American Journal of Psychiatry

American Journal of Psychiatry Table of Contents Alert

A new issue of American Journal of Psychiatry is available online:
1 April 2010; Vol. 167, No. 4
The below Table of Contents is available online at:

In This Issue

In This Issue
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 A36


The Shape of Things to Come in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Philip Shaw
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 363-365

"Splitting of the Mind" Revisited: Recent Neuroimaging Evidence for Functional Dysconnection in Schizophrenia and Its Relation to Symptoms
Sohee Park and Katharine N. Thakkar
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 366-368

Candidate Gene Studies in the GWAS Era: The MET Proto-Oncogene, Neurocognition, and Schizophrenia
Tyrone D. Cannon
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 369-372

Neurocognition and White Matter Imaging: Can the Relationship Be Reliably Quantified?
Marek Kubicki
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 373-375


The Care and Feeding of Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry
Peter F. Buckley and William F. Rayburn
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 376-378


Reflections on Loss...of Facial Hair
Jason Rosenstock
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 379-380

Education In Psychiatry

Teaching Trainees to Negotiate Research Collaborations With Industry: A Mentorship Model
David B. Merrill, Ragy R. Girgis, Lincoln C. Bickford, Stanislav R. Vorel, and Jeffrey A. Lieberman
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 381-386

Images in Psychiatry

Jean Martin Charcot, 1825–1893: Did He Anticipate Freud's First Topology?
Catherine Bouchara, Philippe Mazet, and David Cohen
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 387

Reviews and Overviews

Roles of the Akt/GSK-3 and Wnt Signaling Pathways in Schizophrenia and Antipsychotic Drug Action
Zachary Freyberg, Stephen J. Ferrando, and Jonathan A. Javitch
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 388-396


Morphological Abnormalities of the Thalamus in Youths With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Iliyan Ivanov, Ravi Bansal, Xuejun Hao, Hongtu Zhu, Cristoph Kellendonk, Loren Miller, Juan Sanchez-Pena, Ann M. Miller, M. Mallar Chakravarty, Kristin Klahr, Kathleen Durkin, Laurence L. Greenhill, and Bradley S. Peterson
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 397-408

Adult Psychiatric Outcomes of Girls With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: 11-Year Follow-Up in a Longitudinal Case-Control Study
Joseph Biederman, Carter R. Petty, Michael C. Monuteaux, Ronna Fried, Deirdre Byrne, Tara Mirto, Thomas Spencer, Timothy E. Wilens, and Stephen V. Faraone
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 409-417

Association of Enhanced Limbic Response to Threat With Decreased Cortical Facial Recognition Memory Response in Schizophrenia
Theodore D. Satterthwaite, Daniel H. Wolf, James Loughead, Kosha Ruparel, Jeffrey N. Valdez, Steven J. Siegel, Christian G. Kohler, Raquel E. Gur, and Ruben C. Gur
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 418-426

Deactivation of the Parahippocampal Gyrus Preceding Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia
Kelly M.J. Diederen, Sebastiaan F.W. Neggers, Kirstin Daalman, Jan Dirk Blom, Rutger Goekoop, René S. Kahn, and Iris E.C. Sommer
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 427-435

Association of Genetic Variation in the MET Proto-Oncogene With Schizophrenia and General Cognitive Ability
Katherine E. Burdick, Pamela DeRosse, John M. Kane, Todd Lencz, and Anil K. Malhotra
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 436-443

Suppression of the P50 Evoked Response and Neuregulin 1-Induced AKT Phosphorylation in First-Episode Schizophrenia
Szabolcs Kéri, Sándor Beniczky, and Oguz Kelemen
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 444-450

White Matter Integrity and Cognitive Impairment in First-Episode Psychosis
Rocío Pérez-Iglesias, Diana Tordesillas-Gutiérrez, Philip K. McGuire, Gareth J. Barker, Roberto Roiz-Santiañez, Ignacio Mata, Enrique Marco de Lucas, Jose Manuel Rodríguez-Sánchez, Rosa Ayesa-Arriola, Jose L. Vazquez-Barquero, and Benedicto Crespo-Facorro
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 451-458

Project Among African-Americans to Explore Risks for Schizophrenia (PAARTNERS): Evidence for Impairment and Heritability of Neurocognitive Functioning in Families of Schizophrenia Patients
Monica E. Calkins, Ping Tepper, Ruben C. Gur, J. Daniel Ragland, Lambertus Klei, Howard W. Wiener, Jan Richard, Robert M. Savage, Trina B. Allen, Judith O'Jile, Bernie Devlin, Joseph Kwentus, Muktar H. Aliyu, L. DiAnne Bradford, Neil Edwards, Paul D. Lyons, Vishwajit L. Nimgaonkar, Alberto B. Santos, Rodney C.P. Go, and Raquel E. Gur
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 459-472

Letters to the Editor

Suicide Prevention on the Golden Gate Bridge
Jacobs John
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 473

Drs. Blaustein and Fleming Reply
Mel Blaustein and Anne Fleming
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 473

The Effect of Inmate Populations on Estimates of DSM-IV Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders in the United States
Wilson M. Compton, Deborah Dawson, Sarah Q. Duffy, and Bridget F. Grant
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 473-474

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Versus General Psychiatric Management in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder
Brady G. Case
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 475

Dr. McMain Replies
Shelley F. McMain
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 475-476

Acute Grief and Physical Pain
Leon Hoffman
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 476

Postpartum Depression With Psychotic Features
Veerle Bergink and Kathelijne M. Koorengevel
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 476-477

Drs. Sharma, Burt, and Ritchie Reply
Verinder Sharma, Vivien Burt, and Hendrica Ritchie
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 477

Book Forum

The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychopharmacology, Fourth Edition
Robert Freedman
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 478

Recovery in Mental Health: Reshaping Scientific and Clinical Responsibilities
Richard Warner
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 478-479

The Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease
Tanya M. Luhrmann
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 479-480

Modern Management of Perinatal Psychiatric Disorders
Margaret Spinelli
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 480-481

Books Received

Books Received
Am J Psychiatry 2010;167 482

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