Noutati de Diagnostic si Tratament - Aug 2011

* dementa vasculara

For individuals with vascular dementia, they conclude that

  • Donepezil can be useful for cognitive enhancement (Class IIa; Level of Evidence A);
  • Galantamine can be beneficial for individuals with mixed Alzheimer disease/vascular dementia (Class IIa; Level of Evidence A); and
  • The benefits of rivastigmine and memantine are not well established in vascular dementia (Class IIb; Level of Evidence A).
The study authors also note that a Mediterranean-type dietary pattern has been associated with less cognitive decline in several studies and may be reasonable (Class IIb; Level of Evidence B)

* gabapetin

Medscape Medical News asked Pfizer for its viewpoint and received  this statement in reply: "Neurontin is an important FDA-approved  medicine that physicians have prescribed to treat millions of patients  safely and effectively. Neurontin has been widely studied for more than 2  decades, and there is an extensive body of publicly available  literature on its safety and its use

* gabapentin in alcoolism

July 11, 2011  —  The addition of gabapentin to naltrexone improved  drinking outcomes compared with naltrexone alone in heavy drinkers  during the first 6 weeks after they stopped drinking, but when the  gabapentin was stopped, so did this positive effect, according to new  research.


June 28, 2011 — A study from Finland provides more evidence that exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in the first trimester of pregnancy increases the risk for major congenital anomalies, particularly cardiac defects.

* ca+ vit.d

The combination of calcium with vitamin D (vitamin D3 [colecalciferol])  forms the basis of preventive and therapeutic regimens for osteoporosis.

* Omega 3

In a small randomized controlled trial of medical students, those who received omega-3 supplements for 3 months showed a 20% reduction in anxiety scores and a 14% reduction in stimulated interleukin 6 (IL-6) production. 


July 7, 2011 — Massage therapy may effectively reduce or relieve chronic back pain for 6 months or more, according to the results of a parallel-group, randomized controlled trial reported in the July 5 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

* familio-terapia in anorexie

Summary The implications of the findings of this review are that family interventions are the current first-line treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa and promising for adolescent bulimia nervosa. Pilot studies suggest that family interventions can be disseminated in diverse clinical settings.

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