Famous Quotes....

When planning for a year, plant corn. When planning for a decade, plant trees. When planning for life, train and educate people.
- Chinese Proverb

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
- Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790

Never before in the history of American business has the role of the corporate director been more important or more
- Martin Lipton, a legendary Wall Street lawyer

The goal was to streamline the organization, remove the number of layers and enable quick and faster decision making.
- Terrie Tweddle, Rogers spokeswoman in Canada, in an interview Thursday.

I love golf, I'm addicted it. When I was younger, I was addicted to other things like alcohol; now I'm addicted to healthy things.
- Alice Cooper, rock star


I loved beating Dizzee Rascal to No. . . 1, even though I'm not quite sure who he is.
- Dame Vera Lynn, 92, who surpassed the rap
star in the charts

Those senators who don't believe in global warming need only step outside Parliament House today to experience the reality of
37-degree heat, weeks before summer has even begun.
-  Peter Marshall, national secretary of Australia's United Firefighters Union, pleads for action on climate change

Science doesn't work because we're all nice. Newton may have been an ass, but the theory of gravity still works.
- Gavin Schmidt, National Aeronautics and Space Administration climatologist, whose e-mail messages were hacked by global-warming skeptics, contends that they just prove scientists to be human

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
- Kate Moss, fashion model, gives her take on dieting


The first obligation of a country. . .is to save the lives of its countrymen.
- Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Spanish Prime Minister, after his country paid a ransom to Somali pirates in exchange for 36 crew members of a Spanish tuna boat who had been held for more than six weeks


Maybe it is healthier, but that should be peoples choice and not because a pop star thinks farting cows and pigs herald the end
of mankind.
- Paul Nuttall, Liverpudlian, European parliamentarian, criticizes Sir Paul McCartney's campaign to encourage meat eaters to go without flesh one day a week, to cut greenhouse gases emitted by livestock


I'm looking forward to that debate, but I hope I've got the key to the door and [will] not let the buggers out until they've done a deal.
- John Prescott, climate-change envoy for the Council of Europe, says leaders of the United States, China and India should be "shoved" into a room at the Copenhagen summit until they reached an agreement


My main objective for climbing Everest was for world peace. I was determined to either climb the peak or die trying.
- Min Bahadur Sherchan, 76, the oldest man to climb Everest, didn't make the ascent just for exercise.
 76, the oldest man to climb Everest, didn't make the ascent just for exercise.


Eventually, the administration of painkillers must be stopped if patients are to get back on their own two feet.
- Jean-Claude Trichet, of the European Central Bank, on weaning banks off easy credit


I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior
my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect.
- Tiger Woods, It's an apology, but not an admission

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