Cognitive behavior therapy in the treatment of panic disorder

Manjula M et al. - Multicomponent CBI is superior to BI in terms of the amount of change it brings about with respect to panic symptoms, avoidance, safety behaviors, and cognitions.

  • The sample consisted of 30 patients sequentially allotted to the CBI (n = 15) and behavioral intervention (BI, n = 15) groups.
  • Assessment was done using a semistructured interview schedule, panic disorder severity scale, Texas panic attack record form, Anxiety Sensitivity Index, Agoraphobic cognitions questionnaire, Behavioral avoidance checklist, and Panic appraisal inventory.
  • The CBI group was provided with comprehensive cognitive behavior therapy and the BI group with psycho-education and applied relaxation.
  • CBI was found to be superior to BI in the reduction of panic symptoms, behavioral avoidance, safety behaviors, and cognitions.
  • A large percentage of the CBI group patients met the criteria for clinically significant change with a large magnitude of change.

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