Daily Digest - Effect of heart rate reduction by atenolol or ivabradine on peripheral endothelial function in type 2 diabetic patients

MDLinx® Internal Med

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Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012
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General Internal Med Articles for October 24, 2012

Ranked, sorted, and summarized by MDLinx editors from the latest literature
193 new articles from 83 contributor journals scanned today (see the list)


Effect of heart rate reduction by atenolol or ivabradine on peripheral endothelial function in type 2 diabetic patients

Addition of either pioglitazone or a sulfonylurea in type 2 diabetic patients inadequately controlled with metformin alone: Impact on cardiovascular events. A randomized controlled trial
Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases   

Metabolic Syndrome Risk Profiles Among African American Adolescents: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003–2010
Diabetes Care   


The role of social support in anxiety for persons with COPD
Journal of Psychosomatic Research   

Genetic predictors of response to serotonergic and noradrenergic antidepressants in major depressive disorder: a genome–wide analysis of individual–level data and a meta–analysis
PLoS Medicine   Free Full Text   

Identification of and Beliefs About Depressive Symptoms and Preferred Treatment Approaches Among Community–Living Older African Americans
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry   


Serum tight–junction proteins predict hemorrhagic transformation in ischemic stroke patients

Clinical correlates and diagnostic utility of osmophobia in migraine

Cognitive Effects of Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease: A Controlled Study
European Neurology   

Other internal-medicine Articles

Diet and fatty acid pattern among patients with SLE: associations with disease activity, blood lipids and atherosclerosis

Effect of iron supplementation in women with chronic cough and iron deficiency
International Journal of Clinical Practice   

Do we need to take calcium with vitamin D supplements to prevent falls, fractures, and death?
Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care   

Now in Full Text

Impact of in-hospital major bleeding on late clinical outcomes after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in acute myocardial infarction: the horizons-ami (harmonizing outcomes with revascularization and stents in acute myocardial infarction) trial Full Text   
JACC - Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Concurrent vs Sequential Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Hormone Therapy in Breast Cancer: A Multicenter Randomized Phase III Trial Full Text   
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Ten-Year Course of Borderline Personality Disorder: Psychopathology and Function From the Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study Full Text   
Archives of General Psychiatry

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