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Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Schizophrenia and Psychosis: Current Status and Future Directions (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses, 11/02/10
Tarrier N – Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is an empirically based psychological treatment, which has a strong evidence base in a range of psychological disorders and, more recently, has also been applied to more serious disorders such as schizophrenia and psychoses (CBTp).

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Levomepromazine for schizophrenia
Cochrane Reviews, 10/26/10

Paternal age at birth of first child and risk of schizophrenia
American Journal of Psychiatry, 10/20/10

Peripheral oxytocin is associated with reduced symptom severity in schizophrenia
Schizophrenia Research, 10/19/10





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Effect of a Motivational Intervention on Exercise Behavior in Persons with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Community Mental Health Journal, 11/29/10
Beebe LH et al. – Ninety seven outpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs) were randomly assigned to the Walk, Address Sensations, Learn About Exercise, Cue Exercise Behavior for SSDs (WALC–S), a motivational intervention designed to increase exercise in SSDs (n = 48), or a time and attention control group (TAC, n = 49). This study is among the first to examine interventions designed to enhance exercise motivation in SSDs.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Paternal age at birth of first child and risk of schizophrenia
American Journal of Psychiatry, 10/20/10

Thyroid gland and cerebella lesions: New risk factors for sudden cardiac death in schizophrenia
Medical Hypotheses, 11/12/10

Lower Mortality Among Stroke Patients With Schizophrenia: A Nationwide Population-Based Study
Psychosomatic Medicine, 11/04/10




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Nutritional and herbal supplements for anxiety and anxiety-related disorders: systematic review (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Nutrition Journal, 10/08/10
Lakhan SE et al. – Based on the available evidence, it appears that nutritional and herbal supplementation is an effective method for treating anxiety and anxiety–related conditions without the risk of serious side effects. There is the possibility that any positive effects seen could be due to a placebo effect, which may have a significant psychological impact on participants with mental disorders. However, based on this systematic review, strong evidence exists for the use of herbal supplements containing extracts of passionflower or kava and combinations of L–lysine and L–arginine as treatments for anxiety symptoms and disorders.

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Other articles in Internal Medicine

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Smelling Chemosensory Signals of Males in Anxious Versus Nonanxious Condition Increases State Anxiety of Female Subjects
Chemical Senses, 10/12/10

Psychotropic medication use mediates the relationship between mood and anxiety disorders and obesity: Findings from a nationally representative sample
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 11/05/10

Shame- and guilt-proneness: Relationships with anxiety disorder symptoms in a clinical sample
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 11/03/10




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Soft drinks, sweetened beverages and risk of pancreatic cancer (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Cancer Causes and Control, 11/16/10
Gallus S et al. – Soft drinks usually contain sugar and caffeine that might influence pancreatic carcinogenesis. Authors considered the association between carbonated drink consumption and pancreatic cancer risk in an Italian case?control study conducted in 1991?2008 on 326 pancreatic cancer cases and 652 matched controls. Authors also combined the results from all the studies on soft drinks or sweetened beverages and pancreatic cancer published before June 2010, using a meta–analytic approach. The pooled RRs for heavy drinkers were 1.08 for case?control, 1.21 for cohort, and 1.16 for all studies. Soft drink consumption is not materially related to pancreatic cancer risk.

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Other articles in Internal Medicine

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Transthyretin, identified by proteomics, is overabundant in pancreatic juice from pancreatic carcinoma and originates from pancreatic islets
Diagnostic Cytopathology, 11/01/10

Role of Rac1-dependent NADPH oxidase in the growth of pancreatic cancer
Cancer Gene Therapy, 11/10/10

CXCL12?CXCR4 signalling axis confers gemcitabine resistance to pancreatic cancer cells: A novel target for therapy
British Journal of Cancer, 11/09/10





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Long-term effect of aspirin on colorectal cancer incidence and mortality: 20-year follow-up of five randomised trials (>> click to go to the journal's website)
The Lancet, 11/19/10
Rothwell PM et al. – Aspirin taken for several years at doses of at least 75 mg daily reduced long–term incidence and mortality due to colorectal cancer. Benefit was greatest for cancers of the proximal colon, which are not otherwise prevented effectively by screening with sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy.

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Other articles in Internal Medicine

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Higher bone mineral density is associated with a decreased risk of colorectal adenomas
International Journal of Cancer, 11/01/10

Increased risk of adenomas in individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer: results of a meta-analysis
Cancer Causes and Control, 11/17/10

Oral contraceptives, reproductive history and risk of colorectal cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
British Journal of Cancer, 11/17/10





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Topiramate for the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence: Comparison with Naltrexone (>> click to go to the journal's website)
European Addiction Research, 10/28/10
Florez G et al. – Topiramate at a mean dose of 200 mg/day was better than naltrexone at a mean dose of 50 mg/day at reducing alcohol intake and cravings throughout the study.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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An Assessment of the Demographic and Clinical Correlates of the Dimensions of Alcohol Use Behaviour
Alcohol and Alcoholism , 09/30/10

Discrepancy between how children perceive their own alcohol risk and how they perceive alcohol risk for other children longitudinally predicts alcohol use
Addictive Behaviours, 10/04/10

Increase in Alcohol Intake, Reduced Flexibility of Alcohol Drinking, and Evidence of Signs of Alcohol Intoxication in Sardinian Alcohol-Preferring model Exposed to Intermittent Access to 20% Alcohol
Alcoholism, 09/29/10




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Milnacipran: a unique antidepressant? (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 08/27/10
Kasper S et al. – Milnacipran, one of the pioneer serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), was designed from theoretic considerations to be more effective than SSRIs and better tolerated than Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and with a simple pharmacokinetic profile. Milnacipran has the most balanced potency ratio for reuptake inhibition of the two neurotransmitters compared with other SNRIs (1:1.6 for milnacipran, 1:10 for duloxetine, and 1:30 for venlafaxine), and in some studies milnacipran has been shown to inhibit norepinephrine uptake with greater potency than serotonin (2.2:1). Clinical studies have shown that milnacipran has efficacy comparable with the TCAs and is superior to SSRIs in severe depression. In addition, milnacipran is well tolerated, with a low potential for pharmacokinetic drug?drug interactions. Milnacipran is a first–line therapy suitable for most depressed patients. It is frequently successful when other treatments fail for reasons of efficacy or tolerability.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Antidepressant use and colorectal cancer risk: A Danish population-based case control study
British Journal of Cancer, 10/06/10

Augmentation of venlafaxine and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors with zolpidem improves sleep and quality of life in breast cancer patients with hot flashes: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Menopause, 10/27/10

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Suppression of HIV Infectivity and Replication
Psychosomatic Medicine, 10/20/10




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Treatment of Chronic Migraine (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Current Pain and Headache Reports, 11/22/10
Diener HS et al. – Chronic migraine is defined in different ways. The most commonly used definition is headache on more than 15 days per month in patients with migraine. Chronic migraine is difficult to treat and requires a multidisciplinary approach. Only two pharmacological treatments have been shown to be effective in placebo–controlled randomized trials: topiramate and local injection of botulinum toxin. Both therapies are effective in patients with chronic migraine with and without medication overuse. Many other substances have been investigated in chronic daily headache. All trials were underpowered and, therefore, recommendations concerning possible efficacy are not possible.

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Other articles in Internal Medicine

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Chronic Migraine: Epidemiology and Disease Burden
Current Pain and Headache Reports, 11/19/10

Behavioral treatment programme contributes to normalization of contingent negative variation in children with migraine
Cephalalgia, 11/16/10

Allergy and Immunotherapy: Are They Related to Migraine Headache
Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 11/12/10





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Efficacy of music therapy treatment based on cycles of sessions: A randomised controlled trial (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Aging and Mental Health, 11/22/10
Raglio A et al. – The analysis of single Neuropsychiatry Inventory (NPI) items shows that delusions, agitation and apathy significantly improved in the experimental, but not in the control group. This study suggests the effectiveness of music therapy (MT) approach with working cycles in reducing behavioural disorders of severely demented patients.

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Other articles in Internal Medicine

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Music therapy in the context of palliative care in Tanzania
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 10/29/10

Hormone Therapy Increases Risk Of Ovarian Cancer
Ivanhoe, 11/11/10

Home-based music therapy - a systematic overview of settings and conditions for an innovative service in healthcare
BMC Health Services Research, 11/04/10






Your Article Summary

Efficacy of music therapy treatment based on cycles of sessions: A randomised controlled trial (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Aging and Mental Health, 11/22/10
Raglio A et al. – The analysis of single Neuropsychiatry Inventory (NPI) items shows that delusions, agitation and apathy significantly improved in the experimental, but not in the control group. This study suggests the effectiveness of music therapy (MT) approach with working cycles in reducing behavioural disorders of severely demented patients.

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Other articles in Internal Medicine

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Music therapy in the context of palliative care in Tanzania
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 10/29/10

Hormone Therapy Increases Risk Of Ovarian Cancer
Ivanhoe, 11/11/10

Home-based music therapy - a systematic overview of settings and conditions for an innovative service in healthcare
BMC Health Services Research, 11/04/10


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