Depresia cronica se amelioreaza 40% in 10 ani

Fekadu A et al. - TRD is associated with poorer clinical outcome, particularly among those who require multiple antidepressant medications. The main limitations of the review arise from the variability in recruitment procedures, definitions and outcome assessments of the original studies. We recommend further follow-up studies of carefully identified samples in order to gain a more detailed understanding of this domain of depression and plan effective interventions.

  • Studies were identified through MEDLINE (1960 — June Week 1 2008), EMBASE (1974 — June Week 1 2008) and PsycINFO (1967 — June Week 1 2008) searches.
  • This study included studies that followed adults with highly probable TRD for a minimum of 6 months.
  • We identified nine outcome studies with a total of 1279 participants and follow-up duration of between 1 and 10 years.
  • In the short term, TRD was highly recurrent with as many as 80% of those requiring multiple treatments relapsing within a year of achieving remission.
  • For those with a more protracted illness, the probability of recovery within 10 years was about 40%

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