Sindromul metabolic

Sindromul metabolic - news&med.gen-metabol.noembrie
Specifically, the new metabolic-syndrome definition streamlines previous differences related to abdominal obesity as defined by measurements in waist circumference. Substantial disparities existed between the previous IDF and the ATP III definitions of what constituted an excessively large waist circumference, by as much as 8 cm between the two groups, but these have been amended. Now, the criteria for elevated waist circumference are based on population- and country-specific definitions, which, although streamlined, do leave some work to be done, said Eckel.

"The problem that still exists is that regional differences around the world may be substantial in terms of what waist circumference confers additional risk for heart disease and diabetes," he said. "The new definition relies on different geographic regions, or different countries, to drill down into their own databases in terms of relating waist circumference to risk." Eckel noted that the IDF previously considered elevations in waist circumference mandatory when defining metabolic syndrome, although the ATP III did not. Now, waist circumference is just one of five criteria that physicians can use when diagnosing the metabolic syndrome. Patients with three of the five criteria--including elevated waist circumference, elevated triglycerides, reduced HDL-cholesterol levels, elevated blood pressure, and elevated fasting-glucose levels--are considered to have the syndrome.

Criteria for Clinical Diagnosis of the Metabolic Syndrome

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