The British Journal of Psychiatry - Up to Date

Highlights of this issue Kimberlie Dean The British Journal of Psychiatry

2011;198 A5 "4">< "4">>





Assisted suicide: why psychiatrists should engage in the debate Matthew

Hotopf, William Lee, and Annabel Price The British Journal of Psychiatry

2011;198 83-84
"4">< "4">>


Questioning the neuroprotective hypothesis: does drug treatment prevent

brain damage in early psychosis or schizophrenia? Joanna Moncrieff The

British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 85-87
"4">< "4">>


The Movement for Global Mental Health Vikram Patel, Pamela Y. Collins, John

Copeland, Ritsuko Kakuma, Sylvester Katontoka, Jagannath Lamichhane, Smita

Naik, and Sarah Skeen The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 88-90 *Open

access article*
"4">< "4">>


Equity of access to psychological therapies David A. Richards and Peter

Bower The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 91-92
"4">< "4">>





Efficacy of mood stabilisers in the treatment of impulsive or repetitive

aggression: systematic review and meta-analysis Roland M. Jones, James

Arlidge, Rebecca Gillham, Shuja Reagu, Marianne van den Bree, and Pamela J.

Taylor The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 93-98
"4">< "4">>





Policy initiative to improve access to psychological services for people

with affective and anxiety disorders: population-level analysis Meredith G.

Harris, Philip M. Burgess, Jane E. Pirkis, Tim N. Slade, and Harvey A.

Whiteford The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 99-108
"4">< "4">>


Neuropathological correlates of late-life depression in older people Christos

Tsopelas, Robert Stewart, George M. Savva, Carol Brayne, Paul Ince, Alan

Thomas, Fiona E. Matthews the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function

and Ageing Study The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 109-114
"4">< "4">>


Neuropsychological changes and treatment response in severe depression Katie

M. Douglas, Richard J. Porter, Robert G. Knight, and Paul Maruff The British

Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 115-122
"4">< "4">>


Quantifying the effect of early retirement on the wealth of individuals with

depression or other mental illness Deborah J. Schofield, Rupendra N.

Shrestha, Richard Percival, Simon J. Kelly, Megan E. Passey, and Emily J.

Callander The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 123-128
"4">< "4">>


Life stress, 5-HTTLPR and mental disorder: findings from a 30-year

longitudinal study David M. Fergusson, L. John Horwood, Allison L. Miller,

and Martin A. Kennedy The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 129-135
"4">< "4">>


Coming home may hurt: risk factors for mental ill health in US reservists

after deployment in Iraq Lyndon A. Riviere, Athena Kendall-Robbins, Dennis

McGurk, Carl A. Castro, and Charles W. Hoge The British Journal of

Psychiatry 2011;198 136-142
"4">< "4">>


Mental health of the non-heterosexual population of England Apu Chakraborty,

Sally McManus, Terry S. Brugha, Paul Bebbington, and Michael King The

British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 143-148
"4">< "4">>


Overcrowding in psychiatric wards and physical assaults on staff:

data-linked longitudinal study Marianna Virtanen, Jussi Vahtera, G. David

Batty, Katinka Tuisku, Jaana Pentti, Tuula Oksanen, Paula Salo, Kirsi Ahola,

and Mika Kivimäki The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 149-155
"4">< "4">>





Continuing lack of evidence for the psychotic subtyping of PTSD Elisa

Brietzke, André Zugman, Elson Asevedo, Rodrigo Mansur, and Graccielle

Rodrigues da Cunham The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 156
"4">< "4">>


Authors reply: Brandon A. Gaudiano and Mark Zimmerman The British Journal

of Psychiatry 2011;198 156
"4">< "4">>


Is transference-focused psychotherapy really efficacious for borderline

personality disorder? Nikolaus Kleindienst, Bertram Krumm, and Martin Bohus The

British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 156-157
"4">< "4">>


Author s reply: Stephan Doering The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198

157 "4">< "4">>


Ziprasidone and the relative risk of diabetes Douglas Vanderburg, Denis

Keohane, Onur N. Karayal, and Elizabeth Pappadopulos The British Journal of

Psychiatry 2011;198 157-158
"4">< "4">>


Authors reply: Lars Vedel Kessing and Per Kragh Andersen The British

Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 158
"4">< "4">>





Correction The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 159
"4">< "4">>



*Book reviews*


Contemporary Directions in Psychopathology: Scientific Foundations of the

DSM-V and ICD-11 David Goldberg The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198

160 "4">< "4">>


Psychotherapy Is Worth It: A Comprehensive Review of the

Cost-Effectiveness Frank

Margison The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 160-161
"4">< "4">>


Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based Text Floriana Coccia The British Journal of

Psychiatry 2011;198 161
"4">< "4">>


Chronotherapeutics for Affective Disorders: A Clinician s Manual for Light

and Wake Therapy John M. Eagles The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198

161-162 "4">< "4">>


Oxford Textbook of Women and Mental Health Fiona L. Mason The British

Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 162
"4">< "4">>


Schizophrenia: Who Cares? Leonard Fagin The British Journal of Psychiatry

2011;198 162-163
"4">< "4">>


Behavioural Activation for Depression: A Clinician s Guide Linda Gask The

British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 163
"4">< "4">>


Supportive Care for the Person with Dementia Jan R. Oyebode The British

Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 163-164
"4">< "4">>





There used to be surgeons too . . . - extra Shabbir Amanullah The British

Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 87
"4">< "4">>


Gérard de Nerval - the man who walked lobsters - fallen stars Raymond

Cavanaugh, Jr The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 108
"4">< "4">>


Morbid jealousy may have been recognised in the Old Testament - psychiatry

in the Old Testament George Stein The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198

142 "4">< "4">>


Versions of a poem by Hesse - poems by doctors Adam Polnay The British

Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 155
"4">< "4">>



*From the Editor's desk*


From the Editor s desk Peter Tyrer The British Journal of Psychiatry

2011;198 166 "4">< "4">>


*BJP Online -- Highlights of the Current Issue*

February 2011; Vol. 198, No. 2


The complete Table of Contents for the current issue is available online at:
""> "4"><>


The following content is available online at:


Highlights of this issue * Kimberlie Dean *


*Depression: neuropathology, neuropsychology and the impact of early



In a community-derived sample of individuals without dementia as assessed

during life, Tsopelas *et al* (pp.


) examined the relationship between the presence of late-life depression and

a range of neuropathological correlates. Depression was associated with the

presence of subcortical Lewy bodies, neuronal loss in the hippocampus and

some subcortical regions, but not with cerebrovascular or Alzheimer

pathology. Douglas *et al* (pp.


examined neuropsychological changes in relation to treatment response in a

sample of in-patients with severe depression and found that, despite

significant impairment at baseline, most measures failed to differentiate

treatment responders from non-responders at either 10-14 days or 6 weeks.

The only positive findings were for simple reaction time, verbal working

memory and recognition of angry facial expressions when measured at 6 weeks.

The authors concluded that their findings cannot support the hypothesis that

neuropsychological tasks identify early changes in individuals with severe

depression who will go on to respond to treatment. Schofield *et al* (pp.

123-128 <>) found that

individuals in Australia who retire early owing to depression or other

mental illness are disadvantaged in terms of wealth accumulation compared

with those of the same age, gender and education who remain within the

labour force without ill health. They also found that the former are more

likely to have wealth in the form of cash assets rather than high-growth

asset investments. The authors comment on the impact of such disadvantage

for future living standards, health status, quality of life and the

consequences for the state in terms of financial burden.


*The impact of stressful life events and conflict deployment on mental



The role of the serotonin transporter gene in moderating the association

between stressful life events and risk of depression has recently been

called into question by the negative findings of two systematic reviews.

Fergusson *et al* (pp.


) utilised data from a 30-year New Zealand birth cohort, the Christchurch

Health and Development Study, to test the hypothesis again and found no

evidence to support a gene x environment interaction between the s alleles

of 5-HTTLPR and increased responsivity to life stressors, after

considering four

mental health outcomes observed at four ages using 13 measures of

life-course stress. Reservists deployed to both the Iraq and Afghanistan

conflicts have been found to be at greater risk for developing mental health

problems than their regular soldier counterparts. In a US study by Riviere *et

al* (pp. 136-142 <>),

unique post-deployment social and material concerns were found to be

associated with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For

example, job loss was associated with depression and PTSD at 12 months

post-deployment (at 3 months also for depression), and the negative effect

of employment absence on co-workers was found to be associated with PTSD at

both time points.


*Aggression: treatment with mood stabilisers and risk of assault on

in-patient staff*


In a systematic review and meta-analysis by Jones *et al* (pp.


the pooled analysis indicated a significant reduction in the

frequency/severity of repetitive or impulsive aggressive behaviour among

those treated with mood stabilisers *v*. placebo in adults without

intellectual disability, organic brain disorder or psychosis. However, the

authors also found evidence of substantial heterogeneity among studies and

when the analysis included only those studies assessed as having a low risk

of bias, no significant effect on aggression was found. In a data-linked

longitudinal study of 13 acute psychiatric hospitals in Finland, Virtanen *et

al* (pp. 149-155 <>)

found that

ward overcrowding was associated with an increased risk of violence towards

staff but not of violence towards ward property. The authors also found a

high prevalence of overcrowding, with 46% of hospital staff working in wards

with a more than 10% excess bed occupancy rate.


*Population studies of mental health and access to services*


Using data from the UK Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007, Chakraborty

*et al* (pp. 143-148 <>)

found that those who self-identified as non-heterosexual were more likely to

report a range of mental health problems and were more likely to have had

primary or community care contact for mental health reasons during the

previous year. In addition, discrimination on the grounds of sexual

orientation was found to predict some neurotic disorder outcomes. Using data

from another population-based survey conducted in 2007, this time in

Australia, Harris *et al* (pp.


examined the impact of the Better Access programme, a publicly funded

initiative designed to improve access to psychological services for

individuals with affective and anxiety disorders. In contrast to concerns

raised about the programme, the authors found no evidence that Better Access is

over-servicing individuals without need or contributing to social

inequalities in mental healthcare.

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