Psychiatr Serv Table

Psychiatr Serv Table of Contents for 1 February 2010; Vol. 61, No. 2

Psychiatric Services Table of Contents Alert

A new issue of Psychiatric Services is available online:
1 February 2010; Vol. 61, No. 2

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

This Month's Highlights

February 2010: This Month's Highlights
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 109

Taking Issue

Weighing Scientific Evidence: Let's Keep the Blindfold Off
Bonnie T. Zima
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 107


Evidence-Based Use of Second-Generation Antipsychotics in a State Medicaid Pediatric Population, 2001–2005
Prathamesh Pathak, Donna West, Bradley C. Martin, Mark E. Helm, and Crystal Henderson
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 123-129

Off-Label Use of Second-Generation Antipsychotic Agents Among Elderly Nursing Home Residents
Pravin Kamble, Jeff Sherer, Hua Chen, and Rajender Aparasu
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 130-136

Effectiveness and Outcomes of Assisted Outpatient Treatment in New York State
Jo C. Phelan, Marilyn Sinkewicz, Dorothy M. Castille, Steven Huz, and Bruce G. Link
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 137-143

Collaborative Care for Depressed Patients With Chronic Medical Conditions: A Randomized Trial in Puerto Rico
Mildred Vera, Coralee Perez-Pedrogo, Sarah Enid Huertas, Maria Leticia Reyes-Rabanillo, Deborah Juarbe, Aracelis Huertas, Mae Lynn Reyes-Rodriguez, and William Chaplin
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 144-150

Positive Screens for Psychiatric Disorders in Primary Care: A Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients Who Were Not in Treatment
Myrna M. Weissman, Yuval Neria, Marc J. Gameroff, Daniel J. Pilowsky, Priya Wickramaratne, Rafael Lantigua, Steven Shea, and Mark Olfson
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 151-159

Advantages of Using Estimated Depression-Free Days for Evaluating Treatment Efficacy
Steven D. Vannoy, Patricia Arean, and Jürgen Unützer
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 160-163

One-Year Treatment Outcomes of African-American and Hispanic Patients With Bipolar I or II Disorder in STEP-BD
Jodi M. Gonzalez, Charles L. Bowden, Nancy Berman, Ellen Frank, Mark S. Bauer, Jane N. Kogan, Margarita Alegría, and David J. Miklowitz
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 164-172

Psychiatrists' Attitudes Toward and Awareness About Racial Disparities in Mental Health Care
Julie B. Mallinger and J. Steven Lamberti
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 173-179


Public-Academic Partnerships: Improving Depression Care for Disadvantaged Adults by Partnering With Non-Mental Health Agencies
Deborah Dobransky-Fasiska, Mary Patricia Nowalk, Harold Alan Pincus, Enrico Castillo, Brenda E. Lee, Adrienne L. Walnoha, Charles F. Reynolds, III, and Charlotte Brown
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 110-112

Economic Grand Rounds: Did Medicare Part D Improve Access to Medications?
Marisa Elena Domino and Joel F. Farley
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 118-120

Personal Accounts: A Simple Request for Sleep: An 11-Year Journey
Elizabeth Morelli
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 121-122

Open Forum

Rational Protection of Subjects in Research and Quality Improvement Activities
Beth Goldman, Lisa B. Dixon, David A. Adler, Jeffrey Berlant, Rebecca A. Dulit, Ann Hackman, David W. Oslin, Samuel G. Siris, and Marcia Valenstein
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 180-183

Brief Reports

The Dual Diagnosis Physician-infrastructure Assessment Tool: Examining Physician Attributes and Dual Diagnosis Capacity
R. Andrew Chambers, Michael C. Connor, Cathy J. Boggs, and George F. Parker
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 184-188

Nonadherence to Medication Four Years After a First Episode of Psychosis and Associated Risk Factors
Michele Hill, Niall Crumlish, Petter Whitty, Mary Clarke, Stephen Browne, Moayyad Kamali, Anthony Kinsella, John L. Waddington, Conall Larkin, and Eadbhard O'Callaghan
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 189-192

Weekend Prescribing Practices and Subsequent Seclusion and Restraint in a Psychiatric Inpatient Setting
David Lee Goldbloom, Ramin Mojtabai, and Michael J. Serby
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 193-195

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment of Deaf Adults: Demographic and Diagnostic Comparisons With Hearing Inpatients
Sarah A. Landsberger and David R. Diaz
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 196-199

Predictors of Decertification From Involuntary Hospitalization for Patients With Bipolar Disorder
Glen L. Xiong, Ana-Maria Iosif, Michael Brook, and Donald M. Hilty
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 200-203

Frontline Reports

Motivational Interviewing Training at a State Psychiatric Hospital
Matthew D. Levy, Sally Ricketts, and Wayne Le Blanc
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 204-205

Personalized Intervention for Hoarders at Risk of Eviction
Carolyn Rodriguez, Lisa Panero, and Audrey Tannen
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 205

Book Reviews

DSM-IV-TR Casebook and Treatment Guide for Child Mental Health
Lauren M. Sitzer
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 206

The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Alzheimer Disease and Other Dementias
Joseph Tonkonogy
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 206-207

Prescriptions for the Mind: A Critical View of Contemporary Psychiatry
Kenneth S. Thompson
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 207-208

Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men
Cheri Hoffman
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 208

Handbook of Human Services Management, 2nd edition
Richard E. Kellogg
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 209

News & Notes

2010 Federal Budget Boosts Funding for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Programs
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 210-211

News Briefs
Psychiatr Serv 2010;61 211

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