News ... - January - 2012

* tumora cerebrala
Don't worry, there is absolutely no risk of developing a brain tumor from using a mobile phone."




* Scleroza multipla si consumul de cafea si alcool

December 15, 2011 — Regularly eating fish and drinking alcohol and coffee may help delay disease progression in patients with relapsing-onset multiple sclerosis (MS).




* * artrita genuchiului

the one that caught my eye this year was the oral calcitonin study,[1] which was a 2-year study of twice-a-day oral calcitonin in a high-tech orally bioavailable form. [The investigators] were able to demonstrate really significant improvements in pain and function. While it was too short and they weren't able to see radiographic joint space progression differences.






* ADHD si riscul de infarcy miocardic

December 12, 2011 — Stimulants and other medications used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) confer no increased risk for serious cardiovascular events.





* aspirina...

December 12, 2011 (San Diego, California) — The use of aspirin reduces the risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) by more than half when compared with placebo, according to the results of a new study.





* Tratamentul schizofeniei
Nevertheless, although there have been encouraging early results for a number of agents and mechanisms, only time will determine which mechanisms are viable for the much-needed improved treatment outcomes in schizophrenia. In the absence of currently available, evidence-based, additional treatment options and mechanisms clozapine still remains the gold standard for refractory schizophrenia.[1]

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