Cugetari - Mai


"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread." -- Mother Theresa

"Praise works with only three types of people; men, women, and children." -- Anonymous

"Appreciate people. Nothing gives more joy than appreciation." -- Ruth Smeltzer

"When someone does something well, applaud! You will make two people happy." -- Samuel Goldwyn

"A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living"-- Rudolf Steiner

Alte cugetari


- 1
Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you're a thousand miles from the corn field.
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

- 2
The spring, the summer,
The childing autumn, angry winter change
Their wonted liveries, and the mazèd world
By their increase now knows not which is which.
~ William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British dramatist, poet. Titania, in A Midsummer Night's Dream, act 2, sc. 1, l. 111-4. -- On the confusion brought about by her quarrel with Oberon; "childing" means fruitful; "mazèd" means bewildered.

- 3
One of your biggest jobs as a parent of multiples is no bigger than simply talking to your children individually and requiring that they respond to you individually as well. The benefits of this kind of communication can be enormous, in terms of the relationship you develop with each child, in terms of their language development, and eventually in terms of their sense of individuality, too.
~ Pamela Patrick Novotny (20th century), U.S. journalist and author. The Joy of Twins, ch. 8 (1988, rev. 1994).

- 4
When we were at school we were taught to sing the songs of the Europeans. How many of us were taught the songs of the Wanyamwezi or of the Wahehe? Many of us have learnt to dance the rumba, or the cha cha, to rock and roll and to twist and even to dance the waltz and foxtrot. But how many of us can dance, or have even heard of the gombe sugu, the mangala, nyang'umumi, kiduo, or lele mama?
~ Julius Kambarage Nyerere (April 13, 1922 - October 14, 1999) , was a Tanzanian politician who served as the first President of Tanzania and previously Tanganyika, from the country's founding in 1961 until his retirement in 1985. First published in Tanzania National Assembly Official Reports (1962). quoted in Chris Stapleton and Chris May, African All-Stars, pt. 1 (1987).

- 5
Look twice before you leap.
~ Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855), British novelist. Shirley, ch. 9 (1849).

- 6
The only way to find out anything about what kinds of lives people led in any given period is to tunnel into their records and to let them speak for themselves.
~ John Dos Passos (1896-1970), U.S. novelist, poet, playwright, painter. The Ground We Stand On: Some Examples From the History of a Political Creed, "Notes on Books to Read," Harcourt, Brace and Company (1941).

- 7
You don't have to hold a position in order to be a leader.
~ Anthony J. D'Angelo

- 8
Once you choose hope, anything is possible.
~ Christopher Reeve

- 9
Light tomorrow with today!
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

- 10
I never think anything involving changing hearts or minds is going to be easy. Certainly not when civic bodies and education authorities are involved.
~ Jamie Oliver, going to LA; tackles student nutrition, April 12, 2011 interview


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Greutatea normala: nu trebuie sa cantaresti mai mult decat frigiderul tau.
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Daca trebuie sa alegi intre doua rele - alege-l pe cel pe care nu l-ai mai incercat pana atunci.
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Nu testa niciodata adancimea apei cu ambele picioare.
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A avea constiinta curata inseamna a avea memorie proasta.
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Cei cinstiti sunt inadaptatii societatii.
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A gresi este omeneste.
A da vina pe altul este si mai omeneste.
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Cel mai important nu este sa stii!
Mai important este sa ai telefonul celui care stie.
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Eu nu sufar de nebunie!
Ma bucur de ea in fiecare minut..
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Banii nu fac fericirea, o cumpara gata facuta.
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Inteligenta ma urmareste, dar eu sunt mai rapid.
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Fugi de tentatii, dar incet, ca sa te poata ajunge.
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Exista o lume mai buna, dar este foarte scumpa.
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A studia inseamna sa te indoiesti de inteligenta colegului de birou.
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Alcoolul omoara incet-incet.
Nu conteaza, te grabesti?

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Exista doua cuvinte care iti deschid multe usi: "trage" si "impinge".
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Nu bea la volan!
Te lovesti de ceva si se varsa bautura..
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Se spune ca inotul face bine la silueta...
Spun cei care n-au vazut inca o balena.
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Orice barbat are nevoie de o femeie fiindca sunt o gramada de lucruri pentru care nu poti da vina pe guvern.
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Prieteni sunt acele persoane care te iubesc cu toate ca te cunosc bine.

Be willing to launch in faith, with no guarantees of success. This is the mark of personal greatness." -- Brian Tracy

"Dare to risk public criticism." -- Mary Kay Ash

"Be like the turtle. If he didn't stick his neck out, he wouldn't get anywhere at all." -- Harvey Mackay

"The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible - and achieve it, generation after generation." -- Pearl S. Buck

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