He recorded electroencephalograms of praying monks and fixed
an unusual phenomenon – the complete "switch-off" of their cerebral
cortex. This state can be observed only with babies aged three months
when they are near their mother in complete safety. As a person grows
up, the feeling of safety disappears, brain activity increases and the
rhythm of cerebral biocurrents become rarer only during deep sleep and
during a prayer, as the scientist proved. Valery Slezin called this
unknown state slow, or praying, wakefulness and proved that it is
vital for any person.

It is a known fact that diseases are mostly caused by negative
situations and offenses that stick in our mind. However, during a
prayer worries move to the background or even disappear at all. Thus,
both moral and physical healing is possible.

Even church services help to improve health. Engineer and
electrophysicist Angelina Malakhovskaya from the laboratory of medical
and biological technologies carried out above thousand research to
find out clinical health characteristics of parishioners before and
after the service. It turned out that a service in a temple normalizes
the blood pressure and blood values.

Prayers may neutralize even radiation. It is known that after the
Chernobyl explosion radiation instruments returned an off-scale
reading. However, radiation background was normal near The
Archistratigus Michael church that is four kilometers away from
reactors. St. Petersburg scientists confirmed by experiments that the
holy water, the sign of the cross and ringing of church bells may be
healing as well. That is why, in Russia the bells were constantly
ringing during epidemics.

The ultrasound range of bell ringing kills viruses of flue, jaundice
and typhus: proteins of viruses curl and carry no infection, said
Angelina Malakhovskaya. The sign of cross is even more effective, it
kills pathogenic microbes (colon bacillus and staphylococci) not only
in tap water, but also in rivers and lakes. It is even more efficient
than modern disinfecting devices of electromagnetic radiation.

The scientific laboratory of Industrial and Naval Medicine Institute
researched water before and after consecration. It turned out that if
the Lord's Prayer is read over water and the water is crossed then,
the number of malignant bacteria will be one hundred times lower.
Electromagnetic radiation gives much worse results. Thus, Orthodox
recommendations to consecrate any food and drink is not just of
spiritual and also of preventive character.

The holy water is not just purified; it changes its structure, become
harmless and healing. Special devices can prove that.

Spectrographs suggest that consecrated water has greater optical
density, as if it understood the sense of prayers and kept it. That is
the reason for its unique healing quality.

The only limitation is that it heals only pious people.

"Water differentiates the level of people's belief," Angelina
Malakhovskaya said. "When a priest consecrates water, the optical
density is 2.5 times more, when it is done by a religious layman, it
is only 1.5 times more, but with a christened and unbelieving man
without a cross on his neck, the changes were insignificant."

-- Material trimis de Paul Finantu  -

(Another confirmation on the Power of Prayer - This one is from Pravda may/08)



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