Efficacy of pregabalin and venlafaxine

Efficacy of pregabalin and venlafaxine-XR in generalized anxiety disorder: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled 8-week trial
International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 03/19/09

Kasper S et al. - PGB was a safe and effective treatment of GAD, with a significantly earlier onset of anxiolytic activity than VXR.



Heart Rate Response to Music
Journal of Psychophysiology, 03/19/09

Riganello F et al. - The data-miningprocedures sorted the nu_LF descriptor as the spectral parameter that allowed clustering the emotions reported by the subjects as positive and negative. Classification by nu_LF was comparable to that by self-reported emotions, with an overall correct classification by author in 76.0% of controls and 70% of patients. The identification of negative and positive emotions was correct in 81.3% and 68.9% of controls and in 65% and 74% of TBI patients, without significant differences between healthy subjects and TBI patients. This observation suggests that autonomic concomitants of emotions are detectable in response to complex emotional stimuli.

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