Anxiety Is a Predictor of Death in Middle-aged Women...



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Anxiety Is a Predictor of Death in Middle-aged Women
Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health , 2009-11-11






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Cardiologists Shocked by New FDA Alert on Clopidogrel-PPI Interaction
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Treatment Progression in Major Depressive Disorder
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High Levels of BPA Linked to Sexual Dysfunction
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Identifying Mental Illness Early Through Routine Mental Health Screening
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Exploring Genetic Susceptibility to Autism: An Expert Interview With Hakon Hakonarson, MD, PhD
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CDC Issues Guidelines for Early Empiric Antiviral Treatment in Persons With Suspected Influenza
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Low Cholesterol May Be Marker of Undiagnosed Cancer
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Use of Revised International Health Regulations During Influenza A (H1N1) Epidemic, 2009
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Which Antidepressants Treat Comorbid Anxiety and Depression?
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