The British Journal of Psychiatry Future Table of Contents for 1 December 2012; Vol. 201, No. 6

BJP -- Future Table of Contents Alert
A new future TOC for The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online for the issue:
December 2012; Vol. 201, No. 6
This Future Table of Contents is available online at:

These articles have been accepted for this issue. Change is possible before publication.

Rebalancing academic psychiatry: why it needs to happen - and soon
A. Kleinman
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)
Remembering the self in schizophrenia
A. Watson, V. Barker, J. Hall and S. M.Lawrie
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)
Clinician hesitation prior to clozapine initiation: is it justifiable?
M. X. Patel
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)
Role of the Prescribing Observatory for Mental Health
T. R. E. Barnes and C. Paton
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)

Special article
Psychiatry beyond the current paradigm
P. Bracken, P. Thomas, S. Timimi, E. Asen, G. Behr, C. Beuster, S. Bhunnoo, I. Browne, N. Chhina, D. Double, S. Downer, C. Evans, S. Fernando, M. R. Garland, W. Hopkins, R. Huws, B. Johnson, B. Martindale, H. Middleton, D. Moldavsky, J. Moncrieff, S. Mullins, J. Nelki, M. Pizzo, J. Rodger, M. Smyth, D. Summerfield, J. Wallace and D. Yeomans
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)

Review article
Differences in the prescribing of medication for physical disorders in individuals with v. without mental illness: meta-analysis
A. J. Mitchell, O. Lord and D. Malone
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)

Disease burden and mental health system capacity: WHO Atlas study of 117 low- and middle-income countries
R. McBain, C. Salhi, J. E. Morris, J. A. Salomon and T. S. Betancourt
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)
Effective treatment of perinatal depression for women in debt and lacking financial empowerment in a low-income country
A. Rahman, S. Sikander, A. Malik, I. Ahmed, B. Tomenson and F. Creed
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)
Life-event specificity: bipolar disorder compared with unipolar depression
G. M. Hosang, A. Korszun, L. Jones, I. Jones, P. McGuffin and A. E. Farmer
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)
Factors associated with suicidal thoughts in a large community study of older adults
O. P. Almeida, B. Draper, J. Snowdon, N. T. Lautenschlager, J. Pirkis, G. Byrne, M. Sim, N. Stocks, L. Flicker and J. J. Pfaff
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)
Neural basis of autobiographical memory retrieval in schizophrenia
C. Cuervo-Lombard, C. Lemogne, F. Gierski, C. Bera-Potelle, E. Tran, C. Portefaix, A. Kaladjian, L. Pierot and F. Limosin
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)
Adherence to treatment guidelines in clinical practice: study of antipsychotic treatment prior to clozapine initiation
O. D. Howes, F. Vergunst, S. Gee, P. McGuire, S. Kapur and D. Taylor
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)
Caregivers' appraisals of patients' involuntary hospital treatment: European multicentre study
D. Giacco, A. Fiorillo, V. Del Vecchio, T. Kallert, G. Onchev, J. Raboch, A. Mastrogianni, A. Nawka, T. Hadrys, L. Kjellin, M. Luciano, C. De Rosa, M. Maj and S. Priebe
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2012 201 (6)

© 2012 The Royal College of Psychiatrists.

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