MedScape - June

Do Statins Raise the Risk for Diabetes?
Medscape Diabetes & Endocrinology , 2010-05-04




The Current State in Autism -- Still Tough to Treat but Encouraging Progress
Medscape Pediatrics , 2010-05-03




Do Obese Patients Preempt Their Own Preventive Care?
Medscape Diabetes & Endocrinology , 2010-05-06




Organophosphate Pesticides Linked to ADHD
Medscape Medical News , 2010-05-17



Blood Pressure Fluctuation Linked to Increased Signs of Cerebrovascular Disease
Medscape Medical News , 2010-05-17




Rivastigmine Linked to Improvement in Parkinson's Disease Dementia and Cognitive Skills
Medscape Medical News , 2010-05-17



Statins Score Again: Prevention of Thromboembolism
Medscape Medical News , 2010-05-20



Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury Show High Rates of Depression
Medscape Medical News , 2010-05-20




DSM-5 Not Just for Psychiatrists APA Says
Medscape Medical News , 2010-05-18



JAMA Theme Issue Dedicated to Mental Health
Medscape Medical News , 2010-05-19



Risperidone, Olanzapine Reduce Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia
Reuters Health Information , 2010-04-27




Life Without a Cerebellum
Brain , 2010-03-01




ACES: Transcranial Doppler Flags Risk for Stroke or TIA in Patients With Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis
Medscape Medical News , 2010-05-28




Greater Clinical Risk Following Rapid Antidepressant Withdrawal
Medscape Medical News , 2010-05-28




Many Psychotropic Medications May Be Bad for Bones
Medscape Medical News , 2010-05-27



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