Noutati in stiinta

* Marker cancer de prostata
May 17, 2011 (Washington, DC) — The long-term risk for prostate cancer can be predicted from a 1-time prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test before 50 years of age, according to a study presented here at the American Urological Association (AUA) 2011 Annual Scientific Meeting

* munca la batrinete
Many workers benefit significantly from continuing to work into old age. Work is "medicine" -- even better than medicine for many. In addition to providing economic security and often wider access to healthcare options, work enhances well-being, promotes social interaction, increases the variety and quality of life, and provides many people with a sense of accomplishment and achievement. Although some older individuals work out of necessity, many report that they continue to work to contribute, or to "make a difference." Almost all jobs help older people sustain and extend their physical activity level and support increased social engagement and larger support networks. Work provides accountability for many; an absence from work may serve as the first sign to warn distant family that something is wrong with a loved one. Emerging evidence also suggests that work may improve brain health, sustain healthy cognition, and protect memory

* Diagnosticul alcoolismului
May 17, 2011 (Honolulu, Hawaii) — The prevalence of alcohol use disorders will increase substantially if proposed revisions to diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse and dependence contained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), are adopted, a new study suggests.

* diagnosticul autismului
December 2, 2010 — A joint research project between Harvard University and University of Utah scientists has resulted in the development of a new biological test for autism.

The test, which uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure deviations in brain circuitry, is an objective way of identifying individuals with the disorder and could someday replace the subjective methods that are currently used

* Clozapine/clorpromazine
The study authors compared the 9-year outcomes of 160 individuals with  treatment-naive, first-episode schizophrenia or schizophreniform  disorder treated in a mental health center in Beijing, China. They were  initially randomly assigned to clozapine or chlorpromazine (with  benztropine) treatment for up to 2 years followed by up to an additional  7 years of naturalistic treatment. Individuals in both groups spent  essentially equal amounts of time in remission during the follow-up time  period (78%). There were no significant differences on other measures  of illness severity. There were no significant differences between the 2  groups on other secondary efficacy outcomes. However, the clozapine  group was more likely than the chlorpromazine group to remain on the  medication to which they were originally assigned (26% vs 10%; <i>P</i> = .01), with a number-needed-to-treat advantage of 7

* Omer si Ranetidina
[PPIs] and histamine 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) are the most popular [acid-suppressive drugs] available, and millions of individuals currently take these medications on a continuous or long-term basis," write Chun-Sick Eom, MD, MPH, from Seoul National University Hospital, Republic of Korea, and colleagues. "These potent drugs are used to treat various disorders, and indications for long-term maintenance therapy with this drug class continue to expand. The relationship between [acid-suppressive drug] use and bone health remains unclear.

* ADHD la adult
Advances in Adult ADHD
•Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects an estimated 4.4% of US adults, an incidence second only to major depression in the spectrum of psychiatric disorders. Despite this high prevalence, less than 11% of these adults are treated. The economic and public health consequences of untreated ADHD are wide-ranging and include lower wages and a higher rate of risk-taking; the prevalence of addictive, antisocial, and destructive behaviors in adults with ADHD is nearly twice that of the general population. Given that ADHD is a very treatable condition, it is essential that healthcare professionals better understand the disorder's complexities and corresponding diagnostic and treatment techniques.

* schizofrenia se poate trata de la prodroame
Rabindra Tambyraja, MD: I would hazard a guess that some of the over-reliance on medication and skepticism toward psychosocial interventions stems from a belief that psychotic disorders are "worse" than mood or anxiety disorders, and therefore require more "serious" treatments. Hopefully, my quotes show my thoughts about dismissing psychosocial treatments. There is evidence that high-conflict environments can be associated with a faster progression of psychosis, so it's a worthy hypothesis that decreasing the conflict and increasing the strength of psychosocial support could have a positive effect.

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