Beyond the monoaminergic Agomelatinehypothesis:

Beyond the monoaminergic Agomelatinehypothesis: , a new antidepressant with an innovative mechanism of action
World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 03/10/09

Kasper S et al. - Agomelatine demonstrated antidepressant efficacy not only in patients with a moderate depressive episode but also in a more severe depressed subpopulation of patients. The treatment effect increased with the severity of the disease. Agomelatine also rapidly regulates the sleep-wake cycle without causing sedation and improves daytime condition. Agomelatine has an excellent safety profile, is weight neutral, does not affect sexual functioning and does not cause discontinuation syndrome. Collectively, its efficacy, together with its excellent tolerability, makes agomelatine an especially promising antidepressant for the near future.

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