* astm si suicid

Asthma and suicide mortality in young people: A 12-year follow-up study
American Journal of Psychiatry, 07/20/2010

Kuo CJ et al. – The authors investigated the association between asthma and suicide mortality in a large population-based cohort of young people. These results highlight evidence of excess suicide mortality in young people with asthma. There is a need to improve mental health care for young people, particularly those with more severe and persistent asthma symptoms.

  • Total of 162,766 high school students 11 to 16 years of age living in a catchment area in Taiwan from October 1995 to June 1996 enrolled in study of asthma and allergy
  • Each student and his or her parents completed structured questionnaires
  • Participants were classified into 3 groups at baseline: current asthma (symptoms present in the past year), previous asthma (history of asthma but no symptoms in the past year), and no asthma
  • Participants were followed to December 2007 by record linkage to the national Death Certification System
  • Cox proportional hazards models were used to study association between asthma and cause of death
  • Incidence rate of suicide mortality in participants with current asthma at baseline was more than twice that of those without asthma (11.0 compared with 4.3 per 100,000 person-years)
  • No significant difference in incidence of natural deaths
  • Adjusted HR for suicide was 2.26 (95% CI=1.43–3.58) in current asthma group and 1.76 (95% CI=0.90–3.43) in previous asthma group
  • Greater number of asthma symptoms at baseline associated with higher risk of subsequent suicide
  • Population attributable fraction was 7.0%.

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