Fwd: The British Journal of Psychiatry Future Table of Contents for 1 November 2012; Vol. 201, No. 5

BJP -- Future Table of Contents Alert
A new future TOC for The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online for the issue:
November 2012; Vol. 201, No. 5
This Future Table of Contents is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/future/201.5.shtml

These articles have been accepted for this issue. Change is possible before publication.

Mathematical models as an aid for improving the validity of descriptive psychiatry
I. M. Goodyer
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)
Depression and cardiovascular disease: the end of simple models
P. de Jonge and A. M. Roest
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)
Preventive strategies in depression: gathering evidence for risk factors and potential interventions
M. Berk and F. Jacka
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)
The new generation of psychosocial interventions for dementia care
M. Orrell
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)

Review article
Improving quality of life for people with dementia in care homes: making psychosocial interventions work
V. Lawrence, J. Fossey, C. Ballard, E. Moniz-Cook and J. Murray
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)

Cardiovascular fitness in males at age 18 and risk of serious depression in adulthood: Swedish prospective population-based study
M. A. I. Aberg, M. Waern. J. Nyberg, N. L. Pedersen, Y. Bergh, N. D. Aberg, M. Nilsson, H. G. Kuhn and K. Toren
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)
Effect of vitamin D Supplement on depression scores in people with low levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D: nested case-control study and randomised clinical trial
M. Kjaergaard, K. Waterloo, C. E. A. Wang, B. Almas, Y. Figenschau, M. S. Hutchinson, J. Svartberg and R. Jorde
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)
Prediction of longer-term outcome of treatment-resistant depression in tertiary care
A. Fekadu, L. J. Rane, S. C. Wooderson, K. Markopoulou, L. Poon and A. J. Cleare
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)
Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of olanzapine in patients with bipolar I depression
M. Tohen, D. P. McDonnell, M. Case, S. Kanba, K. Ha, Y. R. Fang, H. Katagiri and J.-C. Gomez
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)
Betel-quid dependence and oral potentially malignant disoders in six Asian countries
C.-H. Lee, A. M.-S. Ko, C.-F. Yen, K.-S. Chu, Y.-J. Gao, S. Warnakulasuriya, Sunarjo, S. O. Ibrahim, R. B. Zain, W. K. Patrick and Y.-C. Ko
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)
Out-patient psychological therapies for adults with anorexia nervosa: randomised controlled trial
U. Schmidt, A. Oldershaw, F. Jichi, L. Sternheim, H. Startup, V. McIntosh, J. Jordan, K. Tchanturia, G. Wolff, M. Rooney, S. Landau and J. Treasure
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)
Anxiety, distress and anger among British nationals in Japan following the Fukushima nuclear accident
G. J. Rubin, R. Amlot, S. Wessely and N. Greenberg
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)

Short report
Frontal information flow and connectivity in psychopathy
Y. Yang, A. Raine, A. A. Joshi, S. Joshi, Y.-T. Chang, R. A. Schug, D. Wheland, R. Leahy and K. L. Narr
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (5)

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