Fwd: The British Journal of Psychiatry Table of Contents for 1 August 2012; Vol. 201, No. 2

BJP Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online:
August 2012; Vol. 201, No. 2

The below Table of Contents is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/vol201/issue2/?etoc

Highlights of this issue
Highlights of this issue
Kimberlie Dean
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 A7

Antipsychotics: is it time to introduce patient choice?
Anthony P. Morrison, Paul Hutton, David Shiers, and Douglas Turkington
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 83-84

Perspectives on the Incredible Years programme: psychological management of conduct disorder
Tracey J. Bywater
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 85-87

Autism spectrum disorder: prevalence and cause may be bound together
Emily Simonoff
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 88-89

Adjustment disorder: implications for ICD-11 and DSM-5
Patricia Casey and Anne Doherty
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 90-92

Clinical recognition and recording of alcohol disorders by clinicians in primary and secondary care: meta-analysis
Alex J. Mitchell, Nick Meader, Vicky Bird, and Maria Rizzo
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 93-100

Reducing child conduct problems and promoting social skills in a middle-income country: cluster randomised controlled trial
Helen Baker-Henningham, Stephen Scott, Kelvyn Jones, and Susan Walker
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 101-108 Open access article
Migration and autism spectrum disorder: population-based study
Cecilia Magnusson, Dheeraj Rai, Anna Goodman, Michael Lundberg, Selma Idring, Anna Svensson, Ilona Koupil, Eva Serlachius, and Christina Dalman
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 109-115

The extreme male brain revisited: gender coherence in adults with autism spectrum disorder
Susanne Bejerot, Jonna M. Eriksson, Sabina Bonde, Kjell Carlström, Mats B. Humble, and Elias Eriksson
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 116-123

Childhood cognitive function and adult psychopathology: associations with psychotic and non-psychotic symptoms in the general population
Jennifer H. Barnett, Fiona McDougall, Man K. Xu, Tim J. Croudace, Marcus Richards, and Peter B. Jones
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 124-130 Open access article
Sexual dysfunction in people with prodromal or first-episode psychosis
Tiago Reis Marques, Shubulade Smith, Stefania Bonaccorso, Fiona Gaughran, Anna Kolliakou, Paola Dazzan, Valeria Mondelli, Heather Taylor, Marta DiForti, Philip K. McGuire, Robin M. Murray, and Oliver D. Howes
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 131-136

Adjustment disorders in primary care: prevalence, recognition and use of services
Anna Fernández, Juan M. Mendive, Luis Salvador-Carulla, María Rubio-Valera, Juan Vicente Luciano, Alejandra Pinto-Meza, Josep Maria Haro, Diego J. Palao, Juan A. Bellón, Antoni Serrano-Blanco, and the DASMAP investigators
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 137-142

Structure of major depressive disorder in adolescents and adults in the US general population
Femke Lamers, Marcy Burstein, Jian-ping He, Shelli Avenevoli, Jules Angst, and Kathleen R. Merikangas
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 143-150

Effect of antidepressive therapy on retinal contrast processing in depressive disorder
Emanuel Bubl, Dieter Ebert, Elena Kern, Ludger Tebartz van Elst, and Michael Bach
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 151-158

Is the moon there when nobody looks?
Saad F. Ghalib
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 159

Suicide in Wales
Timothy N. Evans
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 159-160

Authors' reply
Pearl L. H. Mok, Navneet Kapur, Kirsten Windfuhr, Louis Appleby, Alastair H. Leyland, Stephen Platt, and Roger T. Webb
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 160

Clinimetrics and psychometrics: never the twain shall meet?
Rathi Mahendran
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 160-161

Authors' reply
Annette Hegeman, Rob M. Kok, Roos C. van der Mast, and Erik J. Giltay
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 161

Book reviews
The Origins of Schizophrenia
Michael Owen
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 162

Encyclopedia of Adolescence: Normative Processes in Development
Sabina Dosani
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 162-163

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorders through the Lifespan
M. S. Thambirajah
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 163-164

A Collaborative Approach to Eating Disorders
Sarah Cassar
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 164

Infectious Behavior: Brain-immune Connections in Autism, Schizophrenia, and Depression
C. F. Johansson
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 164-165

Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice
Jon Patrick
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 165

Madness: A Very Short Introduction
Neil Nixon
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 165-166

King Lear by William Shakespeare: first performed 1606 – psychiatry in theatre
Jo Richards
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 92

What do psychiatrists have to offer sports competitors? – 100 words
Steve Peters
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 100

Cancer of the Vulva – poems by doctors
Ron Charach
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 136

Easy Listening – poem
Dino Campana
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 158

From the Editor's desk
From the Editor's desk
Peter Tyrer
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 168

© 2012 The Royal College of Psychiatrists.

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