
* India
He is formless, and can never be seen With these two eyes. But he reveals himself In the heart made pure through meditation And sense-restraint. Realizing him one is released From the cycle of birth and death.




* Selful

Approach someone who has realized the purpose of life and question him with reverence and devotion; he will instruct you in this wisdom. Once you attain it, you will never again be deluded. You will see all creatures in the Self, and all in me.

                                                                       - Bhagavad Gita 4:34-35




* Geniu

This is the nature of genius, to be able to grasp the knowable even when no one else recognizes that it is present.

* Self

To those who have conquered themselves, the will is a friend. But it is the enemy of those who have not found the Self within them.

                                                                           - Bhagavad Gita 6:6




* Risul antistress

Laughing out loud is a natural remedy for stress. Studies show that when we laugh, it is impossible to be depressed or sad. Make sure you smile, chuckle and laugh as often as possible.






* Yoga
Heal your life force, find peace of mind, and relieve your depressive or bipolar symptoms.

* Echilibru

You're stuck on things that never bring you what you really want. Addictions are artificial substitute.

* Selful e adevar

Truth is no theory, no speculative system of philosophy, no intellectual insight. Truth is exact correspondence with reality. For man, truth is the unshakeable knowledge of his real nature, the Self.

                                                           - Paramhansa Yogananda





* Psalmii ajuta

16 Psalms for Depression and Anxiety When I was buried in the Black Hole of depression, nothing comforted me like the Psalms. My very religious aunt told me to read them every morning, because they were written for people fighting against.

* De spus

Sufficient is our Lord for us. He is the greatest of all helpers; we depend upon Him alone.




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