The British Journal of Psychiatry Future Table of Contents for 1 June 2012; Vol. 200, No. 6

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BJP -- Future Table of Contents Alert

A new future TOC for The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online for the issue:
June 2012; Vol. 200, No. 6

This Future Table of Contents is available online at:

These articles have been accepted for this issue. Change is possible before publication.

Psychodynamic psychiatry's green shoots
J. Holmes
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Better care for depression in the workplace: integrating occupational and mental health services
S. Gilbody, P. Bower and J. Rick
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Role of mental health professionals in the management of functional somatic symptoms in primary care settings
R. Morriss
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Review article
Methodology and reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies in psychiatric epidemiology: systematic review
T. S. Brugha, R. Matthews, Z. Morgan, T. Hill, J. Alonso and D. R. Jones
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Role of common mental and physical disorders in partial disability around the world
R. Bruffaerts, G. Vilagut, K. Demyttenaere, J. Alonso, A. AlHamzawi, L. H. Andrade, C. Benjet, E. Bromet, B. Bunting, G. de Girolamo, S. Florescu, O. Gureje, J. M. Haro, Y. He, H. Hinkov, C. Hu, E. G. Karam, J.-P. Lepine, D. Levinson, H. Matschinger, Y. Nakane, J. Ormel, J. Posada-Villa, K. M. Scott, M. Varghese, D. R. Williams, M. Xavier and R. C. Kessler
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Cognitive development in children with 22q11.s deletion syndrome
S. N. Duijiff, P. W. J. Klaassen, H. F. N. Swanenburg de Veye, F. A. Beemer, G. Sinnema and J. A. S. Vorstman
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Childhood maltreatment and DSM-IV adult mental disorders: comparison of prospective and retrospective findings
K. M. Scott, K. A. McLaughlin, D. A. R. Smith and P. M. Ellis
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Alcohol use disorders and the course of depressive and anxiety disorders
L. Boschloo, N. Vogelzangs, W. van den Brink, J. H. Smit, D. J. Veltman, A. T. F. Beekman and B. W. J. H. Penninx
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Temperature-related deaths in people with psychosis, dementia and substance misuse
L. A. Page, S. Hajat, R. S. Kovats and L. M. Howard
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Visual cortex in dementia with Lewy bodies: magnetic resonance imaging study
J.-P. Taylor, M. J. Firbank, J. He, N. Barnett, S. Pearce, A. Livingstone, Q. Vuong, I. G. McKeith and J. T. O'Brien
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Cognitive-behavioural group treatment for a range of functional somatic syndromes: randomised trial
A. Schroder, E. Rehfeld, E. Ornbol, M. Sharpe, R. W. Licht and P. Fink
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Short reports
Brain structure and joint hypermobility: relevance to the expression of psychiatric symptoms
J. A. Eccles, F. D. C. Beacher, M. A. Gray, C. L. Jones, L. Minati, N. A. Harrison and H. D. Critchley
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Collaborative care for major depressive disorder in an occupational healthcare setting
M. C. Vlasveld, C. M. van der Feltz-Cornelis, H. J. Ader, J. R. Anema, R. Hoedeman, W. van Mechelen and A. T. F. Beekman
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

Effects of emotion perception training on mood in undergraduate students: randomised controlled trial
I. S. Penton-Voak, H. Bate, G. Lewis and M. R. Munafo
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 200 (6)

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