Invatam din greseli

* Invatam din greseli

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

                                             - Bill Gates



From The Masters

Today's Quotes


"The individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might of the force of habit and must understand that practices are what create habits. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires."

                                                                      -- J. Paul Getty


"First we make our habits then our habits make us."

                                                                        -- Denis Waitley



"Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, and a lot more rewarding."

                                                                        -- Harvey Mackay




"When you do the wrong thing, knowing it is wrong, you do so because you haven't developed the habit of effectively controlling or neutralizing strong inner urges that tempt you, or because you have established the wrong habits and don't know how to eliminate them effectively."

                                                                            -- W. Clement Stone




The Secret Treasures Of The Garden

There is something in all of us which responds to something we have known in our childhood. It may be a scent, or a touch, or a sight, or anything which evokes a memory. For some of us this evocation arises from the recollection of flowers we saw growing in our grandparents' gardens and now search for in vain.

                                                                           -- Vita Sackville-West




There are few pleasures like really burrowing one's nose into sweet peas.

                                                                        -- Angela Thirkell






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