Scheme de raspunsuri pentru examen Masterat sem.I

*Dati click pe imaginile de sus pentru marire,

revenirea in pagina de revista se face prin 'Back'-colt stanga sus.


**Pentru Subiectul 9 vizualizati tabloul 25 din slideshow "Discernamant-60.pps",

download-ati din  Revista Psychaitry, la Menu - Mastership. 


Subiecte Examen Masterat semestrul I

                        Subiecte de examen semestrul I,

                        MASTERAT la UEB

                    1.Atentia si constiinta sincrona si diacrona.

                    2.memoria cognitiva si afectiva.

                    3.gindirea: explicatie si intelegere.

                    4.inteligenta si intelepciune.

                    5.pasiuni negative.

                    6.ego patologic: infumurarea.

                    7.inconstientul patologic, necontrolat.

                    8.supraego patologic, consecinte.

                    9. ego social, politic, stiintific, filozofic si religios.

                  10. ce v-a placut din curs si ce n-ati inteles (ca sa lamurim in sem.II).

MedScape Audio - June *(up to date)


*MedScape Audio

Antidepressant Drug Effects and Depression Severity: A Patient-level Meta-Analysis
Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health , 2010-05-27





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The Gospel on Antipsychotic Drugs According to CATIE
Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health , 2009-10-01

Editorial Noiembrie

                                    ADAPTAREA LA GREU
      Pe linga gripa, politica, preturi, saracie, agresiune, mojicie ramine grija de a stapini meseria si a te implini conform cu efortul si inteligenta ta.
       Din pacate selectia valorilor a fost mereu corupta de interese ascunse. De aceea a luat fiinta aplr contra oficiosilor de la apr firmodependenti. S-au pierdut si se vor pierde multi care nu inteleg aceasta esenta. Solutia e doar solidarizarea in aplr si dezvoltarea profesionala prin contributia fiecaruia.
       APLR a dat singurele carti importante din psihiatria romaneasca. Ce scoate unul si altul nu e semnificativ.
       Cititi revista si insusiti-va foaia de observatie, cele 52 de lectii, autogene training si poezia IF.
       Stiati ca la mastratul de psihologie sunt inscrisi 700 de cursanti?
       Curaj si efort : we shall overcome!

                                                     prof. dr. Aurel Romila

Medscape November

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The Multicultural Patient: New Strategies for Effectively Treating Type 2 Diabetes
null , 2009-10-13


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IDF Releases New Guidelines on Diabetes Management
Medscape Medical News , 2009-10-26


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Psychological Treatment of Depression Is Effective in the Primary Care Setting
Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health , 2009-10-14


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Preventable Disease and Genomic Analysis: An Expert Interview With George H. Sack, MD, PhD
MedscapeCME Internal Medicine , 2009-10-12


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2009 H1N1 Influenza -- Just the Facts: What's New and What to Expect (Clinical Features and Epidemiology)
Medscape Infectious Diseases , 2009-09-25


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CDC Offers Reassurances on H1N1 Vaccine Safety
Medscape Medical News , 2009-10-06


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si la medscape audio

Does Rasagiline Slow Parkinson's Disease Progression?
Medscape Neurology & Neurosurgery , 2009-09-30


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Do Statins Reduce a Patient's Hormone Levels?
Medscape Pharmacists , 2009-09-25


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Prevalence Estimates for Autism Spectrum Disorder Now Exceed 1%
Medscape Medical News , 2009-10-06


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Difficulties With Activities of Daily Living Strong Predictor of Progression to Dementia
Medscape Medical News CME , 2009-09-23


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news si medlynx,normbr.

Community-Based Addiction Treatment Stops or Reduces Heroin and Crack Cocaine Use
Medscape Medical News , 2009-10-02


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Biomarker Predicts Response to Antidepressant Treatment
Medscape Medical News , 2009-09-17


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The Gospel on Antipsychotic Drugs According to CATIE
Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health , 2009-10-01