American Journal of Psychiatry

American Journal of Psychiatry Table of Contents Alert

A new issue of American Journal of Psychiatry is available online:
1 February 2010; Vol. 167, No. 2
The below Table of Contents is available online at:

In This Issue

In This Issue
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 A46


Elevated Suicide Rate Among HIV-Positive Persons Despite Benefits of Antiretroviral Therapy: Implications for a Stress and Coping Model of Suicide
Adam W. Carrico
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 117-119

Strategies to Close the "Mortality Gap"
Michael Flaum
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 120-121

Investigating the Cognitive Antecedents of Schizophrenia
Wendy R. Kates
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 122-124

The Use of Depot Medications in the Treatment of Schizophrenia
John M. Davis
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 125-126

Clinical Case Conference

ECT in the Treatment of a Patient With Catatonia: Consent and Complications
Marc H. Zisselman and Richard L. Jaffe
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 127-132

Images in Psychiatry

Psychiatric Journals in China
Chunyan Wu and Liwei Wang
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 133

Reviews and Overviews

The Development of the Feighner Criteria: A Historical Perspective
Kenneth S. Kendler, Rodrigo A. Muñoz, and George Murphy
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 134-142


Suicide in HIV-Infected Individuals and the General Population in Switzerland, 1988–2008
Olivia Keiser, Adrian Spoerri, Martin W.G. Brinkhof, Barbara Hasse, Angéle Gayet-Ageron, Frédéric Tissot, Anna Christen, Manuel Battegay, Patrick Schmid, Enos Bernasconi, Matthias Egger, and for the Swiss HIV Cohort Study and the Swiss National Cohort
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 143-150

A Randomized Trial of Medical Care Management for Community Mental Health Settings: The Primary Care Access, Referral, and Evaluation (PCARE) Study
Benjamin G. Druss, Silke A. von Esenwein, Michael T. Compton, Kimberly J. Rask, Liping Zhao, and Ruth M. Parker
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 151-159

Static and Dynamic Cognitive Deficits in Childhood Preceding Adult Schizophrenia: A 30-Year Study
Abraham Reichenberg, Avshalom Caspi, HonaLee Harrington, Renate Houts, Richard S.E. Keefe, Robin M. Murray, Richie Poulton, and Terrie E. Moffitt
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 160-169

A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Computer-Assisted Cognitive Remediation for Schizophrenia
Dwight Dickinson, Wendy Tenhula, Sarah Morris, Clayton Brown, Jason Peer, Katrina Spencer, Lan Li, James M. Gold, and Alan S. Bellack
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 170-180

Olanzapine Long-Acting Injection: A 24-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind Trial of Maintenance Treatment in Patients With Schizophrenia
John M. Kane, Holland C. Detke, Dieter Naber, Gopalan Sethuraman, Daniel Y. Lin, Richard F. Bergstrom, and David McDonnell
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 181-189

Association of FKBP5 Polymorphisms With Suicidal Events in the Treatment of Resistant Depression in Adolescents (TORDIA) Study
David Brent, Nadine Melhem, Robert Ferrell, Graham Emslie, Karen Dineen Wagner, Neal Ryan, Benedetto Vitiello, Boris Birmaher, Taryn Mayes, Jamie Zelazny, Matthew Onorato, Bernie Devlin, Greg Clarke, Lynn DeBar, and Marty Keller
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 190-197

Risk of Death by Unnatural Causes During Early Childhood in Offspring of Parents With Mental Illness
Yi-Hua Chen, Hung-Yi Chiou, Chao-Hsiun Tang, and Herng-Ching Lin
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 198-205

A Neural Signature of Anorexia Nervosa in the Ventral Striatal Reward System
Anne-Katharina Fladung, Georg Grön, Karl Grammer, Bärbel Herrnberger, Edgar Schilly, Sabine Grasteit, Robert Christian Wolf, Henrik Walter, and Jörn von Wietersheim
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 206-212

Letters to the Editor

Increased Cardiac Death or Decreased Motor Vehicle Accidents?
Joshua Blume and Anthony L. Rostain
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 213

Stimulant Medication Use and Sudden Death in Youths: Considering Unmeasured Covariates
Ashwini Nadkarni and Eric G. Smith
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 213-214

Increased Risk of Sudden Death Among Youths and Stimulant Use: Determining Alternate Potential Factors
Michael R. Johnson
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 214

Dr. Gould Replies
Madelyn S. Gould
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 214-215

Coalitional Affiliation Rather Than Religiosity Might Explain the Heritability of Church Attendance
Henri-Jean Aubin and Philip A.P.M. Gorwood
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 215-216

Antipsychotic Drugs for Depression?
Bernard J. Carroll
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 216

Drs. Nelson and Papakostas Reply
J. Craig Nelson and George I. Papakostas
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 216-219

Beta-Blockers and Depression
Glen L. Xiong, Jane P. Gagliardi, and Wei Jiang
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 219

Dr. Kent Replies
Laura Kent
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 219-220

Book Forum

Psychiatrist on the Road: Encounters in Healing and Healthcare
Jean Milofsky
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 221-222

Ethno-Psychopharmacology: Advances in Current Practice
Eliot Sorel
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 222

Cognitive Dysfunction in Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Clinicians
Charles L. Bowden
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 222

Back to Life, Back to Normality: Cognitive Therapy, Recovery, and Psychosis
Peter F. Buckley
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 223-224

Books Received

Books Received
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 225

APA Official Actions

APA Council Reports
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 226-234

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