British Journal of Psychiatry UpDate July

BJP -- Future Table of Contents Alert

A new future TOC for The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online for the issue:

July 2012; Vol. 201, No. 1

This Future Table of Contents is available online at:

These articles have been accepted for this issue. Change is possible before publication.


Neuroimaging in psychiatry: bringing neuroscience into clinical practice
M. L. Phillips
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Psychotic symptoms in young people without psychotic illness: mechanisms and meaning
G. K. Murray and P. B. Jones
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Research and the elimination of the stigma of mental illness
P. W. Corrigan
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Grief as a psychiatric disorder
R. A. Bryant
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Review article
Impact of ethnic density on adult mental disorders: narrative review
R. J. Shaw, K. Atkin, L. Becares, C. B. Albor, M. Stafford, K. E. Kiernan, J. Y. Nazroo, R. G. Wilkinson and K. E. Pickett
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Childhood attention problems and socioeconomic status in adulthood: 18-year follow-up
C. Galera, M.-P. Bouvard, E. Legarde, G. Michel, E. Touchette, E. Fombonne and M. Melchior
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Clinicopathological significance of psychotic experiences in non-psychotic young people: evidence from four population-based studies
I. Kelleher, H. Keeley, P. Corcoran, F. Lynch, C. Fitzpatrick, N. Devlin, C. Molloy, S. Roddy, M. C. Clarke, M. Harley, L. Arseneault, C. Wasserman, V. Carli, M. Sarchiapone, C. Hoven, D. Wasserman and M. Cannon
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

White matter abnormalities and illness severity in major depressive disorder
J. Cole, C. A. Chaddock, A. E. Farmer, K. J. Aitchison, A. Simmons, P. McGuffin and C. H. Y. Fu
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Relationship between progression of brain white matter changes and late-life depression: 3-year results from the LADIS study
M. J. Firbank, A. Teodorczuk, W. M. Van der Flier, A. A. Gouw, A. Wallin, T. Erkinjuntti, D. Inzitari, L.-O. Wahlund, L. Pantoni, S. Poggesi, G. Pracucci, P. Langhorne and J. T. O'Brien on behalf of the LADIS group
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Magnetic resonance imaging in late-life depression: vascular and glucocorticoid cascade hypotheses
C. E. Sexton, M. Le Masurier, C. L. Allan, M. Jenkinson, L. McDermott, U. G. Kalu, L. L. Hermann, K. M. Bradley, C. E. Mackay and K. P. Ebmeier
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Comparison of neuroleptic malignant syndrome induced by first- and second-generation antipsychotics
J. N. Trollor, X. Chen, K. Chitty and P. S. Sachdev
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Filmed v. live social contact interventions to reduce stigma: randomised controlled trial
S. Clement, A. van Nieuwenhuizen, A. Kassam, C. Flach, A. Lazarus, M. de Castro, P. McCrone, I. Norman and G. Thornicroft
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Psychometric properties of the Mental Health Recovery Star
H. Killaspy, S. White, T. L. Taylor and M. King
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)







BJP -- Future Table of Contents Alert

A new future TOC for The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online for the issue:

July 2012; Vol. 201, No. 1

This Future Table of Contents is available online at:

These articles have been accepted for this issue. Change is possible before publication.


Neuroimaging in psychiatry: bringing neuroscience into clinical practice
M. L. Phillips
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Psychotic symptoms in young people without psychotic illness: mechanisms and meaning
G. K. Murray and P. B. Jones
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Research and the elimination of the stigma of mental illness
P. W. Corrigan
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Grief as a psychiatric disorder
R. A. Bryant
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Review article
Impact of ethnic density on adult mental disorders: narrative review
R. J. Shaw, K. Atkin, L. Becares, C. B. Albor, M. Stafford, K. E. Kiernan, J. Y. Nazroo, R. G. Wilkinson and K. E. Pickett
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Childhood attention problems and socioeconomic status in adulthood: 18-year follow-up
C. Galera, M.-P. Bouvard, E. Legarde, G. Michel, E. Touchette, E. Fombonne and M. Melchior
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Clinicopathological significance of psychotic experiences in non-psychotic young people: evidence from four population-based studies
I. Kelleher, H. Keeley, P. Corcoran, F. Lynch, C. Fitzpatrick, N. Devlin, C. Molloy, S. Roddy, M. C. Clarke, M. Harley, L. Arseneault, C. Wasserman, V. Carli, M. Sarchiapone, C. Hoven, D. Wasserman and M. Cannon
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

White matter abnormalities and illness severity in major depressive disorder
J. Cole, C. A. Chaddock, A. E. Farmer, K. J. Aitchison, A. Simmons, P. McGuffin and C. H. Y. Fu
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Relationship between progression of brain white matter changes and late-life depression: 3-year results from the LADIS study
M. J. Firbank, A. Teodorczuk, W. M. Van der Flier, A. A. Gouw, A. Wallin, T. Erkinjuntti, D. Inzitari, L.-O. Wahlund, L. Pantoni, S. Poggesi, G. Pracucci, P. Langhorne and J. T. O'Brien on behalf of the LADIS group
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Magnetic resonance imaging in late-life depression: vascular and glucocorticoid cascade hypotheses
C. E. Sexton, M. Le Masurier, C. L. Allan, M. Jenkinson, L. McDermott, U. G. Kalu, L. L. Hermann, K. M. Bradley, C. E. Mackay and K. P. Ebmeier
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Comparison of neuroleptic malignant syndrome induced by first- and second-generation antipsychotics
J. N. Trollor, X. Chen, K. Chitty and P. S. Sachdev
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Filmed v. live social contact interventions to reduce stigma: randomised controlled trial
S. Clement, A. van Nieuwenhuizen, A. Kassam, C. Flach, A. Lazarus, M. de Castro, P. McCrone, I. Norman and G. Thornicroft
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Psychometric properties of the Mental Health Recovery Star
H. Killaspy, S. White, T. L. Taylor and M. King
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)







BJP -- Future Table of Contents Alert

A new future TOC for The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online for the issue:

August 2012; Vol. 201, No. 2

This Future Table of Contents is available online at:

These articles have been accepted for this issue. Change is possible before publication.


Antipsychotics: is it time to introduce patient choice?
A. P. Morrison, P. Hutton, D. Shiers and D. Turkington
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

Perspectives on the Incredible Years programme: psychological management of conduct disorder
T. Bywater
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

Autism spectrum disorder: prevalence and cause may be bound together
E. Simonoff
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

Adjustment disorder: implications for ICD-11 and DSM-5
P. Casey
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

Review article
Clinical recognition and recording of alcohol disorders by clinicians in primary and secondary care: meta-analysis
A. J. Mitchell, N. Meader, V. Bird and M. Rizzo
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

Reducing child conduct problems and promoting social skills in a middle-income country: cluster randomised controlled trial
H. Baker-Henningham, S. Scott, K. Jones and S. Walker
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

Migration and autism spectrum disorder: population-based study
C. Magnusson, D. Rai, A. Goodman, M. Lundberg, S. Idring, A. Svensson, I. Koupil, E. Serlachius and C. Dalman
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

The extreme male brain revisited: gender coherence in adults with autism spectrum disorder
S. Bejerot, J. M. Eriksson, S. Bonde, K. Carlstrom, M. B. Humble and E. Eriksson
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

Childhood cognitive function and adult psychopathology: associations with psychotic and non-psychotic symptoms in the general population
J. H. Barnett, F. McDougall, M. K. Xu, T. J. Croudace, M. Richards and P. B. Jones
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

Sexual dysfunction in people with prodromal or first-episode psychosis
T. Reis Marques, S. Smith, S. Bonaccorso, F. Gaughran, A. Kolliakou, P. Dazzan, V. Mondelli, H. Taylor, M. DiForti, P. K. McGuire, R. M. Murray and O. D. Howes
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

Adjustment disorders in primary care: prevalence, recognition and use of services
A. Fernandez, J. M. Mendive, L. Salvador-Carulla, M. Rubio-Valera, J. C. Luciano, A. Pinto-Meza, J. M. Haro, D. J. Palao, J. A. Bellon, A. Serrano-Blanco and the DASMAP investigators
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

Structure of major depressive disorder in adolescents and adults in the US general population
F. Lamers, M. Burstein, J.-p. He, S. Avenevoli, J. Angst and K. R. Merikangas
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)

Effect of antidepressive therapy on retinal contrast processing in depressive disorder
E. Bubl, D. Ebert, E. Kern, L. Tebartz van Elst and M. Bach
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (2)







BJP -- Future Table of Contents Alert

A new future TOC for The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online for the issue:

July 2012; Vol. 201, No. 1

This Future Table of Contents is available online at:

These articles have been accepted for this issue. Change is possible before publication.


Neuroimaging in psychiatry: bringing neuroscience into clinical practice
M. L. Phillips
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Psychotic symptoms in young people without psychotic illness: mechanisms and meaning
G. K. Murray and P. B. Jones
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Research and the elimination of the stigma of mental illness
P. W. Corrigan
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Grief as a psychiatric disorder
R. A. Bryant
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Review article
Impact of ethnic density on adult mental disorders: narrative review
R. J. Shaw, K. Atkin, L. Becares, C. B. Albor, M. Stafford, K. E. Kiernan, J. Y. Nazroo, R. G. Wilkinson and K. E. Pickett
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Childhood attention problems and socioeconomic status in adulthood: 18-year follow-up
C. Galera, M.-P. Bouvard, E. Legarde, G. Michel, E. Touchette, E. Fombonne and M. Melchior
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Clinicopathological significance of psychotic experiences in non-psychotic young people: evidence from four population-based studies
I. Kelleher, H. Keeley, P. Corcoran, F. Lynch, C. Fitzpatrick, N. Devlin, C. Molloy, S. Roddy, M. C. Clarke, M. Harley, L. Arseneault, C. Wasserman, V. Carli, M. Sarchiapone, C. Hoven, D. Wasserman and M. Cannon
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

White matter abnormalities and illness severity in major depressive disorder
J. Cole, C. A. Chaddock, A. E. Farmer, K. J. Aitchison, A. Simmons, P. McGuffin and C. H. Y. Fu
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Relationship between progression of brain white matter changes and late-life depression: 3-year results from the LADIS study
M. J. Firbank, A. Teodorczuk, W. M. Van der Flier, A. A. Gouw, A. Wallin, T. Erkinjuntti, D. Inzitari, L.-O. Wahlund, L. Pantoni, S. Poggesi, G. Pracucci, P. Langhorne and J. T. O'Brien on behalf of the LADIS group
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Magnetic resonance imaging in late-life depression: vascular and glucocorticoid cascade hypotheses
C. E. Sexton, M. Le Masurier, C. L. Allan, M. Jenkinson, L. McDermott, U. G. Kalu, L. L. Hermann, K. M. Bradley, C. E. Mackay and K. P. Ebmeier
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Comparison of neuroleptic malignant syndrome induced by first- and second-generation antipsychotics
J. N. Trollor, X. Chen, K. Chitty and P. S. Sachdev
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Filmed v. live social contact interventions to reduce stigma: randomised controlled trial
S. Clement, A. van Nieuwenhuizen, A. Kassam, C. Flach, A. Lazarus, M. de Castro, P. McCrone, I. Norman and G. Thornicroft
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

Psychometric properties of the Mental Health Recovery Star
H. Killaspy, S. White, T. L. Taylor and M. King
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (1)

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