
Month's Best Articles: PsychLinx

November 2009

This month's most-read articles by US physician subscribers

Is Monotherapy as Good as Polypharmacy in Long-Term Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry   11/16/2009
Clinical trials support new algorithm for treating pediatric bipolar mania
Current Psychiatry   11/16/2009
Impact of real-world ziprasidone dosing on treatment discontinuation rates in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
Schizophrenia Research   11/18/2009
Depression, anxiety and obsessive?compulsive symptoms and quality of life in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) during three-month methylphenidate treatment
Journal of Psychopharmacology   11/30/2009
Effects of Olanzapine and Haloperidol on the Metabolic Status of Healthy Men
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism   11/25/2009
The contribution of active medication to combined treatments of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for adult depression: a meta-analysis
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica   11/23/2009
Intranasal Oxytocin Improves Emotion Recognition for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Biological Psychiatry   11/17/2009
Clonidine versus Withdrawal Using an Opioid in In-Patient Opioid Detoxification
European Addiction Research   11/16/2009
Antipsychotic Prescribing Practices Following Withdrawal of Concomitant Carbamazepine
Journal of Psychiatric Practice   11/24/2009
Clinical guideline recommendations for antipsychotic long-acting injections
British Journal of Psychiatry   11/13/2009
Use of Antidepressants in the Treatment of Chronic Pain
Annals, Academy of Medicine, Singapore   11/30/2009
Increased Prevalence of Obesity and Glucose Intolerance in Youth Treated With Second Generation Antipsychotic Medications
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry   11/23/2009
Early- and Delayed Antipsychotic Response and Prediction of Outcome in 528 Severely Impaired Patients with Schizophrenia Treated with Amisulpride
Pharmacopsychiatry   11/20/2009
Acamprosate and Prevention of Relapse in Alcoholics
European Addiction Research   11/16/2009
Inhibition of specific adenylyl cyclase isoforms by lithium and carbamazepine, but not valproate, may be related to their antidepressant effect
Bipolar Disorders   11/24/2009
Duration of untreated illness and suicide in bipolar disorder: a naturalistic study
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience   11/17/2009
The role of ceramide in major depressive disorder
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience   11/12/2009
Pro-inflammatory biomakers in depression: Treatment with venlafaxine
World Journal of Biological Psychiatry   11/23/2009
Second-generation antipsychotic long-acting injections: systematic review
British Journal of Psychiatry   11/10/2009
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of maintenance treatment with adjunctive risperidone long-acting therapy in patients with bipolar I disorder who relapse frequently
Bipolar Disorders   11/23/2009

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