Fwd: The British Journal of Psychiatry Table of Contents for 1 September 2012; Vol. 201, No. 3

BJP Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online:
September 2012; Vol. 201, No. 3

The below Table of Contents is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/vol201/issue3/?etoc

Highlights of this issue
Highlights of this issue
Sukhwinder S. Shergill
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 A11

The price of a drink: the potential of alcohol minimum unit pricing as a public health measure in the UK
Peter Rice and Colin Drummond
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 169-171

Long-term consequences of mild traumatic brain injury
Roberto J. Rona
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 172-174

The role of the high-risk approach in suicide prevention
Alexandra Pitman and Eric Caine
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 175-177

Where are the hypotheses when you need them?
Tom Burns
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 178-179

Effect of exercise on depression severity in older people: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Christopher Bridle, Kathleen Spanjers, Shilpa Patel, Nicola M. Atherton, and Sarah E. Lamb
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 180-185

Neuropsychological outcomes of mild traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression in Iraq-deployed US Army soldiers
Jennifer J. Vasterling, Kevin Brailey, Susan P. Proctor, Robert Kane, Timothy Heeren, and Molly Franz
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 186-192

Effects of home on the mental health of British forces serving in Iraq and Afghanistan
Kathleen Mulligan, Norman Jones, Mark Davies, Peter McAllister, Nicola T. Fear, Simon Wessely, and Neil Greenberg
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 193-198

Childhood psychosocial adversity and adult cortisol patterns
Chris Power, Claudia Thomas, Leah Li, and Clyde Hertzman
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 199-206

Cigarette smoking as a risk factor for other substance misuse: 10-year study of individuals with and without attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Joseph Biederman, Carter R. Petty, Paul Hammerness, Holly Batchelder, and Stephen V. Faraone
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 207-214

Symptomatic remission in psychosis and real-life functioning
M. Oorschot, T. Lataster, V. Thewissen, M. Lardinois, J. van Os, P. A. E. G. Delespaul, and I. Myin-Germeys
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 215-220

Antipsychotics in dementia: prevalence and quality of antipsychotic drug prescribing in UK mental health services
Thomas R. E. Barnes, Sube Banerjee, Noel Collins, Adrian Treloar, Samantha M. McIntyre, and Carol Paton
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 221-226

Depressive symptoms and pragmatic rehabilitation for chronic fatigue syndrome
A. J. Wearden, G. Dunn, C. Dowrick, and R. K. Morriss
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 227-232

Impact of national policy initiatives on fatal and non-fatal self-harm after psychiatric hospital discharge: time series analysis
David Gunnell, Chris Metcalfe, David While, Keith Hawton, Davidson Ho, Louis Appleby, and Nav Kapur
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 233-238

Morale in the English mental health workforce: questionnaire survey
Sonia Johnson, David P. J. Osborn, Ricardo Araya, Elizabeth Wearn, Moli Paul, Mai Stafford, Nigel Wellman, Fiona Nolan, Helen Killaspy, Brynmor Lloyd-Evans, Emma Anderson, and Stephen J. Wood
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 239-246

Extrapyramidal side-effects and antipsychotics: are second-generation agents still indicated?
Kiriakos Xenitidis, Colin Campbell, and Henk S. Temmingh
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 247

Authors reply
Kiriakos Xenitidis, Colin Campbell, Michael J. Peluso, Shôn W. Lewis, Thomas R. E. Barnes, and Peter B. Jones
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 247-248

Epidemiological challenges in systematic reviews
Kiriakos Xenitidis, Colin Campbell, Golam M. Khandaker, James B. Kirkbride, and Peter B. Jones
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 248

The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 248

Book reviews
The Locked Ward: Memoirs of a Psychiatric Orderly
Allan Beveridge, Femi Oyebode, Rosalind Ramsay, and Rebecca J. Lawrence
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 249

Infinity Net: The Autobiography of Yayoi Kusama
Allan Beveridge, Femi Oyebode, Rosalind Ramsay, and Femi Oyebode
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 249-250

Care in the Community - poems by doctors
Raymond Miller
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 171

The autoimmune mind - extra
Shabbir Amanullah
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 174

Woyzeck by Georg Buchner - in 100 words
Iain McClure
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 198

So This is Death - poem: For Naomi, 1966–2003
Bear Loveday Tyler
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 206

From the Editor's desk
From the Editor s desk
Peter Tyrer
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012;201 252

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