EDITORIAL Octombrie (Balanta) - Profesor Aurel ROMILA


                                                              E C H I L I B R U

     Oricite greutati s-ar ivi trebuie sa rezistam.
Diferenta specifica a APLR-ului nu o poate face numarul si practica adversarilor corupti. Stiti care e urmatorul lor congres: despre moda in psihiatrie.Unde? la restaurantul Novotel. Halal criza!
Noi ne vedem de ceeace avem superior si anume libertatea bazata pe cunoasterea structurii normalului si structurii bolii mentale. Nu se poate ajunge la echilibru cu un medicament, cu congrese si minciuni. Trebuie resocializare. Aplr stringe forte. Aduna psihologii, familiile si chiar bolnavii care pot sa lupte pentru resocializare. Aceasta este echilibrul ideal. Este spiritul care se opune materiei brutale si interesate a unor incompetenti care au pus mina pe putere dar n-au cap. Din pacate acest fapt coboara psihiatria.
     Adevarul a fost din totdeuna persecutat in istorie, dar oricit de fragil este va depasi impostura acestor pragmaticieni.

                                                                                                Profesor Aurel ROMILA




1.Starea de sanatate a masteranzilor

2.situatia socoala a masteranzilor

3psihologia sincrona fata de psihologia diacrona

4.psihoterapiile spirituale

5 analiza existential

6 erotica la masteranzi

7constiinta la H.Ey

8Structura psihicului la urmasii lui Freud

9.Terapia cognitive comportamentala

10. Deficientele educatiei actuale

11 hipersexualitate comerciala

12.munca si distractia

13. ego- intre egoism  si  boala mintala

14.psihologia intre biologie si cultura

15 psihoterapia depresiei

16 Adlerismul.psihoterapia ambitie

17 paranoia –teme contemporane

18 psihoterapia in sport

19 echilibru psihosocial

20 Factori de risc ai ratarii

21 necesitatea psihoterapiei sublimarii

22 refulare si autocontrol

23 limitele frustrarii

24.indragostire si esec

25 mijloace pentru buna dispozitie

26 relatia nevroza – psihopatie

27 cum poti sa tii  o lectie fara probleme?

28 carentele pedagogiei actuale

29 ca sa cheltui trebuie sa produci

30 critica televiziunii-superficiala,senzationala si comerciala

31 supravietuirea prin psihopatie

32. mitul vedetei- pseudointeligenta

33.Intretinerea memoriei

34 simtul realitatii si reality show

36 invidia -  boala nationala sau globala?

37 violenta si cainta

38 meditatie si rugacine

39.capitalul de amintiri

40 conceptul de dependent

41 placere si durere

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Calatoriti si Vizitati Lumea

Vizitati Globul Pamantesc


1. BEIJING Botanical Garden

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2. CANADA - Parc National - YOHO

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5. Insulele MARCHIZE (mormintele lui Paul GAUGAIN si Jacq Brel)

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6. Insula PASTELUI

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7. RIO - Vedere Aeriana

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10. TOP 10 - Super TEMPLE

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11. CHAMONIX - Franta

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12. NORVEGIA Preistorica

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Zen Story

Daily Zen

On The Way      




Essential Teachings of the Stone Lion


       Kusan Sunim  (1909-1983)


           Stages of Meditation



When people discuss the practice of meditation, they often refer to a person having either a superior, intermediate, or inferior capacity for this task.  However, these capacities are not inborn qualities.  For once a strong motivation has been generated, then a person is immediately endowed with a superior quality.  Nevertheless, there are different levels of motivation.  Some people may leave the care of their parents and relatives and become monks or nuns with the sincere motivation to realize Buddhahood.  But after practicing for while they discover that the aim of meditation is not achieved as easily as cooling hot porridge by pouring cold water on it. 

Such persons may become disheartened when their practice does not proceed as smoothly as they had expected.  However, a person of superior capacity is able to completely cut off the mind of discrimination as soon as he is told to do so.  But for those who are unable to do this, much hardship, effort, and total determination are needed before they can achieve this state.


Your practice should always be guided by wisdom.  An ancient master once said, “A wise meditator is like a cook who skillfully prepares rice for food, while a foolish meditator is like a cook who prepares sand to eat.”  Now, would you ever succeed in making rice by cooking grains of sand?  So let us consider how to pursue our practice in a wise manner.

Most people who meditate on a hwadu (koan) intend at the outset to keep a firm hold on it.  But, usually, after a very short while, their hwadu disappears and they just lose themselves in delusive thoughts.  If someone persists with such a practice, when will he ever awaken?  Others, after a few initial attempts to hold on to the hwadu, find that it does not appear to them spontaneously.  So they just sit still without doing anything at all. Such people then ask me, “What do you claim there to be?  Surely there is just nothing.”


The problem here is that although they tried to hold on to the hwadu, they found nothing that they could take firm hold of.  Thus they conclude that there is nothing at all.  But such conclusions are only reached intellectually.  Indeed, as long as you continue just to scheme and conceptualize with the intellect, you will find nothing to take firm hold of.  But to then proclaim that in reality there is just nothing is mere foolishness.


When the Buddha, after practicing in hills and forests for six years, finally saw a bright star and thereupon awakened, his awakening was not merely due to seeing the star.  In fact it was due to his beholding a far greater brilliance.  When the ancient masters gave a single word answer to the questions of their disciples, they always had a definite reason for doing so.  And when Bodhidharma talked of pointing directly to the mind of man, seeing into his original nature and thereby realizing Buddhahood, he also had a good reason for doing so. 


If there was in reality just nothingness, why would they have said such things?  It was not just for the sake of saying something.  The Buddha as well as the ancient masters and Bodhidharma all had definite reasons for saying what they did. So when an inexperienced meditator declares, “Since there is just nothing, then what are you looking for?” he is speaking meaninglessly.  Moreover, such words slander the Buddhas and patriarchs through contradicting what they said.

It is essential to take a firm hold of the hwadu and to continuously advance in your practice.  This is the same whether you are investigating “What is this?” “No!” or “the cypress in the courtyard.”  Initially you do not understand at all what is meant by these questions.  Therefore, in order to fully understand their meaning, you must seize hold of the hwadu and penetrate deeply into it with incessant questioning.  It is really very simple:  you do not understand what is meant, thus it is necessary to find out through constant questioning.  If you did understand, then, of course, there would be no need for any such questioning. The greatest disease that can affect someone who is meditating on a hwadu is the absence of any questioning.  It is quite meaningless to simply repeat the hwadu mechanically in your mind without this sense of questioning.


When you first try to meditate, you may find that no matter how strong your resolve is to firmly hold the hwadu, the mind is constantly besieged by wandering thoughts, and it seems impossible to progress in the practice. So what should be done to correct this problem?   At such times you must completely forget about what has happened in the past.  For what benefit is there in continuing to think about things that have already ceased? Likewise, you should desist from speculating about what might happen in the future.  For since it will be determined by various conditions, what can your present thoughts do to influence the course of future events?  Your sole function during a meditation session is to sit on the meditation cushion, investigate your hwadu, and awaken to its meaning.

Other than this there is nothing to do.  So why do you needlessly waste this precious time by entertaining thoughts about what has been and what might be?  However, as soon as you manage to cut off all thoughts of the past and future you will experience a state of emptiness. This occurs because at that moment both before and after are severed.  If you cannot reach this state because of an inability to control your thoughts about the past and future, then you cannot be considered a true practitioner.  Remember:  your sole responsibility is to awaken through inquiring into the hwadu.



Kusan Sunim  (1909-1983)



Excerpted from The Way of Korean Zen by Kusan Sunim

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BJP - The complete Table of Contents

BJP Online -- Highlights of the Current Issue

September 2010; Vol. 197, No. 3
The complete Table of Contents for the current issue is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/vol197/issue3/

The following content is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/cgi/content/full/197/3/A11

Highlights of this issue

Sukhwinder S. Shergill

Risk factors for psychosis: interaction and evolution

Schizophrenia is considered to have a multifactorial aetiology. Initial interest was in the relative contribution of these individual factors to developing schizophrenia, but more recently there has been a much greater focus on the interactions between these factors, driven by an interest in specific gene–environment relationships. Zammit et al (pp. 207–211) report the analysis of a large epidemiological study of schizophrenia, looking at the additional value of examining interactions between established risk factors. They conclude that some people will only develop schizophrenia if more than one risk factor is present; this significant additive interaction was found for most of the observed risk factors. However, despite these statistically significant interactions, interestingly, they do not consider that this offers any significant additional understanding of aetiology, or guidance towards potential targeting of therapies. A related editorial by Kendler & Gardner (pp. 170–171) is invaluable in setting out a guide for the perplexed – the core of the theoretical and practical issues required to understand this complex area. They are also very cautious in their assessment of this approach, and recommend a simple analysis strategy predicated on maximising our ability to predict and explain risk factors, and actually avoiding interactions as a major research focus per se. There has been a more modest renewed interest in the dimensional view of psychotic symptoms, and the observation that these symptoms are reported commonly in the population. An editorial by Kelleher and colleagues (pp. 167–169) considers an evolutionary perspective in explaining the relative frequency of symptoms: while there are clear disadvantages in developing a psychotic illness, there may be evolutionary benefits associated with carrying some of the risk-related genes and subclinical symptoms. They advocate this area, of symptoms in the non-clinical population, as deserving more research.

Culture, depression and self-harm

There has been considerable variation in the rates of suicide reported in different ethnic groups. Cooper et al (pp. 212–218) conducted a three-city study and found higher rates of self-harm in young Black females in all three sites, while rates for south Asian groups varied between the different sites. They also report that minority ethnic patients were less likely to receive specialist psychiatric assessment and follow-up. They concluded that services need to be better tailored to respond more sensitively to differential local cultural variations in people presenting with self-harm. Cultural competency training is suggested as one option to help in changing skills and attitudes of clinical staff. The raised incidence of depression and self-harm in south Asian women, along with lower levels of antidepressant use, was the rationale for a social intervention trial among south Asian women with depression in the UK. Gater and colleagues (pp. 227–233) report that the social group intervention was acceptable to the women in the study, and was associated with greater improvement in social functioning, although not significantly greater improvement in depression. An accompanying editorial by Bhui (pp. 172–173) emphasises the value of contemporary research focused on understanding cultural influences in the aetiology of mental illness, but suggests that insufficient attention has been paid to cultural adaptations of clinical interventions and service delivery. He argues that such adaptation is not necessarily expensive, and the increased attention to the core elements of the intervention can also benefit the wider population.

Negative symptoms, personality and cortisol

In the absence of any novel therapeutic interventions for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, Singh and colleagues (pp. 174–179) report that adjunct antidepressant treatment was effective in improving negative symptoms. They performed a meta-analysis of 22 publications and report a significant result for treatment with the antidepressants fluoxetine, trazodone and ritanserin. Combination treatments are likely to cause additional side-effects and there are insufficient data on the levels of this side-effect burden, or on the benefits for specific negative symptoms. Personality disorder is relatively common in the population, but there is no standard measure of severity. Yang et al (pp. 193–199) overcame this difficulty by using the extent of comorbidity between different personality disorder types, and clusters, as an index of severity. They report increased levels of dysfunctional behaviour and impairments in social functioning with increased levels of severity. Intriguingly, the suggestion is made that it is difficult to implement targeted service provision for a disorder that has a prevalence of 13%; but by indexing severity, it should be possible to target provision at the much smaller proportion of the people assessed as having a severe disorder. Cortisol measures have been widely used as to demonstrate change associated with depressive illness within the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. Vreeburg and colleagues (pp. 180–185) show that the same pattern of elevated awakening cortisol levels is present in non-depressed individuals with a parental history of depression as in patients with depression or anxiety disorder. They suggest that genetic factors could account for their results, and represent a trait factor for vulnerability to developing depression or anxiety disorders.

The British Journal of Psychiatry - 1 September 2010

The British Journal of Psychiatry Table of Contents for 1 September 2010; Vol. 197, No. 3

BJP Online Table of Contents Alert

A new issue of The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online:
September 2010; Vol. 197, No. 3

The below Table of Contents is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/vol197/issue3/?etoc

Highlights of this issue

Highlights of this issue
Sukhwinder S. Shergill
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 A11


Psychotic symptoms in the general population – an evolutionary perspective
Kelleher Ian, Jack A. Jenner, and Mary Cannon
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 167-169

Interpretation of interactions: guide for the perplexed
Kenneth S. Kendler and Charles O. Gardner
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 170-171

Culture and complex interventions: lessons for evidence, policy and practice
Kamaldeep Bhui
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 172-173


Efficacy of antidepressants in treating the negative symptoms of chronic schizophrenia: meta-analysis
Surendra P. Singh, Vidhi Singh, Nilamadhab Kar, and Kelvin Chan
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 174-179


Parental history of depression or anxiety and the cortisol awakening response
Sophie A. Vreeburg, Catharina A. Hartman, Witte J. G. Hoogendijk, Richard van Dyck, Frans G. Zitman, Johan Ormel, and Brenda W. J. H. Penninx
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 180-185

Neurodevelopmental marker for limbic maldevelopment in antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy
Adrian Raine, Lydia Lee, Yaling Yang, and Patrick Colletti
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 186-192

Personality pathology recorded by severity: national survey
Min Yang, Jeremy Coid, and Peter Tyrer
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 193-199

Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder and delirium in the general population
Jonna Perälä, Kimmo Kuoppasalmi, Sami Pirkola, Tommi Härkänen, Samuli Saarni, Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson, Satu Viertiö, Antti Latvala, Seppo Koskinen, Jouko Lönnqvist, and Jaana Suvisaari
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 200-206

Examining interactions between risk factors for psychosis
Stanley Zammit, Glyn Lewis, Christina Dalman, and Peter Allebeck
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 207-211

Ethnic differences in self-harm, rates, characteristics and service provision: three-city cohort study
Jayne Cooper, Elizabeth Murphy, Roger Webb, Keith Hawton, Helen Bergen, Keith Waters, and Navneet Kapur
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 212-218

Psychiatric disorders in women prisoners who have engaged in near-lethal self-harm: case–control study
Lisa Marzano, Seena Fazel, Adrienne Rivlin, and Keith Hawton
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 219-226

Social intervention for British Pakistani women with depression: randomised controlled trial
Richard Gater, Waquas Waheed, Nusrat Husain, Barbara Tomenson, Saadia Aseem, and Francis Creed
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 227-233

Role of media reports in completed and prevented suicide: Werther v. Papageno effects
Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, Martin Voracek, Arno Herberth, Benedikt Till, Markus Strauss, Elmar Etzersdorfer, Brigitte Eisenwort, and Gernot Sonneck
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 234-243


Pernicious anaemia presenting as catatonia without signs of anaemia or macrocytosis
Sameer Jauhar, Allison Blackett, Pavan Srireddy, and Peter J. McKenna
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 244-245


Group-based psychosocial intervention for bipolar disorder
Sumeet Gupta
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 246

Authors reply:
David Castle, Monica Gilbert, Sue Lauder, Greg Murray, James Chamberlain, Carolynne White, Michael Berk, and Lesley Berk
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 246

Effects of befriending on depressive symptoms: a precautionary note on promising findings
Ghassan El-Baalbaki, Erin Arthurs, Brooke Levis, and Brett D. Thombs
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 247

Authors reply:
Nicola Mead, Helen Lester, Carolyn Chew-Graham, Linda Gask, and Peter Bower
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 247


The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 247-248

Book reviews

Neuroscience, Psychology and Religion: Illusions, Delusions, and Realities about Human Nature
Simon Dein
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 249

Depersonalization: A New Look at a Neglected Syndrome
Kenneth Davison
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 249-250

Managing Self-Harm: Psychological Perspectives
Jack Nathan
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 250

Mental Health Tribunals: Law, Practice and Procedure
Richard Latham
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 250-251

Modern Management of Perinatal Psychiatric Disorders
Kathryn Bundle
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 251

Social Behaviour and Network Therapy for Alcohol Problems
Iain Smith
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 251-252

Methamphetamine Addiction: From Basic Science to Treatment
Elizabeth Furlong
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 252

Women and Addiction: A Comprehensive Handbook
Emily Finch
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 252-253

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Across the Lifespan: An Integrative Approach
Peter Tyrer
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 253

Tormented Hope. Nine Hypochondriac Lives
Allan Beveridge
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 253-254


Bipolar (2008) – psychiatry in pictures
Alice Hatter
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 169

My taster experience – extra
Sacha Evans
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 218

Looking Down – poems by doctors
Roy Salole
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 248

From the Editor's desk

From the Editor s desk
Peter Tyrer
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2010;197 256


Embracing Womanhood
When one woman honors who she is, all women collectively move closer to becoming what they are capable of being.

There are many ways and myriad reasons for women to honor and embrace all that they are. And when any individual woman chooses to do so, all women collectively move closer to becoming what they are truly capable of being. By honoring her experience and being willing to share it with others—both male and female—she teaches as she learns. When she can trust herself and her inner voice, she teaches those around her to trust her as well. Clasping hands with family members and friends, coworkers and strangers in a shared walk through the journey of life, she allows all to see the self-respect she possesses and accepts their respect, too, that is offered through look, word, and deed.

When a woman can look back into her past, doing so without regret and instead seeing only lessons that brought her to her current strength and wisdom, she embraces the fullness of her experience. She helps those around her to build upon the past as she does. And when she chooses to create her desires, she places her power in the present and moves forward with life into the future.

Seeing her own divinity, a woman learns to recognize the divinity in all women. She then can see her body as a temple, appreciating its feminine form and function, regardless of what age or stage of life she finds herself. She can enjoy all that it brings to her experience and appreciate other women and their experiences as well. Rather than seeing other women as competition, she can look around her to see the cycle of life reflected in the beauty of her sisters, reminding her of her own radiance should she ever forget. She can then celebrate all the many aspects that make her a being worthy of praise, dancing to express the physical, speaking proudly to express her intellect, sharing her emotions, and leading the way with her spiritual guidance. Embracing her womanhood, she reveals the facets that allow her to shine with the beauty and strength of a diamond to illuminate her world.






The Miracle of Change

The feeling of boredom is often misunderstood and can actually mean we need to look under the layers for change.

Sometimes we feel that things aren't moving along fast enough for us and that the world is passing us by. It may be that time seems to stand still and that we are simply bystanders in our own lives. Other times it might appear that there is nothing new left for us to experience and that we are locked into a never-ending cycle of stasis. If we take the time to listen to these feelings we will notice that there is probably more going on beneath the surface, like our apprehension to venture out into the unknown. By taking a new look at how we live our lives, however, it will be easier to break through our sense of boredom and enter into a more positive state of being.

When life seems monotonous, it is usually an indication that there is something we need to change. Boredom can easily lead us down the path to despondency. Acknowledging our feelings and then setting the intention to alter just one small thing in our life can give us a much more affirmative outlook. This act of change allows us to step outside of ourselves and discover new and exciting things that are often already present in our everyday lives. Simple things such as eating a healthier diet, taking a new class, or joining a club are all ways in which we can go beyond our comfort zone and explore the wonders that exist all around us. Keep in mind that the moment we do something different from our usual routine, the more fresh energy, hope, and blessings we will manifest in our life. What this means is that we'll no longer see things as being tedious but will instead realize the preciousness of everything.

Being able to integrate these subtle changes on a daily basis allows us to recognize the miracles that are our lives. Even though we may think of change as doing something life-altering or drastic, gentle transitions from our habitual ways of doing things and an appreciation of all life offers us will truly bring about positive and lasting transformation.






Life is an Illusion
Playing Your Part

This world we perceive as real is actually an illusion, not unlike a film being projected.

As children, most of us sang that mesmerizing, wistful lullaby that ends with the words, "Life is but a dream." This is a classic example of a deep, sophisticated truth hiding, like an underground stream, in an unlikely place. It winds its way through our minds like a riddle or a Zen koan, coming up when we least expect it and asking that we consider its meaning. Many gurus and philosophers agree with this mysterious observation, saying that this world we perceive as real is actually an illusion, not unlike a film being projected on a screen. Most of us are so involved in the projection that we don't understand it for what it is. We are completely caught up in the illusion, imagining that we are in a life and death struggle and taking it very seriously.

The enlightened few, on the other hand, live their lives in the light of the awareness that what most of us perceive as reality is a passing fancy. As a result, they behave with detachment, compassion, and wisdom, while the rest of us struggle and writhe upon the stage in the play of our life. Having the wisdom to know that life is but a dream does not mean that we ignore it or don't do our best with the twists and turns of our fate. Rather, like an actress who plays her role fully even as she knows it's only a role, we engage in the unfolding drama, but with a little more freedom because we know that this is not the totality of who we are.

And life is more of an improvisation than it is like a play whose lines have already been written, whose end is already known. Like an improviser, we have choices to make and the more we embrace the illusionary quality of the performance, the lighter we can be on the planet, on others, and on ourselves. We can truly play with the shadows cast by the light of the projector, fully engaging without getting bogged down.






Love Shows the Way
We Are Here to Serve

During times of great change it's important to remember that we all chose to be here at this time to experience change.

We are living in a time of great change. Many thinkers and seers agree that humanity and the planet Earth are evolving at a quickened pace, and that this evolution will necessarily be severe and seemingly chaotic at times. It is natural for people to react with fear, because these changes will doubtless bring some level of difficulty and loss to many of us. However, it is essential that we all remember that our souls chose to be here at this time and to be part of this process. Every movement in the universe is a movement toward love. This is true even in situations that appear on the surface to be the opposite of loving.

Since we chose to be here, we are capable and ready to rise to the challenges in which we find ourselves. It is helpful to reflect on our own lives and make any changes necessary to fully support humanity and the planet into the state of love. When we open our hearts in love instead of closing them in fear, we serve the divine process. We are all powerful spirits who took form at this time in order to serve our fellow humans, our planet, and the universe. As we find ways we can serve, our fear dissipates. We may serve by remaining calm and loving with our children and our families, even as the situation seems dark. We may serve by sending money to people who need financial assistance. We may serve by going out into the world and actively helping to rebuild lives. Regardless of what actions we choose to take, the essential element will be the internal gesture of choosing to remain in love. This is all that is needed.

When it is difficult to remain in love, we may always call upon our unseen helpers: the teachers and guides who are always with us. All we need to do is ask and then trust that we are being helped. The guidance we receive is love itself, showing us the way.






Sending Yourself Sunshine
Good Thoughts for the Day

The more we accept our darkness as one part of the picture, the more easily we can also allow and accept our light.

When things go wrong, it is easy to get into a bad mood, and that bad mood has a way of spiraling out and affecting our life for days to come. In the same way, when we feel badly about ourselves, we tend to act in ways that have repercussions, again creating a negative vibe that can negatively influence the next several days. While it is important that we allow ourselves to feel what we feel, and to be genuine, we do not have to completely surrender to a dark mood or feelings of self-doubt. In fact, the more we simply allow and accept our darkness as one part of the picture, the more easily we can also allow and accept our light. In this vein, we can temper our grey moods with an injection of sunshine in the form of sending good wishes to ourselves for the next 24 hours.

If you feel a bad mood coming on or find yourself plagued with negative feelings, take a moment to acknowledge that. At the same time, recognize that things can and will change, and that you can still have a good day, or a good week, especially if you take the time to visualize that for yourself. This is a great way to support yourself when you are working through tough times and hard feelings. When you visualize good things for yourself, you are sending yourself love and warmth, as well as encouraging yourself to keep going.

Before you even get out of bed in the morning, you can take the time to send good wishes to yourself all the way through to the next morning. As you picture your day, take the time to fill in the details—where you are going, who you will see, what you will do—and send love and good wishes ahead to yourself, as well as everyone you encounter. It will be like arriving in a new place and finding that an old friend has sent a bouquet of flowers from back home to welcome you and remind you that you are loved.






Tending the Emotions
Having a Breakdown

In the midst of a breakdown, it is important that we allow it to happen, rather than fight it or try to shut down.

Most of us have had the experience of holding back our emotions for such a long period of time that when they finally come out, we have something resembling a breakdown. For a certain period of time, the overwhelming flood of feelings coursing through our bodies consumes us, and we stop functioning. Often, these outbursts take us by surprise, welling up within us as we drive to or from work, watch a movie, or engage in some otherwise mundane task. We may feel like we do not know what triggered us, or if we do know, it does not make sense of our overpowering emotional response. This is because we are releasing feelings that have accumulated over a long period of time, and whatever inspired the release was just a catalyst for a much larger, much needed catharsis.

When we find ourselves in the midst of such an experience, it is important that we allow it to happen, rather than fight it or try to shut down. Wherever we are, we can try to find a private, safe place in which to let our feelings out. If we can not access such a place immediately, we can promise to set aside some time for ourselves at our earliest possible convenience, perhaps taking a day off work. The important thing is that we need to give our emotional system some much-needed attention. It is essential that we allow ourselves to release the pent-up emotions inside ourselves so that they do not create imbalances in our bodies and minds.

When you are feeling better, make a plan to find a way to process your emotions more regularly. You can do this by employing a therapist or making a regular date to talk to a trusted friend. Journaling can also be a great way to acknowledge and release your emotions, as can certain forms of meditation. Making room in your life for tending your emotions on a regular basis will keep you healthy, balanced, and ready for life.





Making Our Best Decisions

When making a decision, gather your information then sit with it and marinate as long as it takes to become clear.

Sometimes when we need to make a decision, we can become overwhelmed or feel pressured into coming to a conclusion immediately. Often, a decision isn't required right away, and the sense of urgency we feel is merely a limitation that we've placed upon ourselves. Once we've determined that we do have the time to make a wise choice for ourselves, we can release the pressure with a deep breath, like steam from a pressure cooker, and proceed to make the best use of our time.

The best first step may be to gather all the facts we can find. Once we have all the logical information we need, we can allow ourselves to sit with it and soak it up. Like a good recipe, we can allow ourselves to marinate in the juices of intellectual understanding while also adding our own spices made up of our feelings, our intuition, and any other considerations. We can taste the recipe for readiness as we go in order to decide if more time or ingredients are needed. We might want to take time to visualize ourselves playing out the various scenarios to see which feels the best, remind ourselves of our goals, or merely sit silently in meditation, listening for guidance. Any of these techniques can add depth and flavor to the recipe of our decisions.

We can allow ourselves to sit with our choices for whatever length of time is needed, whether it is a day, a week, a month or longer. Doing so gives our hearts, minds and spirits the chance to align, allowing us to make a decision that is right for us. Other times, we may need to let the wisdom of the universe unfold for us at its own rate, allowing our growth and realizations to sync up with the universe's secret and essential ingredients so that all of the flavors are ready at the same time. When we allow ourselves the time to sit and allow understanding to sink in, we can cocreate the best decision possible for ourselves and for everyone involved.





*Letting the Curves Take You*

*When you resist what's at every turn, your whole being becomes tense and
anxiety is your close companion.*
Trying to maintain control in this life is a bit like trying to maintain
control on a roller coaster. The ride has its own logic and is going to go
its own way, regardless of how tightly you grip the bar. There is a thrill
and a power in simply surrendering to the ride and fully feeling the ups and
downs of it, letting the curves take you rather than fighting them. When you
fight the ride, resisting what's happening at every turn, your whole being
becomes tense and anxiety is your close companion. When you go with the
ride, accepting what you cannot control, freedom and joy will inevitably
As with so many seemingly simple things in life, it is not always easy to
let go, even of the things we know we can't control. Most of us feel a great
discomfort with the givens of this life, one of which is the fact that much
of the time we have no control over what happens. Sometimes this awareness
comes only when we have a stark encounter with this fact, and all our
attempts to be in control are revealed to be unnecessary burdens. We can
also cultivate this awareness in ourselves gently, by simply making
surrender a daily practice. At the end of our meditation, we might bow,
saying, "I surrender to this life." This simple mantra can be repeated as
necessary throughout the day, when we find ourselves metaphorically gripping
the safety bar.
We can give in to our fear and anxiety, or we can surrender to this great
mystery with courage. When we see people on a roller coaster, we see that
there are those with their faces tight with fear and then there are those
that smile broadly, with their hands in the air, carried through the ride on
a wave of freedom and joy. This powerful image reminds us that often the
only control we have is choosing how we are going to respond to the ride.

Famous Quotes

Our findings have global implications and advance what we know about the sustainability benefits of organic farming practices.
We also show you can have high quality, healthy produce without resorting to an arsenal of pesticides.
- John Reganold, lead researcher, Washington State University see Sept 02 What's Happening Around US over in the Thursday File Social Network


There is no defeat except from within, no insurmountable barrier except our own inherent weakness of purpose.
- Elbert Hubbard

Your first encounter of the day has a more direct bearing on your attitude for that day than your next five encounters.
- Zig Ziglar


An optimist is the human personification of spring.
- Susan J. Bissonette



You have your standard work life that pays your rent; then you have your other work life that pays your heart.
- Rachel Flotard, singer-songwriter-guitarist, of Seattle punk-pop combo Visqueen; Local 638 Records her own record label


First I learned that one picture is worth a thousand words, and that when the establishment gets mad, they always go after the cartoonist, not the editorial writer!
Second, I learned that it takes a big man to laugh at himself and that, tragically, many of the members of the establishment are not very big men.
Third, I learned that I could draw cartoons better than any other kid at St. Augustine's, and that people got excited about my drawings.
Last, I learned there was deep inside me an urge to say what I thought about life and the establishment to any and all who would look at my drawings. There's too much to be concerned about, and I am a concerned citizen.
- Paul Conrad see


I feel we are all islands - in a common sea.
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh


No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less... Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
- John Donne - 1624 - Meditation XVII

The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.
- Niels Bohr

Don't fight forces, use them.
- Buckminster Fuller