Psychophobia is a crime!

Members of International Associations

Subject: Psychophobia is a crime!

The discussion of the prejudice against the mentally ill finally comes to the media.

On Sunday (June 24), the Brazilian newspaper "O Globo" published an article signed by the President of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry, Dr. Antonio Geraldo da Silva, in psychophobia, which is the fear, prejudice or discrimination against mentally ill.

The placeholder for one of the largest newspapers in the country shows the importance that the issue is today and how it influences our society. After all, according to the Ministry of Health, at least 46 million Brazilians have mental problems - 25% of the population. Alarming fact that needs analysis and commitment of the authorities, doctors and organizations to promote an efficient public health policy.

ABP began work against prejudice seven months ago when it launched the campaign "Society against Prejudice" during the XXIX Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry, held last November in Rio de Janeiro. This project got off the ground, the scientific discussions, and is hitting the streets and news.

The ABP wants to spread the idea and unite all against one of the great crimes - still unpunished - which is the Psychophobia. "Only together can we demystify and finish off what is said and thought erroneously on people with mental disorders and disabilities," argues Dr. Antonio Geraldo.

We sent attached the article in the newspaper "O Globo".


Brazilian Association of Psychiatry - ABP

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