FUTURE TABLE of Contents


The American Journal of Psychiatry -- Future Table of Contents Alert

A new future TOC for American Journal of Psychiatry is available online for the issue:
1 July 2009; Vol. 166, No. 7

This Future Table of Contents is available online at: http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/future/166.7.shtml 

Perspectives- Editorial

The Randomized Controlled Trial as a Demonstration Project: An Ethical Perspective
Franklin G. Miller
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Grief and Depression: Treatment Decisions for Bereaved Children and Adults
M. Katherine Shear
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

New Possibilities in Cognition Enhancement for Schizophrenia
Michael F. Green
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Validating Novel Targets for Pharmacological Interventions in Schizophrenia
Barbara Wroblewska and David A. Lewis
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

The Role of Psychiatrists Who Write for Popular Media: Experts, Commentators, or Educators?
Richard A. Friedman
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

If I Deliver the Baby Now
Linda Piwowarczyk
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Clinical Case Conference
Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD-Related Compulsive Checking Behaviors in Veterans of the Iraq War: The Influence of Military Context on the Expression of PTSD Symptoms
Peter W. Tuerk, Anouk L. Grubaugh, Mark B. Hamner, and Edna B. Foa
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Reviews and Overviews
Exploring the Convergence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Murray B. Stein and Thomas W. McAllister
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

New Research- Articles
Institutional Rearing and Psychiatric Disorders in Romanian Preschool Children
Charles H. Zeanah, Helen L. Egger, Anna T. Smyke, Charles A. Nelson, Nathan A. Fox, Peter J. Marshall, and Donald Guthrie
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

The Incidence and Course of Depression in Bereaved Youth 21 Months After the Loss of a Parent to Suicide, Accident, or Sudden Natural Death
David Brent, Nadine Melhem, M. Bertille Donohoe, and Monica Walker
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Four-Year Longitudinal Course of Children and Adolescents With Bipolar Spectrum Disorders: The Course and Outcome of Bipolar Youth (COBY) Study
Boris Birmaher, David Axelson, Benjamin, Goldstein, Michael Strober, Mary Kay Gill, Jeffrey Hunt, Patricia Houck, Wonho Ha, Satish Iyengar, Eunice Kim, Shirley Yen, Heather Hower, Christianne Esposito-Smythers, Tina Goldstein, Neal Ryan, and Martin Keller
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Using Neuroplasticity-Based Auditory Training to Improve Verbal Memory in Schizophrenia
Melissa Fisher, Christine Holland, Michael M. Merzenich, and Sophia Vinogradov
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Differential Expression of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors 2 and 3 in Schizophrenia: A Mechanism for Antipsychotic Drug Action?
Subroto Ghose, Kelly A. Gleason, Bryan W. Potts, Kelly Lewis-Amezcua, and Carol A. Tamminga
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Performance-Based Measurement of Functional Disability in Schizophrenia: A Cross-National Study in the United States and Sweden
Philip D. Harvey, Lars Helldin, Christopher R. Bowie, Robert K. Heaton, Anna-Karin Olsson, Fredrik Hjarthag, Torsten Norlander, and Thomas L. Patterson
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Communications and Updates- Letters to the Editor
More Aggressive Treatment for Depression?
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

The Effects of Treatment-Resistant Depression and First-Ever Depression on Mortality Following Acute Coronary Syndrome: Interactive or Independent?
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

The Use of Short Half-Life Antidepressants in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Analysis of Mechanisms Underlying Depressive and Addictive Comorbid Disorders in Adolescents Should Not Ignore Nicotine Use and Dependence Persistent Psychosis Associated With Use
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Book Forum
The Age of Anxiety: A History of America's Turbulent Affair With Tranquilizers
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Images of Psychiatry: The Caribbean
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Philosophy of Psychopharmacology Psychiatry, Third Edition
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

Books Received
Am J Psychiatry 2009 166 (7)

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