Fwd: The British Journal of Psychiatry Table of Contents for 1 April 2013; Vol. 202, No. s55


Evaluation of the Time to Change programme in England 2008-2011
Claire Henderson and Graham Thornicroft
BJP April 2013 202:s45-s48; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.112.112896 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

Anti-stigma campaigns: time to change
Michael Smith
BJP April 2013 202:s49-s50; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.126813 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE


Public knowledge, attitudes and behaviour regarding people with mental illness in England 2009-2012
Sara Evans-Lacko, Claire Henderson, and Graham Thornicroft
BJP April 2013 202:s51-s57; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.112.112979 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

Experiences of discrimination among people using mental health services in England 2008-2011
E. Corker, S. Hamilton, C. Henderson, C. Weeks, V. Pinfold, D. Rose, P. Williams, C. Flach, V. Gill, E. Lewis-Holmes, and G. Thornicroft
BJP April 2013 202:s58-s63; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.112.112912 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

Newspaper coverage of mental illness in England 2008-2011
Amalia Thornicroft, Robert Goulden, Guy Shefer, Danielle Rhydderch, Diana Rose, Paul Williams, Graham Thornicroft, and Claire Henderson
BJP April 2013 202:s64-s69; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.112.112920 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

Mental health problems in the workplace: changes in employers' knowledge, attitudes and practices in England 2006-2010
Claire Henderson, Paul Williams, Kirsty Little, and Graham Thornicroft
BJP April 2013 202:s70-s76; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.112.112938 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

Influence of Time to Change's social marketing interventions on stigma in England 2009-2011
Sara Evans-Lacko, Estelle Malcolm, Keon West, Diana Rose, Jillian London, Nicolas RĂ¼sch, Kirsty Little, Claire Henderson, and Graham Thornicroft
BJP April 2013 202:s77-s88; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.126672 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

Anti-stigma training for medical students: the Education Not Discrimination project
Bettina Friedrich, Sara Evans-Lacko, Jillian London, Danielle Rhydderch, Claire Henderson, and Graham Thornicroft
BJP April 2013 202:s89-s94; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.112.114017 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

Economic evaluation of the anti-stigma social marketing campaign in England 2009-2011
Sara Evans-Lacko, Claire Henderson, Graham Thornicroft, and Paul McCrone
BJP April 2013 202:s95-s101; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.112.113746 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE


Time to Change campaign through the eyes of a service user. Invited commentary on . . . Evaluation of England's Time to Change programme
Mary Nettle
BJP April 2013 202:s102-s103; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.127423 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

Time to Change from the perspective of a family member. Invited commentary on . . . Evaluation of England's Time to Change programme
Stephen P. Hinshaw
BJP April 2013 202:s104-s105; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.127043 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

It is time to change our cultural context. Invited commentary on . . . Evaluation of England's Time to Change programme
Bruce G. Link
BJP April 2013 202:s106-s107; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.127431 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

Time to change, time to evaluate. Invited commentary on . . . Evaluation of England's Time to Change programme
Norman Sartorius
BJP April 2013 202:s108-s109; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.126821 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

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