Noutati stiintifice

1 Evaluarea antipsihoticelor(BJP)


To assess the clinical relevance of findings in the literature.


A systematic review identified studies of antipsychotics that used the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) and Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). A published method of translating these into Clinical Global Impression – Change scale (CGI–C) scores was used to measure clinical relevance.


In total 98 data-sets were included in the BPRS analysis and 202 data-sets in the PANSS analysis. When aggregated scores were translated into notional CGI–C scores, most drugs reached 'minimal improvement' on the BPRS, but few reached that level for PANSS. This was true of both first- and second-generation drugs, including clozapine. Amisulpride and olanzapine had better than average CGI–C scores.


Our findings show improvements of limited clinical relevance. The CGI–C scores were better for the BPRS than for the PANSS.
2. biomarker in Alzheimer
March 30, 2011 (Toronto, Ontario) — Temporal horn volume expansion is a  sensitive biomarker of Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression
over time,  accurately discriminating between patients with an underlying disease  process from normal elderly controls (NECs)
3.  insulina si Alzheimer
April 8, 2011 — For the first time, researchers have found that  peripheral blood mononuclear cells express amyloid precursor protein 
(APP) and 3 other proteins involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's  disease (AD) and that their expression is suppressed by a
low-dose  intravenous infusion of insulin.
4.  riscul de Alzheimer
<p>April 21, 2011 (Honolulu, Hawaii) — A new analysis of data from the Framingham Heart Study suggests that survivors of cancer,
particularly nonskin cancers, appear to have a reduced risk for Alzheimer&#39;s disease (AD).</p>

5. paliperidol
<b>Conclusions:</b> This indirect database analysis suggested that  paliperidone ER 6–12 mg/day may be more efficacious than risperidone
2–4  mg/day and as efficacious as risperidone 4–6 mg/day. The AE-adjusted  incidence rates suggest differences between treatments that may
be  relevant for individual patients. Additional randomized, direct,  head-to-head clinical trials are needed to confirm these findings.
6. ssri si cancer ovarian
April 14, 2011 — A meta-analysis of 61 studies that looked at the  relationship between cancer and antidepressant use shows a &quot;small
but  statistically significant&quot; increase in the risk for breast and ovarian  cancer in women who use selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs).
7. gindirea pozitiva

Living in love and living in fear create  opposite effects in the body and the mind. I'd just like to
emphasize  again that not only is there nothing wrong with going through life  wearing the proverbial rose-colored glasses. In fact, those
rose-colored  glasses are necessary for your cells to thrive. Positive thoughts are a  biological mandate for a happy, healthy life</span>
8. Pseudosarcina

Chiar daca este o afectiune psihiatrica, sarcina falsa (isterica) cunoscuta si sub numele de pseudosarcina, genereaza multe simptome si
semne de sarcina printre care absenta menstruatiei, abdomen destins, sani mariti in volum, greata dimineata, pofte culinare, chiar si
dureri de nastere.
Statistic, sarcina falsa (isterica) apare in 1-6 cazuri la fiecare 22.000 de nasteri si afecteaza femei cu o dorinta puternica de a ramane
insarcinate. Hipocrate a descris primele cazuri de sarcina falsa (isterica) in jurul anului 300 inaintea erei noastre dupa ce a tratat 12
femei convinse ca sunt insarcinate.
Principalul mecanism de producere a sarcinii false (isterice) implica dezechilibre hormonale care duc la secretia inadecvata a unor hormoni
(prolactina, estrogen) cu aparitia simpromelor de sarcina. Trebuie facuta diferenta intre sarcina falsa (isterica), cand femeia este
convinsa ca este insarcinata, si sarcina simulata, cand femeia stie ca nu este insarcinata.
Unele semne de pseudosarcina pot aparea si la barbatii care sufera de sindromul Couvade, care presupune o relatie stransa cu o femeie
insarcinata (sora, sotie), simptomatologia incluzand dureri de nastere, depresie de tip postpartum, pofte culinare etc.
Orice test de sarcina pe baza hCG infirma prezenta sarcinii.

9.  vitamina D
The conclusion of the IOM committee, and of several systematic reviews  on this subject, is that the evidence is, in fact, inconsistent and
 inconclusive with respect to a cause-and-effect relationship for vitamin  D in the prevention of cancer.

10. litium

Lithium is an established treatment for affective disorderswith good evidence of antisuicidal properties. Alzheimer'sdisease rates are relatively reduced in patients with bipolardisorder on lithium and a recent trial of lithium in amnesticminimal cognitive impairment is indicative of potential benefits.This should stimulate further, larger-scale studies.

11. industria farmaceutica

Fifty years ago pharmacological discoveries transformed psychiatry but progress since then has been relatively slow and thereis unease about the role of industry. Despite this, the possibilities of pharmacological treatment have improved in recent years but exploiting developments for the benefit of patients requirespsychotherapeutic skill as well as a high level of scientific knowledge.

12.  prevenirea tb.afective(BJP)

Psychological interventions for mood disorders can be divided into 'skilled' and 'simple'. Psychoeducationbelongs to the latter group: a simple and illness-focused therapy with prophylactic efficacy in all major mood disorders. Successful implementation of psychoeducation requires a proper setting, including open-door policy, team effort and empowerment of the therapeutic alliance.

13. vitamina D3

The lack of improvement in indices of mental well-being in the vitamin D group does not support the hypothesis that an annual high dose of vitamin D3 is a practical intervention to prevent depressive symptoms in older community-dwelling women.

14.  screningul nu creste riscul de suicid ( BLP)

Screening for suicidal ideation in primary care among people who have signs of depression does not appear to induce feelings that life is not worth living.

15. tratamentul bulimiei

Psychological treatments for bulimia and depression

Even when treatments have demonstrated efficacy in a specific disorder, the optimal manner in which to apply them can still remain unclear. Mitchell et al (pp. 391–397) studied a stepped care approach to treating bulimia – starting with a self-help technique, then going on to fluoxetine, and finally using cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT), if patients are not responding to the earlier treatment. They found that this stepped care was superior to standard CBT augmented with fluoxetine at 1 year follow-up. At the end of treatment, a brief supervised self-help version of CBT, delivered by less experienced therapists and augmented with fluoxetine treatment, was as effective as a longer period of traditional CBT by expert therapists, with added fluoxetine. The stepped care approach was also likely to be more cost-effective. The value of family intervention in depression is highlighted by Shimazu et al (pp. 385–390): they found that time to relapse was significantly reduced after four sessions of a family psychoeducation intervention. Interestingly, these effects did not appear to be mediated by changes in familial expressed emotion and were achieved without the patient attending the sessions. An accompanying editorial by Colom (pp. 338–340) reviews the benefits of psychoeducation and also refers to the important, but often neglected, necessary multiple components of effective psychoeducation. He is clear that psychoeducation is not the mere provision of educational material, general guidance on prevention, or advice on crisis management, but is a more interactive process of developing a shared understanding of the management of a patient s condition. Towards this end, he sets out some of the necessary environmental conditions for effective psychoeducation to flourish.

16. cipralex doza mare in depresia majora

Conclusions Dose escalation with escitalopram above 20 mg may have a useful role in the management of patients with MDD, although further studies are needed to confirm this finding.

17. hta la batrini * (BJP)

Whereas there had once been a concern that aggressive treatment of high blood pressure in the elderly could lead to adverse effects, including an increase in mortality, the new message is that the cardiovascular and mortality benefits of lowering blood pressure extends to these older patients.

18. epi predispune la complicatii ( BJP)

The 1-year incidence of motor vehicle accidents, attempted or completed suicides, and injuries inflicted by others was increased for people with epilepsy compared with the control population (P < .001 for all).

19.  migrena

Randomized, controlled medication trials for CM have been conducted. Sodium valproate was effective in the CM subgroup in a prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.[7] Topiramate was effective in 2 large, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trials, one in the United States[8] and one in Europe.[9] Both trials demonstrated efficacy regardless of the presence or absence of medication overuse.[10]

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