* hindu wisdom

Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to re-establish dharma. - Bhagavad Gita 4:7-8

Editorial SEPTEMBRIE - Profesor Dr. Aurel ROMILA

                                           SCURTA ISTORIE A PSIHIATRIEI ROMINESTI

      Cotitura istorica din 90 a dus la desprinderea APLR din APR. Definitiv.

      Urmasii lui G si P conduc APR si lupta pentru transferul psihiatriei rominesti dela est la vest. Pentru asta sunt abonati la congrese in occident, defiintarea resocializarii si cedarea cladirii resocializarii altor servicii din spital. Aceasi situatie e si prin multe parti din provincie. Maximul se planueste pentru 2014 cind un congres international vrea sa demonstreze valoarea APR. Dar istoria va trebui sa tina cont de fapte. Tot ce s-a publicat mai valoros, adica DSM, OXFORD, PSIHIATRIE PSYCHIATRY, apartin APLR. Frinele de care dispune APR sunt examenle de specialisti, posturile chee, legatura cu MS si legatura cu firmele. In schimb Aplr va intari lupta cu Psihologii si familiile schizofrenilor stind aproape de bolnavi. De fapt cistigul istoric al psihiatriei rominesti care o ajuta sa suporte si poate chiar sa depaseasca criza este RESOCIALIZAREA bolnavilor psihihici. Fara ea totul e o penibila parodie.

Momente de Relaxare

Momente de Relaxare si Reflectii...


1. Relax

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/kdkhpl89gd


2. Roads

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/32l6ibl3ti


3. Sunset

Click: http://www.box.net/shared/rb3dl3emqf


4. Retus in Tus

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/u12b03he4n


5. Fotografii Premiate

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/35d5gp7nq6


6. Lebede Frumoase

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/0snd1261dv


7. Fiecare Dimineata

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/a9s6dfmgik


8. Yves Montand

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/kxpgyrdg4u


9. 45 de Fotografii Istorice

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/usxiglmnlo


10. Reflectii despre Viata

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/02dmdmpf0a


11. Picturi cu Cafea

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/5on68tdzf8


12. Pentru o Pauza de Cafea

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/cga2co02o9


13. Masini de Epoca

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/7i9vc2lb97


14. Coral

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/13n8ks7kc4


15. Ikebana

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/3b028oydya


16. Fotografii 2010

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/1yd4dm7e6s


17. Daca Dragoste nu e....

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/akqie1xpvm


18. Origami

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/glr3obgbqx


19. Beaautiful Pictures & Bob Marley

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/poi4v4g1fl


20. Buchet de Trandafiri

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/hr78eutcd6


21. Acesta sunt eu

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/63762luaz3


22. Zamek Hluboka

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/l8f0ks4kzn


Welcome To Romania

Romania Pitoreasca

1. Apuseni

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/nd8yi0mgsc



2. Bine Ati Venit In Romania - WELCOME TO ROMANIA!

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/2ghappz6cm



3. Parfumul Florilor cu Octavian Paler

Click :  http://www.box.net/shared/u7oqhn8ksu


Calatorim prin Lume

Sa vedem Lumea :


1. Brasil 2010

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/vha42yk0q0



2. Caracas - Venezuela

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/yh5p3vny3n



3. Calatorie prin Lume

Click: http://www.box.net/shared/m9hskiiass



4. Grecia - Flori & Muzica

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/ok5p3bkdps



5. Franta - Vedere Aeriana

Click :  http://www.box.net/shared/vg5mnoy9m5



6.  Istanbul

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/6usj0d0xbt



7. Italia

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/f69ehs6rdn



8. Italia cu Pavarotti

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/x5p9nmuqqc



9. Libia

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/2uuxqedk3r




10. New York City

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/6njvct9kk4



11. Orient Express - Tren

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/sx9aex6itx



12. Regatul unei Printese

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/c1nnukqruo



13. Printi si Printese - Albert II

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/earplfmy8q



14. Spania - Gaudi

Click :  http://www.box.net/shared/x5p9nmuqqc



15. Torta Olimpica 2016 - Rio de Janeiro

Click : http://www.box.net/shared/1zls3rl12k



16. Un Paseo Por Yvoire

Click :  http://www.box.net/shared/el6qkpv5y2


Intelepciune din Orient

* comparatie superba

Know the Self as lord of the chariot, The body as the chariot itself, The discriminating intellect as charioteer, And the mind as reins. The senses, say the wise, are the horses; Selfish desires are the roads they travel. When the Self is confused with the body, Mind, and senses, they point out, he seems To enjoy pleasure and suffer sorrow.

- Katha Upanishad





* india antica avea o schema psihologica corecta

When one lacks discrimination And his mind is undisciplined, the senses Run hither and thither like wild horses. But they obey the rein like trained horses When one has discrimination and has made The mind one-pointed. Those who lack Discrimination, with little control Over their thoughts and far from pure, Reach not the pure state of immortality But wander from death to death; but those Who have discrimination, with a still mind And a pure heart, reach journey's end, Never again to fall into the jaws of death. With a discriminating intellect As charioteer and a trained mind as reins, They attain the supreme goal of life To be united with the Lord of Love.

- Katha Upanishad






"The spiritual 'I' gives, the ego takes.  The destructiveness of the ego is immediately evident in social terms: everyone wants to take, to have, and the result is discord and warfare.  Today we are experiencing the collapse of a social system based on egotism both in the East and in the West.  Long ago the fanatic belief of economic liberalism (that if the individual strives for maximum economic prosperity the result will be maximum prosperity for all) has been shown to be wishful thinking, an ideology meant to somehow socially justify gross egotism.  The answer to liberalism was hardly better. Marx never discovered that individual egotism cannot be overcome through class egotism.  Class egotism, national egotism or the egotism of the individual: they all lead to a general defeat in a war of all against all.  No social contract helps here… Ambition against ambition, greed against greed will-to-power against will-to-power – how can this lead anywhere but to continual conflict?"

Georg Kuhlewind, "From Normal to Healthy – Paths to the Liberation of Consciousness"


***   ***   ***   ***   ***




Life Is a 


before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't 



you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone 

who has nothing to eat.


you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone 

who's crying out to GOD for a companion.


before you complain about life - Think of someone who went 

too early to heaven.


whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who 

walks the same distance with their feet.

And when 

you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the 
unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your 

And when 

depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on 
your face and think: you're alive and still 










* gita

Good people come to worship me for different reasons. Some come to the spiritual life because of suffering, some in order to understand life; some come through a desire to achieve life's purpose, and some come who are men and women of wisdom. Unwavering in devotion, always united with me, the man or woman of wisdom surpasses all the others. To them I am the dearest beloved, and they are very dear to me. All those who follow the spiritual path are blessed. But the wise who are always established in union, for whom there is no higher goal than me, may be regarded as my very Self.

- Bhagavad Gita 7:16-18






* Constienta

The 8 States of Consciousness
Every day we normally experience three states of consciousness: Waking, dreaming and sleeping...

* hinduism

They are forever free who renounce all selfish desires and break away from the ego-cage of "I", "me", and "mine" to be united with the Lord. This is the supreme state. Attain to this, and pass from death to immortality.

- Bhagavad Gita 2:71





* selful suprem-Dumnezeu

The supreme Self is neither born nor dies. He cannot be burned, moved, pierced, cut, nor dried. Beyond all attributes, the supreme Self Is the eternal witness, ever pure, Indivisible, and uncompounded, Far beyond the senses and the ego. In him conflicts and expectations cease. He is omnipresent, beyond all thought, Without action in the external world. Without action in the internal world. Detached from the outer and the inner, This supreme Self purifies the impure.

- Atma Upanishad





* spiritul

"We are not victims of aging, sickness and death. These are part of scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being."

- Deepak Chopra

* brahma,krishna & shiva

This is the gist of all worship: to be pure and to do good to others. He who sees Shiva in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Shiva. And if he sees Shiva only in the image, his worship is but preliminary. He who has served and helped one poor man seeing Shiva in him, without thinking of his caste or creed or race or anything, with him Shiva is more pleased than with the man who sees Him only in temples.

- Vivekananda






* da ca sa primesti!

"As long as you're giving, you will be receiving."

- Deepak Chopra

* empatie

To get a better understanding of the other person, try putting yourself in their shoes. This will give you a better understanding of their point of view and behavior.  Maybe the person in question was in a lot of pain. This doesn't justify their negativity, but it will help you understand it. The more you understand the other person and their behavior, the easier it is not to let go of a grudge.





* nesiguranta ajuta

Uncertainty is the fertile ground of pure creativity and freedom."

- Deepak Chopra

VATICAN - Capela Sixtina - Panoramic 360

Capela Sixtina - VATICAN -- Panoramic 360

Miscand sageata mousului, veti vedea fiecare parte a Capelei Sixtine, pictata de
in coltul din stanga jos apasati pe plus pentru a apropia imaginea si pe minus,
pentru a o indeparta (sau miscand rotita din mijloc a mousului).


-- Material trimis de Dna Victoria Ion



British Journal of Psychiatry - From the Editor's Desk

BJP Online Table of Contents Alert

A new issue of The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online:
September 2010; Vol. 197, No. 3

The below Table of Contents is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/vol197/issue3/?etoc

Highlights of this issue

Highlights of this issue
Sukhwinder S. Shergill
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 A11


Psychotic symptoms in the general population – an evolutionary perspective
Kelleher Ian, Jack A. Jenner, and Mary Cannon
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 167-169

Interpretation of interactions: guide for the perplexed
Kenneth S. Kendler and Charles O. Gardner
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 170-171

Culture and complex interventions: lessons for evidence, policy and practice
Kamaldeep Bhui
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 172-173


Efficacy of antidepressants in treating the negative symptoms of chronic schizophrenia: meta-analysis
Surendra P. Singh, Vidhi Singh, Nilamadhab Kar, and Kelvin Chan
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 174-179


Parental history of depression or anxiety and the cortisol awakening response
Sophie A. Vreeburg, Catharina A. Hartman, Witte J. G. Hoogendijk, Richard van Dyck, Frans G. Zitman, Johan Ormel, and Brenda W. J. H. Penninx
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 180-185

Neurodevelopmental marker for limbic maldevelopment in antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy
Adrian Raine, Lydia Lee, Yaling Yang, and Patrick Colletti
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 186-192

Personality pathology recorded by severity: national survey
Min Yang, Jeremy Coid, and Peter Tyrer
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 193-199

Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder and delirium in the general population
Jonna Perälä, Kimmo Kuoppasalmi, Sami Pirkola, Tommi Härkänen, Samuli Saarni, Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson, Satu Viertiö, Antti Latvala, Seppo Koskinen, Jouko Lönnqvist, and Jaana Suvisaari
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 200-206

Examining interactions between risk factors for psychosis
Stanley Zammit, Glyn Lewis, Christina Dalman, and Peter Allebeck
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 207-211

Ethnic differences in self-harm, rates, characteristics and service provision: three-city cohort study
Jayne Cooper, Elizabeth Murphy, Roger Webb, Keith Hawton, Helen Bergen, Keith Waters, and Navneet Kapur
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 212-218

Psychiatric disorders in women prisoners who have engaged in near-lethal self-harm: case–control study
Lisa Marzano, Seena Fazel, Adrienne Rivlin, and Keith Hawton
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 219-226

Social intervention for British Pakistani women with depression: randomised controlled trial
Richard Gater, Waquas Waheed, Nusrat Husain, Barbara Tomenson, Saadia Aseem, and Francis Creed
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 227-233

Role of media reports in completed and prevented suicide: Werther v. Papageno effects
Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, Martin Voracek, Arno Herberth, Benedikt Till, Markus Strauss, Elmar Etzersdorfer, Brigitte Eisenwort, and Gernot Sonneck
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 234-243


Pernicious anaemia presenting as catatonia without signs of anaemia or macrocytosis
Sameer Jauhar, Allison Blackett, Pavan Srireddy, and Peter J. McKenna
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 244-245


Group-based psychosocial intervention for bipolar disorder
Sumeet Gupta
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 246

Authors reply:
David Castle, Monica Gilbert, Sue Lauder, Greg Murray, James Chamberlain, Carolynne White, Michael Berk, and Lesley Berk
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 246

Effects of befriending on depressive symptoms: a precautionary note on promising findings
Ghassan El-Baalbaki, Erin Arthurs, Brooke Levis, and Brett D. Thombs
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 247

Authors reply:
Nicola Mead, Helen Lester, Carolyn Chew-Graham, Linda Gask, and Peter Bower
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 247


The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 247-248

Book reviews

Neuroscience, Psychology and Religion: Illusions, Delusions, and Realities about Human Nature
Simon Dein
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 249

Depersonalization: A New Look at a Neglected Syndrome
Kenneth Davison
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 249-250

Managing Self-Harm: Psychological Perspectives
Jack Nathan
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 250

Mental Health Tribunals: Law, Practice and Procedure
Richard Latham
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 250-251

Modern Management of Perinatal Psychiatric Disorders
Kathryn Bundle
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 251

Social Behaviour and Network Therapy for Alcohol Problems
Iain Smith
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 251-252

Methamphetamine Addiction: From Basic Science to Treatment
Elizabeth Furlong
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 252

Women and Addiction: A Comprehensive Handbook
Emily Finch
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 252-253

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Across the Lifespan: An Integrative Approach
Peter Tyrer
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 253

Tormented Hope. Nine Hypochondriac Lives
Allan Beveridge
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 253-254


Bipolar (2008) – psychiatry in pictures
Alice Hatter
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 169

My taster experience – extra
Sacha Evans
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 218

Looking Down – poems by doctors
Roy Salole
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 248

From the Editor's desk

From the Editor s desk
Peter Tyrer
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 256

Risk factors for psychosis...

BJP Online -- Highlights of the Current Issue

September 2010; Vol. 197, No. 3
The complete Table of Contents for the current issue is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/vol197/issue3/

The following content is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/cgi/content/full/197/3/A11

Highlights of this issue

Sukhwinder S. Shergill

Risk factors for psychosis: interaction and evolution

Schizophrenia is considered to have a multifactorial aetiology. Initial interest was in the relative contribution of these individual factors to developing schizophrenia, but more recently there has been a much greater focus on the interactions between these factors, driven by an interest in specific gene–environment relationships. Zammit et al (pp. 207–211) report the analysis of a large epidemiological study of schizophrenia, looking at the additional value of examining interactions between established risk factors. They conclude that some people will only develop schizophrenia if more than one risk factor is present; this significant additive interaction was found for most of the observed risk factors. However, despite these statistically significant interactions, interestingly, they do not consider that this offers any significant additional understanding of aetiology, or guidance towards potential targeting of therapies. A related editorial by Kendler & Gardner (pp. 170–171) is invaluable in setting out a guide for the perplexed – the core of the theoretical and practical issues required to understand this complex area. They are also very cautious in their assessment of this approach, and recommend a simple analysis strategy predicated on maximising our ability to predict and explain risk factors, and actually avoiding interactions as a major research focus per se. There has been a more modest renewed interest in the dimensional view of psychotic symptoms, and the observation that these symptoms are reported commonly in the population. An editorial by Kelleher and colleagues (pp. 167–169) considers an evolutionary perspective in explaining the relative frequency of symptoms: while there are clear disadvantages in developing a psychotic illness, there may be evolutionary benefits associated with carrying some of the risk-related genes and subclinical symptoms. They advocate this area, of symptoms in the non-clinical population, as deserving more research.

Culture, depression and self-harm

There has been considerable variation in the rates of suicide reported in different ethnic groups. Cooper et al (pp. 212–218) conducted a three-city study and found higher rates of self-harm in young Black females in all three sites, while rates for south Asian groups varied between the different sites. They also report that minority ethnic patients were less likely to receive specialist psychiatric assessment and follow-up. They concluded that services need to be better tailored to respond more sensitively to differential local cultural variations in people presenting with self-harm. Cultural competency training is suggested as one option to help in changing skills and attitudes of clinical staff. The raised incidence of depression and self-harm in south Asian women, along with lower levels of antidepressant use, was the rationale for a social intervention trial among south Asian women with depression in the UK. Gater and colleagues (pp. 227–233) report that the social group intervention was acceptable to the women in the study, and was associated with greater improvement in social functioning, although not significantly greater improvement in depression. An accompanying editorial by Bhui (pp. 172–173) emphasises the value of contemporary research focused on understanding cultural influences in the aetiology of mental illness, but suggests that insufficient attention has been paid to cultural adaptations of clinical interventions and service delivery. He argues that such adaptation is not necessarily expensive, and the increased attention to the core elements of the intervention can also benefit the wider population.

Negative symptoms, personality and cortisol

In the absence of any novel therapeutic interventions for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, Singh and colleagues (pp. 174–179) report that adjunct antidepressant treatment was effective in improving negative symptoms. They performed a meta-analysis of 22 publications and report a significant result for treatment with the antidepressants fluoxetine, trazodone and ritanserin. Combination treatments are likely to cause additional side-effects and there are insufficient data on the levels of this side-effect burden, or on the benefits for specific negative symptoms. Personality disorder is relatively common in the population, but there is no standard measure of severity. Yang et al (pp. 193–199) overcame this difficulty by using the extent of comorbidity between different personality disorder types, and clusters, as an index of severity. They report increased levels of dysfunctional behaviour and impairments in social functioning with increased levels of severity. Intriguingly, the suggestion is made that it is difficult to implement targeted service provision for a disorder that has a prevalence of 13%; but by indexing severity, it should be possible to target provision at the much smaller proportion of the people assessed as having a severe disorder. Cortisol measures have been widely used as to demonstrate change associated with depressive illness within the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. Vreeburg and colleagues (pp. 180–185) show that the same pattern of elevated awakening cortisol levels is present in non-depressed individuals with a parental history of depression as in patients with depression or anxiety disorder. They suggest that genetic factors could account for their results, and represent a trait factor for vulnerability to developing depression or anxiety disorders.

Nos derniers livres audio gratuits

Nos derniers livres audio gratuits

Bonjour à tous !

Ce message pour vous informer des derniers livres audio à écouter et télécharger gratuitement sur notre site :

- TOLSTOÏ, Léon - Le Diable. Publié par René Depasse le 1 août 2010.

- LA FAYETTE, Madame (de) - La Comtesse de Tende. Publié par chantal S-J le 1 août 2010.

- LEROUX, Gaston - L'Auberge épouvantable. Publié par René Depasse le 31 juillet 2010.

- SILVESTRE, Armand - Histoires belles et honnestes. Publié par Orangeno le 31 juillet 2010.

- PLATON - Lysis (De l'amitié). Publié par René Depasse le 30 juillet 2010.

- QUIROGA, Horacio - A la deriva (V.O.). Publié par Prof. Tournesol le 29 juillet 2010.

- HUGO, Victor - Mazeppa (Poème). Publié par Sophie la girafe le 29 juillet 2010.

- BALZAC, Honoré (de) - Jésus-Christ en Flandre. Publié par René Depasse le 28 juillet 2010.

- PLATON - Phèdre. Publié par Thomas de Châtillon le 27 juillet 2010.

- BAUDELAIRE, Charles - L'Albatros (Poème, Version 2). Publié par Gilles-Claude le 26 juillet 2010.

En vous souhaitant une belle journée,
Toute l'équipe de


Radio Erevan

Radio Erevan raspunde :

>Un ascultator: Acum, in capitalism, mai poate fi actuala vechea deviza
>leninista: "Invatati ! Invatati ! Invatati !" ?
>Radio Erevan : Da, dar in forma: "Inhatati ! Inhatati ! Inhatati !
>Un ascultator: Cine a inventat valsul ?
>Radio  Erevan : Bineinteles ca Lenin, prin istorica sa lucrare: "Un pas inainte,
>doi pasi inapoi".
>Un copil: Cand e timpul cel mai potrivit pentru culegerea merelor ?
>Radio Erevan : Cand doarme paznicul.
>Un ascultator: Cine a fost Cristofor Columb ?
>Radio Erevan :  Primul socialist: nu stia unde merge, habar n-avea unde se afla
>si toate acestea pe banii contribuabililor.
>Un ascultator: Ce este statistica ?
>Radio Erevan : Este ceva asemanator costumului de baie: arata multe, dar ascunde
>esentialul !
>Un ascultator: Care a fost cel mai nefericit si ghinionist om de pe Glob ?
>Radio Erevan : Iuri Gagarin, pentru ca dupa ce a inconjurat globul pamantesc de
>sapte ori tot in URSS a cazut.
>Un ascultator: De ce Adam si Eva au trait peste 800 de ani, iar astazi omul nu
>traieste mai mult de 100 de ani ?
>Radio Erevan : Deoarece, intre timp, medicina a progresat foarte mult !
>Un tanar logodnic: Care  poate fi cea mai mare deceptie a unui logodnic ?
>Radio Erevan : Sa ceara mana fetei si sa primeasca piciorul tatalui.
>Un ascultator: Ce poti face cand doctorul iti interzice sa te apropii de votca
>Radio Erevan : Bei votca de la distanta, cu paiul.
>Un grup de  ascultatori: De ce in  China  femeile merg in urma barbatului, iar
>in America se intampla mai rar lucrul acesta ?
>Radio Erevan: In China , cand o femeie merge in urma sotului inseamna ca-l
>respecta. In SUA, cand o femeie face acelasi lucru, inseamna ca-l urmareste.
>O tanara ascultatoare, nevinovata si pudica: De ce multe fete se casatoresc cu
>batrani care innoata in bani ?
>Radio Erevan : Fiindca sunt foarte miloase ! Vor sa-i salveze de la inec !
>Un ascultator: Cum se trece de la capitailsm la socialism ? Si, mai ales, cum se
>poate trece de la socialism la capitalism ?
>Radio Erevan : De la capitalism la socialism se poate trece prin revolutie; iar
>de la socialism la capitalism cel mai bine se poate trece prin agentiile de
>Un ascultator: Prin ce a ramas celebru Razboiul de 100 de ani ?
>Radio Erevan : Prin faptul ca atunci a aparut centura de castitate si meseria de
>lacatus mecanic !
>Un ascultator: Exista vreo asemanare intre istorie si sutien ?
>Radio Erevan : Desigur ! Una foarte mare ! Amandoua deformeaza realitatea !
>Un ascultator: Cum se imbraca eschimosii  ?
>Radio Erevan : Repede !
>Un ascultator: De ce romanele politiste sunt scrise, cu mici exceptii, numai de
>barbati ?
>Radio Erevan : Fiindca femeile nu stiu sa pastreze un secret pana la capat.
>Alt copil: Nene, ce face gaina dupa ce a ouat  ?
>Radio Erevan : Publicitate !
>Un ascultator: Exista in viata unei femei 10 ani cu adevarat frumosi ?
>Radio Erevan : Absolut ! Cei dintre 28 si 30 de ani.
>O ascultatoare: Ce este un corp transparent ?
>Radio Erevan : Ceva prin care se poate vedea. Exemplificam: gaura cheii !
>Un ascultator: Ce este un an lumina ?
>Radio Erevan : Pe noi nu ne intereseaza, noi platim consumul lunar.
>Un alt copil: Cat poate trai o camila fara sa bea apa ?
>Radio Erevan : Pana moare.
>Un ascultator ne intreaba: Zebra este dungata alb cu negru, sau negru cu alb?
>Radio Erevan: Da
>O bunicuta: Nepotelul meu are 11 ani. Pot sa incep sa-i fac educatie sexuala ?
>Radio Erevan : Puteti, daca vreti sa aflati noutati.
>Un ascultator: Ce poate face o femeie cu sotul ei care se uita tot timpul dupa
>fuste ?
>Radio Erevan : Va sugeram sa-l trimiteti intr-o vacanta in ... Scotia .
>Un ascultator: Cati miliardari sunt in Romania ?
>Radio Erevan : Nu stim, dar pana sa va raspundem au mai aparut cativa.
>Un tanar ascultator: Azi ma insor. Puteti sa-mi dati un sfat ?
>Radio Erevan : Deja este prea tarziu.

--  Material trimis de Dna Victoria Ion

GRIGORE MOISIL - Replici cu Haz


Replici cu haz

O anecdota în care nici ascultatorii, nici povestitorii, nu înteleg ce se întâmpla, se numeste roman psihologic.
Cea mai mare schimbare ce se va petrece în Ministerul Învatamântului va fi atunci când nu se va schimba nimic.
Dragostea e o poveste în care femeile cinstite se comporta precum cocotele, iar cocotele se comporta ca femeile cinstite.
Mariajul e singura scapare pentru un barbat fara succese si pentru o femeie cu prea multe.
Dusmanii se recruteaza dintre prieteni.
Când îmbatrânesti, nu mai ai inima, ai cord.
Un lucru improvizat trebuie foarte bine regizat.
Ni se cere sa facem stiinta productiva si productie stiintifica. Ar fi mai bine daca am reusi sa facem stiinta stiintifica si productie productiva.
La o sedinta la Academie:
Un geolog: Eu am facut nu stiu câti km toata vara si am facut doua lucrari.
Un chimist: Eu am stat toata vara închis în cei 40 m2 al laboratorului si am facut 4 lucrari.
Moisil: Eu am stat toata vara întins pe pat si am elaborat Teoria mecanismelor automate.

Legile tarii nu interzic nimanui sa fie imbecil.
– Domnule profesor, credeti în vise?
- Sigur, draga! Sa vezi: acu' câtava vreme am visat ca devenisem academician, ca eram în aula si prezidam o sedinta. Si când m-am trezit, într-adevar eram academician, eram în aula si prezidam o sedinta. 

– Îl cunosc bine pe cutare. Moisil: E bine sa cunosti bine pe cineva. Daca-l cunosti foarte bine, e rau.
Despre un matematician: Este mare în matematica, prin erorile pe care le face.
Scaunele prezidentiale sunt periculoase: au un microb care se urca la cap.
Profesorul Moisil, la 65 de ani, dupa ce si-a scrântit piciorul: Stiam ca la vârsta mea te scrântesti la cap, nu la picior.
La sedinta de Consiliu profesoral în vederea titularizarii, prof. Stefan Procopiu a votat contra numirii lui Moisil, „candidatul fiind prea tânar" pentru a ocupa postul de profesor. - E un defect de care ma corectez în fiecare zi, a replicat Moisil.
Moisil, catre un meteorolog:
- Cu ce probabilitate dati prognoza timpului?
- Cu cel mult 40%, domnule profesor.
- Atunci de ce nu spuneti pe dos, ca aveti sanse de 60%!

Un prieten îi spune într-o zi:
- Matematica asta pe care o predici tu, m-am saturat de ea pâna peste gât.
– Dar matematica se face de la gât în sus! 

In timpul unui curs profesorul începe sa caute printre hârtiile pe care le avea pe masa. Nu gaseste însemnarile de care are nevoie, se opreste si spune: - Lautarii cânta dupa ureche, muzicantii, dupa note. Eu mi-am uitat notele acasa.
Explicând principiul recursivitatii:
- Esti de acord ca orice om are dreptul la un pahar de cognac?
- Da.
- Bei paharul, îl pui jos. Esti alt om. Si cum orice om are dreptul la un pahar de cognac... si asa mai departe.

O reportera spune la un moment dat, în cursul unui interviu:
- Stiti ca adevarul supara!
– Pe mine o teorema de matematica nu m-a suparat niciodata.



O teorema e o scrisoare de dragoste catre un necunoscut, catre acela care îi prinde nu numai întelesul, ci si toate subîntelesurile.

Un matematician face matematica fiindca vede în matematica ceva frumos, ceva interesant, ceva care îi place, ceva care îi e drag, ceva care îl tulbura, îl face sa gândeasca, sa mediteze, sa viseze.

Poate singura superioritate a calculatorului este ca se corecteaza când greseste. Om s-o faca, mai rar!

Cineva l-a întrebat: "Credeti ca e potrivit ca un profesor sa faca glume la cursuri?". Profesorul Moisil a raspuns: "Stiinta nu e trista, decât pentru unii."

Stiinta se razbuna ca o femeie: nu când o ataci, ci când o neglijezi.

Stiinta merge astazi mai repede ca omul de stiinta; ai pornit împreuna si ti-o ia înainte. Ar fi de scris odata povestea celor ce si-au pierdut rasuflarea alergând dupa propriile lor idei. Si tragedia celor ce, nevrând sa ramâna în urma, nu pot sa mai mearga înainte. Si comedia amara a celor ce neputând alerga, încearca sa opreasca puhoiul. Si dramele provocate de cei ce, neîntelegând noul, îi prigonesc pe cel ce-l practica.

Sunt pentru lucruri noi; dar mai mult decât lucrurile care sunt astazi noi, eu apreciez lucrurile care vor fi noi abia mâine.

Filozoful trebuie sa fie în stare sa înteleaga lumea de astazi, stiinta contemporana si sa se bazeze pe cele mai noi date ale stiintei, pentru a dezvolta conceptia noastra despre lume.

Marea calitate a unui sef de scoala este de a fi bucuros când e depasit de elevii sai.

libertate totala ai impresia ca e un joc de cuvinte; cel putin pentru mine pare o expresie corecta din punct de vedere gramatical, dar de fapt nu are sens, caci fiecare trebuie sa se încadreze în legile societatii.

Problema mortii este vie (la o anumita vârsta).

Tot ce e gândire corecta este sau matematica, sau susceptibila de matematizare.

Un om e uman nu numai prin defectele lui ci si prin calitatile lui.

Nici o problema nu are granite. Orice raspuns are multe.

Matematica va fi limba latina a viitorului, obligatorie pentru toti oamenii de stiinta. Tocmai pentru ca matematica permite accelerarea maxima a circulatiei ideilor stiintifice.

Nu sunt destul de sigur de excelenta metodelor mele pentru a deveni martir sustinându-le.

Stiinta nu e buna azi, daca ieri nu s-a gândit la mâine.

Se stie ca un profesor bun e cel care te face ca lucrurile mai grele sa ti se para usoare.

stiinta e formata numai din afirmatii si negatii, dar trairea unei stiinte e formata din întrebari si raspunsuri, din banuieli si îndoieli.

masura legislativa, o indicatie administrativa este una din componentele vietii unei societati; opinia publica e o alta componenta. Nu trebuie crezut ca daca se decreteaza o lege, ea se va si aplica. Nu se aplica decât legile cu care sunt de acord cei ce le aplica.

Pe omul cu adevarat capabil, limitele îl stimuleaza. Evident, morala nu e "puneti fratilor piedici!", ci "daca dati de piedici, depasiti-le!".

Eu cred ca omul trebuie sa caute sa gaseasca placerea în însasi munca lui. Consider ca munca e o pedeapsa numai daca omul nu se afla la locul potrivit, daca face altceva decât îi place.

Sunt unii oameni care cred ca matematica trebuie facuta între cutare si cutare ora. Nu e adevarat. Matematica nu se face la ore fixe. Matematica se face când îti vine o idee. Noaptea sau dimineata, când te scoli, când te speli, te gândesti. Daca nu te speli, te gândesti când nu te speli…

Spre deosebire de vin, stiinta nu trebuie lasata sa se învecheasca…

Noi, matematicienii, facem activitate fara planuri, nu de alta, dar ca sa ne deosebim de altii, care fac planuri, fara activitate.

Evident, practicarea stiintei e munca grea; sunt unii care, plictisindu-se sa gândeasca stiinta, cred ca e mai usor sa gândeasca despre stiinta; mare pacaleala: e mai greu. Atunci sa ne multumim sa vorbim despre stiinta. Asta da. E mai usor? Este.

Greu nu e sa ai dreptate, greu e sa convingi pe altii. Nu întotdeauna e greu, ci numai când ai dreptate. Si mai ales e greu sa convingi pe cei care spun ca s-au convins.

Sunt oameni care spun: exista si greseli fecunde. Nu greseala e fecunda ci îndreptarea ei.

Se stie ca o idee începe prin a fi un paradox, continua prin a fi o banalitate si sfârseste prin a fi o prejudecata.

Sa nu se teama nimeni de lucrurile abstracte si foarte abstracte, mai ales în matematica; matematica, tocmai pentru ca este matematica, este abstracta. Cu cât un lucru este mai abstract, cu atât el îmbratiseaza domenii mai vaste si deci este aplicabil în mai multe cazuri concrete.

Unii concep stiinta ca pe o mare arhiva de politie în care sunt îndosariate toate cancanurile naturii.

Eu sunt omul care demonstreaza. Nu conving.

Cartile bune nu mor niciodata.

Un matematician de obicei e întrebat la ce serveste matematica si abia daca gaseste o ocazie sa spuna ca e frumoasa si ca lui îi serveste în primul rând fiindca îi e draga. Întelegerea unui fenomen îti schimba modul de a vedea întreaga lume si matematica îti serveste si tie sa ai un plus de cunostinte.

Aici e sarcina cea mai mare a profesorilor, care trebuie sa stie sa preia ce se stie pe lume, pentru a-i învata pe altii. Si aici e rolul mare al oamenilor de stiinta care trebuie sa inventeze lucruri noi ce nu se stiu înca. Prima conditie e de a învata ceea ce se stie.

Imaginatia e si ea o sursa de informare.

Într-adevar, daca este ceva cu care trebuie sa ramâna absolventul unor cursuri liceale, acel ceva este învatul de a gândi just.

Explozivul cel mai puternic nu este tri-nitro-toluenul, nici bomba atomica, ci ideea omeneasca.

Omul nu progreseaza decât atunci când stie ca nu poate sa faca ce vrea.

Fireste, nu orice lucru iesit din comun are neaparat si valoare, dar orice lucru de autentica valoare e, neaparat, iesit din comun.

Un om la 20 de ani trebuie sa fie admirat, la 30 apreciat, la 40 invidiat si la 60 stimat.

Întrebarile la care trebuie sa raspunzi cel mai sincer sunt cele pe care ti le pui singur.

Nu cred ca exista granita între stiinta si filozofie, dupa cum nu cred ca exista granita între stiinta si tehnica.

Învatând matematica, înveti sa gândesti.

Pentru elev este esential cum rezolva problemele; pentru profesor cum le pune.

Numai prostia poate sa aiba intermitente.

Ce este un pesimist? Un optimist bine informat.

Nu e de parerea ta cel ce te aproba, ci cel ce te imita.

E rau ca la batrânete dosarul medical e mai mare decât dosarul de cadre. Marele regret al vietii mele este de a nu fi avut nici unul.

-- Material trimis de Dna Rita Pana

Zen Story

Daily Zen

On The Way         




Essential Teachings of the Stone Lion


       Kusan Sunim  (1909-1983)


        Instructions for Meditation



In Zen meditation, the key factor is to maintain a constant sense of questioning.  So, having taken hold of the hwadu (koan) “What is this?,” try to always sustain the questioning:  “What is seeing?” “What is hearing”  “What is moving these hands and feet?” and so on.  Before the initial sense of questioning fades, it is important to give rise to the question again. In this way, the process of questioning can continue uninterrupted with each new question overlapping the previous one.  In addition you should try to make this overlapping smooth and regular. But this does not mean that you should just mechanically repeat the question as though it were a mantra.  It is useless to just say to yourself day and night, “What is this?” “What is this?”


The key is to sustain the sense of questioning, not the repetition of words. Once this enquiry gets underway, there will be no room for boredom. If the mind remains quiet, the hwadu will not be forgotten, and the sense of questioning will continue unbroken.  In this way, awakening will be easy


While meditating, both wisdom and concentration need to be cultivated in unison.  If there is wisdom without concentration, then mistaken views will increase. And if there is concentration without wisdom, then ignorance will grow.  When inquiring single-pointedly into the hwadu “What is this?” the vividness of the hwadu becomes wisdom, and the cessation of distracted thoughts becomes concentration. 


Meditation can be compared to a battle between wandering thoughts and dullness of mind on the one side and the hwadu on the other.  The stronger the hwadu becomes, the weaker will become wandering thoughts and dullness. 


You are not the first and you will not be the last to tread this path.   So do not become discouraged if you find the practice difficult at times. All the previous patriarchs of old as well as the contemporary masters have experienced hardships along the way.  Moreover, it is not always the most virtuous or intelligent person who makes the swiftest progress.  Sometimes the opposite is true.  There are many cases of troublesome and ill-behaved people who, upon turning their attention inward to the practice of meditation, have quickly experienced a breakthrough.  So do not feel defeated even before you have really begun.


An ancient master once said that with the passing of days you will see your thoughts becoming identical with the hwadu, and the hwadu becoming identical with your thoughts.  This is quite true.  In the final analysis, the practice of Zen can be said to be both the easiest as well as the most difficult thing to do.  However, do not thereby deceive yourself into thinking that it will be either very simple or extremely hard.  Every morning just resolve to be awakened before evening.  Strengthen this commitment daily until it is as inexhaustible as the sands along the Ganges.

There is no one who can undertake this task for you.  The student’s hunger can never be satisfied by his teacher’s eating a meal for him.  It is like competing in a marathon. The winner will only be the person who is either the fittest or the most determined.  It is solely up to the individual to win the race.  Likewise, to achieve the aim of your practice, do not be distracted by things that are not related to this task.  For the time being, just let everything else remain as it is and put it out of your mind.  Only when you are awakened will you be able to truly benefit others.


Be careful never to disregard the moral precepts that act as the basis for your practice of meditation.  Furthermore, do not try and look deliberately withdrawn or abstracted.  It is quite possible to pursue your practice of Zen without others being aware of what you are doing.  However, when your absorption in the hwadu becomes particularly intense, your attention to external matters may diminish.  This might result in your looking rather out of touch with everyday concerns.  At this time the hwadu is said to be ripening and the mind starts to become sharper and more single pointed, like a fine sword.  It is vital at this point to pursue your practice with the intensity of an attacking soldier.  You must become totally involved with the hwadu to the exclusion of everything else.


If you can make your body and mind become identical with the hwadu, then in the end ignorance will naturally shatter.  You will fall into a state of complete unknowing, perplexity, and questioning.  Those who have done much study will even come to forget what they had previously learned.  But this is not a final or lasting state.  When you have reached this point you must still proceed further to the state where although you have ears, you do not know how to hear; although you have eyes, you do not know how to see; and although you have a tongue, you do not know how to speak.  To reach the place where mountains are not mountains and rivers are not rivers may entail several years of hard practice.  Therefore, it is necessary to cast aside all other concerns and train yourself to focus the entirety of your attention on the tasteless hwadu alone.


By practicing diligently in this manner, you will finally awaken.  Then you can seize the Buddhas and patriarchs themselves and defeat them.  At that time, mountains will again be mountains, rivers will again be rivers, the earth will be the earth and the sky will be the sky. 


Kusan Sunim  (1909-1983)



Excerpted from The Way of Korean Zen by Kusan Sunim